.. include:: project-links.txt .. hack to move down the next note block .. raw:: html
Welcome to the PyValentina documentation! .. note:: The official Home Page of PyValentina is located at |PyValentinaUrl| If you are at http://readthedocs.org then you are reading the so called *latest documentation*. The *latest documentation* |PyValentina@readthedocs-badge| is automatically built from the git repository after each commit. As opposite the |PyValentinaHomePage|_ is built manually and is thus less prone to errors. ============== Installation ============== The procedure to install PyValentina is described in the :ref:`Installation Manual `. =============== Documentation =============== The best way to know what we can do with PyValentina and learn it, is to start with the examples. * :ref:`PyValentina Reference Manual ` ========== Overview ========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :numbered: installation.rst reference-manual.rst .. End