.. _valentina-compatibility-page: ========================= Valentina Compatibility ========================= .. warning:: To be completed To learn more on Valentina format, see the source code: * src/libs/ifc/schema/pattern/v0.6.2.xsd * src/libs/ifc/xml/vpatternconverter.cpp Notice the XSD is not sufficient, there is no complete documentation of the Valentina format. Math Expressions ================ `QMuParser `_ expressions are translated to Python and evaluated on the fly. * ... Measurements ============ Calculations ============ =================================== === ======================================================================================================================== Feature Description =================================== === ======================================================================================================================== arc/arcWithLength N arc/simple N elArc/simple N line Y Construct a line defined by two points operation/flippingByAxis N operation/flippingByLine N operation/moving N operation/rotation N point/alongLine Y Construct a point from two points defining a direction and a length point/bisector N point/curveIntersectAxis N point/cutArc N point/cutSpline N point/cutSplinePath N point/endLine Y Construct a point from a base point and a vector defined by an angle and a length point/height N point/lineIntersect Y Construct a point from the intersection of two segments defined by four points point/lineIntersectAxis N point/normal Y Construct a point at a distance of the first point on the rotated normal of a line defined by two points point/pointFromArcAndTangent N point/pointFromCircleAndTangent N point/pointOfContact N point/pointOfIntersection Y Construct a point from the x coordinate of a fist point and the y coordinate of a second point point/pointOfIntersectionArcs N point/pointOfIntersectionCircles N point/pointOfIntersectionCurves N point/shoulder N point/single Y Construct a point from coordinate point/triangle N point/trueDarts N spline/cubicBezier N spline/cubicBezierPath N spline/pathInteractive N spline/simpleInteractive Y Construct a quadratic Bezier curve from two extremity points and two control points =================================== === ======================================================================================================================== Graphic Properties ================== * line styles * colors Detail ====== * ... Valentina File Examples ======================= Measurements .vit Example ------------------------- .. literalinclude:: example.vit :language: xml Pattern .val Example -------------------- .. literalinclude:: operations-demo.val :language: xml .. literalinclude:: detail-demo.val :language: xml