#################################################################################################### # # Patro - A Python library to make patterns for fashion design # Copyright (C) 2017 Fabrice Salvaire # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # #################################################################################################### """Module to implement conic geometry like circle and ellipse. Valentina Requirements * circle with angular domain * circle with start angle and arc length * curvilinear distance on circle * line-circle intersection * circle-circle intersection * point constructed from a virtual circle and a point on a tangent : right triangle * point from tangent circle and segment ??? * ellipse with angular domain and rotation """ #################################################################################################### __all__ = [ 'AngularDomain', 'Circle2D', 'Ellipse2D', ] #################################################################################################### import math from math import fabs, sqrt, radians, pi, cos, sin # , degrees import numpy as np from IntervalArithmetic import Interval2D from Patro.Common.Math.Functions import sign from .BoundingBox import bounding_box_from_points from .Line import Line2D from .Primitive import Primitive, Primitive2DMixin from .Segment import Segment2D #################################################################################################### class AngularDomain: """Class to define an angular domain""" ############################################## def __init__(self, start=0, stop=360, degrees=True): if not degrees: start = math.degrees(start) stop = math.degrees(stop) self.start = start self.stop = stop ############################################## def __clone__(self): return self.__class__(self._start, self._stop) ############################################## @property def start(self): return self._start @start.setter def start(self, value): self._start = float(value) @property def stop(self): return self._stop @stop.setter def stop(self, value): self._stop = float(value) @property def start_radians(self): return radians(self._start) @property def stop_radians(self): return radians(self._stop) ############################################## @property def is_null(self): return self._stop == self._start @property def is_closed(self): return abs(self._stop - self._start) >= 360 @property def is_over_closed(self): return abs(self._stop - self._start) > 360 @property def is_counterclockwise(self): """Return True if start <= stop, e.g. 10 <= 300""" # Fixme: name ??? return self.start <= self.stop @property def is_clockwise(self): """Return True if stop < start, e.g. 300 < 10""" return self.stop < self.start ############################################## @property def length(self): """Return the length for an unitary circle""" if self.is_closed: return 2*pi else: length = self.stop_radians - self.start_radians if self.is_counterclockwise: return length else: return 2*pi - length #################################################################################################### class AngularDomainMixin: ############################################## @property def domain(self): return self._domain @domain.setter def domain(self, value): if value is not None: self._domain = value # Fixme: AngularDomain() ?? else: self._domain = None ############################################## @property def is_closed(self): return self._domain is None ############################################## def start_stop_point(self, start=True): if self._domain is not None: angle = self.domain.start if start else self.domain.stop return self.point_at_angle(angle) else: return None ############################################## @property def start_point(self): return self.start_stop_point(start=True) ############################################## @property def stop_point(self): return self.start_stop_point(start=False) #################################################################################################### class Circle2D(Primitive2DMixin, AngularDomainMixin, Primitive): """Class to implements 2D Circle.""" ############################################## @classmethod def from_two_points(cls, center, point): """Construct a circle from a center point and passing by another point""" return cls(center, (point - center).magnitude) ############################################## @classmethod def from_triangle_circumcenter(cls, triangle): """Construct a circle passing by three point""" return cls.from_two_points(triangle.circumcenter, triangle.p0) ############################################## @classmethod def from_triangle_in_circle(cls, triangle): """Construct the in circle of a triangle""" return triangle.in_circle ############################################## # @classmethod # def from_start_angle_distance(cls, center, radius, start_angle, distance): # """Construct a circle from a center point, a starting angle and a distance point""" # if distance > 2*pi*radius: # domain = None # else: # stop_angle = start_angle + math.degrees(distance / radius) # domain = AngularDomain(start_angle, stop_angle) # return cls(center, radius, domain) ############################################## # Fixme: tangent constructs ... ############################################## def __init__(self, center, radius, domain=None, diameter=False, start_angle=None, distance=None, ): """Construct a 2D circle from a center point and a radius. If the circle is not closed, *domain* is a an :class:`AngularDomain` instance in degrees. If *start_angle and *distance* is given then the stop angle is computed from them. """ if diameter: radius /= 2 self._radius = radius self.center = center if start_angle is not None and distance is not None: if distance > 2*pi*radius: self._domain = None else: stop_angle = start_angle + math.degrees(distance / radius) self._domain = AngularDomain(start_angle, stop_angle) else: self.domain = domain # Fixme: name ??? ############################################## def __repr__(self): return '{0}({1._center}, {1._radius})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self) ############################################## @property def center(self): return self._center @center.setter def center(self, value): self._center = self.__vector_cls__(value) @property def radius(self): return self._radius @radius.setter def radius(self, value): self._radius = value @property def diameter(self): return self._radius * 2 ############################################## @property def eccentricity(self): return 1 @property def perimeter(self): if self._domain is not None: return 2*pi * self._radius else: return self._radius * self._domain.length @property def area(self): # Fixme: domain return pi * self._radius**2 ############################################## def point_at_angle(self, angle): return self.__vector_cls__.from_polar(self._radius, angle) + self._center ############################################## def point_at_distance(self, distance): angle = math.degrees(distance / self._radius) return self.point_at_angle(angle) ############################################## def tangent_at_angle(self, angle): point = self.__vector_cls__.from_polar(self._radius, angle) + self._center tangent = (point - self._center).normal return Line2D(point, tangent) ############################################## @property def bounding_box(self): return self._center.bounding_box.enlarge(self._radius) ############################################## def signed_distance_to_point(self, point): # d = |P - C| - R # < 0 if inside # = 0 on circle # > 0 if outside return (point - self._center).magnitude - self._radius ############################################## def distance_to_point(self, point): return abs(self.signed_distance_to_point(point)) ############################################## def is_point_inside(self, point): return (point - self._center).magnitude_square <= self._radius**2 ############################################## def intersect_segment(self, segment): r"""Compute the intersection of a circle and a segment. Reference * http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-LineIntersection.html * Rhoad et al. 1984, p. 429 * Rhoad, R.; Milauskas, G.; and Whipple, R. Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge, * rev. ed. Evanston, IL: McDougal, Littell & Company, 1984. System of equations .. math:: \begin{split} x^2 + y^2 = r^2 \\ dx \times y = dy \times x - D \end{split} where .. math:: \begin{align} dx &= x1 - x0 \\ dy &= y1 - y0 \\ D &= x0 \times y1 - x1 \times y0 \end{align} """ # Fixme: check domain !!! dx = segment.vector.x dy = segment.vector.y dr2 = dx**2 + dy**2 p0 = segment.p0 - self.center p1 = segment.p1 - self.center D = p0.cross_product(p1) # from sympy import * # x, y, dx, dy, D, r = symbols('x y dx dy D r') # system = [x**2 + y**2 - r**2, dx*y - dy*x + D] # vars = [x, y] # solution = nonlinsolve(system, vars) # solution.subs(dx**2 + dy**2, dr**2) Vector2D = self.__vector_cls__ discriminant = self.radius**2 * dr2 - D**2 if discriminant < 0: return None elif discriminant == 0: # tangent line x = ( D * dy ) / dr2 y = (- D * dx ) / dr2 return Vector2D(x, y) + self.center else: # intersection x_a = D * dy y_a = -D * dx x_b = sign(dy) * dx * sqrt(discriminant) y_b = fabs(dy) * sqrt(discriminant) x0 = (x_a - x_b) / dr2 y0 = (y_a - y_b) / dr2 x1 = (x_a + x_b) / dr2 y1 = (y_a + y_b) / dr2 p0 = Vector2D(x0, y0) + self.center p1 = Vector2D(x1, y1) + self.center return p0, p1 ############################################## def intersect_circle(self, circle): # Fixme: check domain !!! # http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-CircleIntersection.html v = circle.center - self.center d = sign(v.x) * v.magnitude # Equations # x**2 + y**2 = R**2 # (x-d)**2 + y**2 = r**2 x = (d**2 - circle.radius**2 + self.radius**2) / (2*d) y2 = self.radius**2 - x**2 if y2 < 0: return None else: p = self.center + v.normalise() * x if y2 == 0: return p else: n = v.normal() * sqrt(y2) return p - n, p - n ############################################## def bezier_approximation(self): # http://spencermortensen.com/articles/bezier-circle/ # > First approximation: # # 1) The endpoints of the cubic Bézier curve must coincide with the endpoints of the # circular arc, and their first derivatives must agree there. # # 2) The midpoint of the cubic Bézier curve must lie on the circle. # # B(t) = (1-t)**3 * P0 + 3*(1-t)**2*t * P1 + 3*(1-t)*t**2 * P2 + t**3 * P3 # # For an unitary circle : P0 = (0,1) P1 = (c,1) P2 = (1,c) P3 = (1, 0) # # The second constraint provides the value of c = 4/3 * (sqrt(2) - 1) # # The maximum radial drift is 0.027253 % with this approximation. # In this approximation, the Bézier curve always falls outside the circle, except # momentarily when it dips in to touch the circle at the midpoint and endpoints. # # >Better approximation: # # 2) The maximum radial distance from the circle to the Bézier curve must be as small as # possible. # # The first constraint yields the parametric form of the Bézier curve: # B(t) = (x,y), where: # x(t) = 3*c*(1-t)**2*t + 3*(1-t)*t**2 + t**3 # y(t) = 3*c*t**2*(1-t) + 3*t*(1-t)**2 + (1-t)**3 # # The radial distance from the arc to the Bézier curve is: d(t) = sqrt(x**2 + y**2) - 1 # # The Bézier curve touches the right circular arc at its initial endpoint, then drifts # outside the arc, inside, outside again, and finally returns to touch the arc at its # endpoint. # # roots of d : 0, (3*c +- sqrt(-9*c**2 - 24*c + 16) - 2)/(6*c - 4), 1 # # This radial distance function, d(t), has minima at t = 0, 1/2, 1, # and maxima at t = 1/2 +- sqrt(12 - 20*c - 3*c**22)/(4 - 6*c) # # Because the Bézier curve is symmetric about t = 1/2 , the two maxima have the same # value. The radial deviation is minimized when the magnitude of this maximum is equal to # the magnitude of the minimum at t = 1/2. # # This gives the ideal value for c = 0.551915024494 # The maximum radial drift is 0.019608 % with this approximation. # P0 = (0,1) P1 = (c,1) P2 = (1,c) P3 = (1,0) # P0 = (1,0) P1 = (1,-c) P2 = (c,-1) P3 = (0,-1) # P0 = (0,-1) P1 = (-c,-1) P2 = (-1,-c) P3 = (-1,0) # P0 = (-1,0) P1 = (-1,c) P2 = (-c,1) P3 = (0,1) raise NotImplementedError #################################################################################################### class Ellipse2D(Primitive2DMixin, AngularDomainMixin, Primitive): r"""Class to implements 2D Ellipse. A general ellipse in 2D is represented by a center point `C`, an orthonormal set of axis-direction vectors :math:`{U_0 , U_1 }`, and associated extents :math:`e_i` with :math:`e_0 \ge e_1 > 0`. The ellipse points are .. math:: P = C + x_0 U_0 + x_1 U_1 where .. math:: \left(\frac{x_0}{e_0}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{x_1}{e_1}\right)^2 = 1 If :math:`e_0 = e_1`, then the ellipse is a circle with center `C` and radius :math:`e_0`. The orthonormality of the axis directions and Equation (1) imply :math:`x_i = U_i \dot (P − C)`. Substituting this into Equation (2) we obtain .. math:: (P − C)^T M (P − C) = 1 where :math:`M = R D R^T`, `R` is an orthogonal matrix whose columns are :math:`U_0` and :math:`U_1` , and `D` is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are :math:`1/e_0^2` and :math:`1/e_1^2`. """ ####################################### def __init__(self, center, x_radius, y_radius, angle, domain=None): self.center = center self.x_radius = x_radius self.y_radius = y_radius self.angle = angle self.domain = domain self._bounding_box = None ############################################## def __repr__(self): return '{0}({1._center}, {1._x_radius}, {1._x_radius}, {1._angle})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self) ############################################## @property def center(self): return self._center @center.setter def center(self, value): self._center = self.__vector_cls__(value) @property def x_radius(self): return self._x_radius @x_radius.setter def x_radius(self, value): self._x_radius = float(value) @property def y_radius(self): return self._y_radius @y_radius.setter def y_radius(self, value): self._y_radius = float(value) @property def angle(self): return self._angle @angle.setter def angle(self, value): self._angle = float(value) @property def major_vector(self): # Fixme: x < y return self.__vector_cls__.from_polar(self._angle, self._x_radius) @property def minor_vector(self): # Fixme: x < y return self.__vector_cls__.from_polar(self._angle + 90, self._y_radius) ############################################## @property def eccentricity(self): # focal distance # c = sqrt(self._x_radius**2 - self._y_radius**2) # e = c / a return sqrt(1 - (self._y_radius/self._x_radius)**2) ############################################## def matrix(self): # unit circle -> scale(a, b) -> rotation -> translation(xc, yc) angle = radians(self._angle) c = cos(angle) s = sin(angle) c2 = c**2 s2 = s**2 a = self._x_radius b = self._y_radius a2 = a**2 b2 = b**2 xc = self._center.x yc = self._center.y xc2 = xc**2 yc2 = yc**2 A = a2*s + b2*c2 B = 2*(b2 - a2)*c*s C = a2*c2 * b2*s2 D = -2*A*xc - B*yc E = -B*xc - 2*C*yc F = A*xc2 + B*xc*yc + C*yc2 - a2*b2 return np.array(( ( A, B/2, D/2), (B/2, C, E/2), (D/2, E/2, F), )) ############################################## def point_in_ellipse_frame(self, point): return (point - self._center).rotate(-self._angle) def point_from_ellipse_frame(self, point): return self._center + point.rotate(self._angle) ############################################## def point_at_angle(self, angle): # point = self.__vector_cls__.from_ellipse(self._x_radius, self._y_radius, angle) # return self.point_from_ellipse_frame(point) point = self.__vector_cls__.from_ellipse(self._x_radius, self._y_radius, self._angle + angle) return self._center + point ############################################## @property def bounding_box(self): if self._bounding_box is None: x_radius, y_radius = self._x_radius, self._y_radius if self._angle == 0: bounding_box = self._center.bounding_box bounding_box.x.enlarge(x_radius) bounding_box.y.enlarge(y_radius) self._bounding_box = bounding_box else: angle_x = self._angle angle_y = angle_x + 90 Vector2D = self.__vector_cls__ points = [self._center + offset for offset in ( Vector2D.from_polar(angle_x, x_radius), Vector2D.from_polar(angle_x, -x_radius), Vector2D.from_polar(angle_y, y_radius), Vector2D.from_polar(angle_y, -y_radius), )] self._bounding_box = bounding_box_from_points(points) return self._bounding_box ############################################## @staticmethod def _robust_length(x, y): if x < y: x, y = y, x return abs(x) * math.sqrt(1 + (y/x)**2) ############################################## def _distance_point_bisection(self, r0, z0, z1, g): n0 = r0 * z0 s0 = z1 - 1 if g < 0: s1 = 0 else: s1 = self._robust_length(n0 , z1) - 1 s = 0 MAX_ITERATION = 1074 # for double for i in range(MAX_ITERATION): s = (s0 + s1) / 2 if s == s0 or s == s1: break ratio0 = n0 / (s + r0) ratio1 = z1 / (s + 1) g = ratio0**2 + ratio1**2 -1 if g > 0: s0 = s elif g < 0: s1 = s else: break return s ############################################## def _eberly_distance(self, point): """Compute distance to point using the algorithm described in Distance from a Point to an Ellipse, an Ellipsoid, or a Hyperellipsoid David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 September 28, 2018 https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/Documentation.html https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/DistancePointEllipseEllipsoid.pdf The point is expressed in the ellipse coordinate system. The preconditions are e0 ≥ e1 > 0, y0 ≥ 0, and y1 ≥ 0. """ # Fixme: make a 3D plot to check the algorithm on a 2D grid and rotated ellipse y0, y1 = point e0, e1 = self._x_radius, self._y_radius if y1 > 0: if y0 > 0: z0 = y0 / e0 z1 = y1 / e1 g = z0**2 + z1**2 - 1 if g != 0: r0 = (e0 / e1)**2 sbar = self._distance_point_bisection(r0, z0, z1, g) x0 = r0 * y0 / (sbar + r0) x1 = y1 / (sbar + 1) distance = math.sqrt((x0 - y0)**2 + (x1 - y1)**2) else: x0 = y0 x1 = y1 distance = 0 else: # y0 == 0 x0 = 0 x1 = e1 distance = abs(y1 - e1) else: # y1 == 0 numer0 = e0 * y0 denom0 = e0**2 - e1**2 if numer0 < denom0: xde0 = numer0 / denom0 x0 = e0 * xde0 x1 = e1 * math.sqrt(1 - xde0**2) distance = math.sqrt((x0 - y0)**2 + x1**2) else: x0 = e0 x1 = 0 distance = abs(y0 - e0) return distance, self.__vector_cls__(x0, x1) ############################################## def distance_to_point(self, point, return_point=False, is_inside=False): # Fixme: can be transform the problem to a circle using transformation ??? point_in_frame = self.point_in_ellipse_frame(point) point_in_frame_abs = self.__vector_cls__(abs(point_in_frame.x), abs(point_in_frame.y)) distance, point_in_ellipse = self._eberly_distance(point_in_frame_abs) if is_inside: # Fixme: right ??? return ( (point_in_frame_abs - self._center).magnitude_square <= (point_in_ellipse - self._center).magnitude_square ) elif return_point: point_in_ellipse = self.__vector_cls__( sign(point_in_frame.x)*(point_in_ellipse.x), sign(point_in_frame.y)*(point_in_ellipse.y), ) point_in_ellipse = self.point_from_ellipse_frame(point_in_ellipse) return distance, point_in_ellipse else: return distance ############################################## def is_point_inside(self, point): return self.distance_to_point(point, is_inside=True) ############################################## def intersect_segment(self, segment): # Fixme: to be checked # Map segment in ellipse frame and scale y axis so as to transform the ellipse to a circle y_scale = self._x_radius / self._y_radius points = [self.point_in_ellipse_frame(point) for point in segment.points] points = [self.__vector_cls__(point.x, point.y * y_scale) for point in points] segment_in_frame = Segment2D(*points) circle = Circle2D(self.__vector_cls__(0, 0), self._x_radius) points = circle.intersect_segment(segment_in_frame) points = [self.__vector_cls__(point.x, point.y / y_scale) for point in points] points = [self.point_from_ellipse_frame(point) for point in points] return points ############################################## def intersect_conic(self, conic): """ Reference * Intersection of Ellipses * David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 * June 23, 2015 * https://www.geometrictools.com/ * https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/IntersectionOfEllipses.pdf """ raise NotImplementedError