#include "simul/robot.h" #include #include "odometrie.h" #include "asservissement.h" #include "strategie.h" #include //Odometrie class implementation for the simulation //Yes, it's ugly ! it should not be in this file. //But in a separate file Odometrie::Odometrie(Robot* robot) : robot(robot) { } PositionPlusAngle Odometrie::getPos() { return robot->getPos(); } Distance Odometrie::getVitesseLineaire() { return robot->getVitesseLineaire(); } Angle Odometrie::getVitesseAngulaire() { return robot->getVitesseAngulaire(); } void Odometrie::setPos(PositionPlusAngle p) { robot->setPos(p); } ///////// Robot::Robot(b2World & world) : world(world), olds(10000) { manual = false; level = 0; odometrie = new Odometrie(this); asservissement = new Asservissement(odometrie); strategie = new Strategie(true, odometrie); //asservissement->strategie = strategie; pos = odometrie->getPos(); deriv.position.x = 0; deriv.position.y = 0; deriv.angle = 0; b2BodyDef bodyDef; #ifndef BOX2D_2_0_1 bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody; #endif bodyDef.position.Set(pos.position.x/100., pos.position.y/100.); bodyDef.angle = pos.angle; body = world.CreateBody(&bodyDef); #ifdef BOX2D_2_0_1 b2PolygonDef box; b2PolygonDef &fixture = box; #define CreateFixture CreateShape #else b2PolygonShape box; b2FixtureDef fixture; fixture.shape = &box; #endif fixture.density = 10.0f; fixture.friction = 1.0f; box.SetAsBox(0.45f,1.8f,b2Vec2(-0.,0),0); body->CreateFixture(&fixture); #ifdef BOX2D_2_0_1 b2Vec2* v = box.vertices; box.vertexCount = 4; #else b2Vec2 v[4]; #endif int inc = 0; v[inc++].Set(1.80+0.45,1.80); v[inc++].Set(.0+0.45,1.80); v[inc++].Set(0+0.45,1.); v[inc++].Set(1.80+0.45,1.); #ifndef BOX2D_2_0_1 box.Set(v, 4); #endif body->CreateFixture(&fixture); inc = 0; v[inc++].Set(1.80+0.45,-1.); v[inc++].Set(0.+0.45,-1.); v[inc++].Set(.0+0.45,-1.80); v[inc++].Set(1.80+0.45,-1.80); #ifndef BOX2D_2_0_1 box.Set(v, 4); #endif body->CreateFixture(&fixture); #ifdef BOX2D_2_0_1 body->SetMassFromShapes(); #endif //Little hack so that linear and angular speed of the object //are those of the local coord (0,0) of the robot. //We don't really care of the mass center accuracy. b2MassData md; body->GetMassData(&md); md.center = b2Vec2(0,0); body->SetMassData(&md); } Robot::~Robot() { delete asservissement; delete odometrie; delete strategie; world.DestroyBody(body); } void Robot::updateForces(int dt) { if(dt == 0) return; Position impulse; impulse.x = (deriv.position.x*(float)cos(pos.angle) - deriv.position.y*(float)sin(pos.angle)); impulse.y = (deriv.position.x*(float)sin(pos.angle) + deriv.position.y*(float)cos(pos.angle)); float32 rdt = 1000./(float)dt; b2Vec2 bvelocity = 0.01*rdt*b2Vec2(impulse.x,impulse.y); float bangular = deriv.angle*rdt; //body->ApplyForce(10*body->GetMass()*(bimpulse - body->GetLinearVelocity()), body->GetWorldCenter()); //body->ApplyTorque((bangular - body->GetAngularVelocity())*body->GetInertia()); body->SetLinearVelocity(bvelocity); body->SetAngularVelocity(bangular); } void Robot::paint(QPainter &p, int dt) { if(dt) { pos.position.x = 100*body->GetPosition().x; pos.position.y = 100*body->GetPosition().y; pos.angle = body->GetAngle(); float rdt = (float)dt/1000.; deriv.angle = body->GetAngularVelocity()*rdt; float derx = 100*body->GetLinearVelocity().x*rdt; float dery = 100*body->GetLinearVelocity().y*rdt; deriv.position.x = derx*cos(pos.angle) + dery*sin(pos.angle); deriv.position.y = 0; olds.push_back(pos); if(manual) { keyPressEvent(NULL,false); deriv.position.x = deriv.position.x* 0.97f; deriv.angle = deriv.angle * 0.9; } else { Asservissement::asservissement->update(); deriv.position.x = asservissement->getLinearSpeed(); deriv.position.y = 0; deriv.angle = asservissement->getAngularSpeed(); } } p.setWorldTransform(QTransform().translate(pos.position.x,-pos.position.y).rotateRadians(-pos.angle)); p.setPen(QColor(Qt::black)); p.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(90,90,90))); p.setOpacity(.3); QPoint po[10]; int inc = 0; po[inc++] = QPoint(-90+45,180.); po[inc++] = QPoint(-90+45,-180.); po[inc++] = QPoint(180+45,-180); po[inc++] = QPoint(180+45,-100); po[inc++] = QPoint(0+45,-100); po[inc++] = QPoint(0+45,100); po[inc++] = QPoint(180+45,100); po[inc++] = QPoint(180+45,180); p.drawConvexPolygon(po, 8); // p.drawChord(-103/2 + 104, -107, 2*103, 215, 16*90, 16*180); //p.drawRect(-268, -179.5, 268, 359); //drawTriangle(p, 0, 0, 65, 0, 60, 0); p.setOpacity(1); p.setPen(QColor(Qt::red)); p.drawLine(0,0,pos.position.x,0); p.drawLine(0,100*pos.angle,0,0); p.setWorldTransform(QTransform()); p.setPen(QColor(Qt::green)); for(unsigned int i=0; i+1 < olds.size(); i++) p.drawLine(olds[i].position.x, -olds[i].position.y, olds[i+1].position.x, -olds[i+1].position.y); } #define IF_KEYSWITCH(n,a) \ static bool n=false; \ if(evt) n= a ? press : n; if(n) void Robot::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* evt, bool press) { if(evt && press && evt->text() == "e" && !evt->isAutoRepeat()) manual = !manual; if(evt && press && evt->text() == "u" && !evt->isAutoRepeat()) { level = (level != 100) ? 100 : 0; #ifdef BOX2D_2_0_1 #define b2Filter b2FilterData #define GetFixtureList GetShapeList #endif b2Filter filter; if(level == 100) { filter.categoryBits = 0x4; filter.maskBits = 0x3; } else { filter.maskBits = 0x3; filter.categoryBits = 0x1; } } if(manual) { float dinc = .5; float ainc = 0.005; IF_KEYSWITCH(avant,evt->key() == Qt::Key_Up) deriv.position.x += dinc; IF_KEYSWITCH(arriere,evt->key() == Qt::Key_Down) deriv.position.x -= dinc; IF_KEYSWITCH(gauche,evt->key() == Qt::Key_Right) deriv.angle -= ainc; IF_KEYSWITCH(droite,evt->key() == Qt::Key_Left) deriv.angle += ainc; } } void Robot::setLevel() { level = (level != 100) ? 100 : 0; #ifdef BOX2D_2_0_1 #define b2Filter b2FilterData #define GetFixtureList GetShapeList #endif b2Filter filter; if(level == 100) { filter.categoryBits = 0x4; filter.maskBits = 0x3; } else { filter.maskBits = 0x3; filter.categoryBits = 0x1; } } PositionPlusAngle Robot::getPos() { return pos; } void Robot::setPos(PositionPlusAngle p) { pos = p; return; } Angle Robot::getVitesseAngulaire() { return deriv.angle; } Distance Robot::getVitesseLineaire() { return deriv.position.getNorme(); }