TARGET = majiks TEMPLATE = app QT += core gui widgets QT += bluetooth CONFIG += console c++11 warn_on # By default, QtSerialPort is not compiled with Qt for Android. # Since direct serial communications are only usefull for desktops anyway, it's easier to disable it entierely. !android:CONFIG += serial # Disabled because of an obnoxious bug in GCC (struct A = {0} triggers the warning even though it's legal) win32-g++:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-missing-field-initializers # The config when serial coms are enabled serial { QT += serialport DEFINES += SERIAL_ENABLED SOURCES += serialproxy/serialproxy.cpp \ subwindows/serialportmanagementwidget.cpp HEADERS += serialproxy/serialproxy.h \ subwindows/serialportmanagementwidget.h } # Check if QWT_ROOT is defined as an environment variable _QWT_ROOT = $$(QWT_ROOT) isEmpty(_QWT_ROOT) { error("Please set QWT_ROOT as an environment variable.") } # NB: you HAVE to set QWT_ROOT as an env variable yourself # (it points to the folder where you compiled Qwt) # We are not using the 'module' install because it is broken on several platforms # qwt.prf should setup everything nicely... include ( $(QWT_ROOT)/features/qwt.prf ) LIBS += -lqwt # Qwt is VERY finicky when it comes to Android... # There has to be a better way to include and by default directly from Qt, but I couldn't find it. android:ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS += $$(QWT_ROOT)/lib/ $$(QWT_ROOT)/lib/ $$(QWT_ROOT)/lib/ # qwt.prf is broken for Android (the config is confused by the X-compil and uses Unix settings instead of the host's...) android:INCLUDEPATH += $$(QWT_ROOT)/include android:QMAKE_LIBDIR += $$(QWT_ROOT)/lib # For KrabiPacket INCLUDEPATH += ../../stm32/include/hardware DEFINES += BLUETOOTH # Winsock config win32 { HEADERS += bluetoothproxy/bluetoothproxywinsock.h SOURCES += bluetoothproxy/bluetoothproxywinsock.cpp DEFINES += BLUETOOTH_USING_WINSOCK LIBS += -lws2_32 } # Sources files used by every config # (note: used by both QtCreator for the project view AND by the linker - don't forget to call qmake when changing those) SOURCES += main.cpp \ magiks.cpp \ ../../stm32/src/hardware/krabipacket.cpp \ subwindows/asservwindow.cpp \ subwindows/watchwindow.cpp \ subwindows/bluetoothmanagementwidget.cpp \ subwindows/odometrywindow.cpp \ subwindows/loggerwidget.cpp \ subwindows/plotwidget.cpp \ subwindows/tablewidget.cpp \ subwindows/remotewidget.cpp \ bluetoothproxy/bluetoothproxy.cpp \ bluetoothproxy/bluetoothproxyqt5.cpp \ packetprocessor.cpp \ timemaster.cpp \ bluetoothtestserver.cpp \ subwindows/movementsettingswidget.cpp \ serialproxy/abstractserialproxy.cpp \ subwindows/serialmanagementwidget.cpp # Headers files used by every config # (note: only useful for the project view in QtCreator) HEADERS += magiks.h \ ../../stm32/include/hardware/krabipacket.h \ bluetoothproxy/bluetoothproxy.h \ bluetoothproxy/bluetoothproxyqt5.h \ subwindows/asservwindow.h \ subwindows/watchwindow.h \ subwindows/odometrywindow.h \ subwindows/bluetoothmanagementwidget.h \ subwindows/loggerwidget.h \ subwindows/tablewidget.h \ subwindows/plotwidget.h \ subwindows/remotewidget.h \ packetprocessor.h \ timemaster.h \ bluetoothtestserver.h \ subwindows/movementsettingswidget.h \ serialproxy/abstractserialproxy.h \ subwindows/serialmanagementwidget.h FORMS += \ subwindows/asservwindow.ui \ subwindows/odometrywindow.ui \ subwindows/watchwindow.ui