From c2c6b55515464186bb40bf4f6a51ddb9a6e37a08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: patacongo <patacongo@42af7a65-404d-4744-a932-0658087f49c3>
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 19:05:45 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add logic to init global data on bootup

git-svn-id: svn:// 42af7a65-404d-4744-a932-0658087f49c3
 TODO                                          |  7 ++-
 arch/z80/src/Makefile                         | 27 +++++++----
 arch/z80/src/common/up_head.asm               | 47 ++++++++++++++++---
 arch/z80/src/common/up_restoreusercontext.asm |  1 +
 arch/z80/src/common/up_saveusercontext.asm    |  2 +-
 5 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index a6e21812aa..67d4828a00 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ NuttX TODO List (Last updated December 13, 2007)
   (0)  ARM/C5471 (arch/arm/src/c5471/)
   (1)  ARM/DM320 (arch/arm/src/dm320/)
   (2)  ARM/LPC214x (arch/arm/src/lpc214x/)
-  (3)  pjrc-8052 / MCS51 (arch/pjrc-8051/)
+  (4)  pjrc-8052 / MCS51 (arch/pjrc-8051/)
   (0)  z80 (arch/z80/)
 o Task/Scheduler (sched/)
@@ -306,6 +306,11 @@ o pjrc-8052 / MCS51 (arch/pjrc-8051/)
   Status:      Open
   Priority:    Medium
+  Description  Global data is not being initialized.  Logic like that of SDCCs
+               crt0*.s needs to be incorporated into the system boot logic
+  Status:      Open
+  Priority:    Low -- only because there as so many other issues with 8051
 o z80 (arch/z80)
diff --git a/arch/z80/src/Makefile b/arch/z80/src/Makefile
index 8917a4402e..a72171e7ab 100644
--- a/arch/z80/src/Makefile
+++ b/arch/z80/src/Makefile
@@ -126,12 +126,8 @@ $(COBJS): %$(OBJEXT): %.c
 	@cat $(SDCCLIBDIR)/$(SDCCLIB) | \
-		grep -v calloc   | grep -v malloc   | grep -v realloc  | \
-		grep -v free     | grep -v getenv   | grep -v vprintf  | \
-		grep -v sprintf  | grep -v _strncpy | grep -v _strchr  | \
-		grep -v _strlen  | grep -v _strcmp  | grep -v _strcpy  | \
-		grep -v _memcmp  | grep -v _memcpy  | grep -v _memset  | \
-		grep -v crt0 \
+		grep -v alloc | grep -v free | grep -v printf | \
+		grep -v _str  | grep -v _mem | grep -v crt0\.o \
 		> myz80.lib
 	@sudo mv -f myz80.lib $(SDCCLIBDIR)/myz80.lib
@@ -149,6 +145,13 @@ up_mem.h:
 	@echo "#endif /* __ARCH_MEM_H */" >>up_mem.h
+	@echo "	UP_COMPILER_OTHER	== 0" > asm_mem.h
+	@echo "	UP_COMPILER_SDCC	== 1" >> asm_mem.h
+ifeq ($(CC),sdcc)
+	@echo "	UP_COMPILER	== 1" >> asm_mem.h
+	@echo "	UP_COMPILER	== 0" >> asm_mem.h
 	@echo "	UP_STACK_END	== ($(CONFIG_DRAM_SIZE) - 1)" >> asm_mem.h
 	@echo "	UP_STACK_BASE	== (UP_STACK_END - $(CONFIG_PROC_STACK_SIZE))" >> asm_mem.h
 	@echo "	UP_HEAP1_END	== (UP_STACK_END - $(CONFIG_PROC_STACK_SIZE) - 1)" >> asm_mem.h
@@ -170,7 +173,8 @@ board/libboard$(LIBEXT):
 # This target builds the final executable
 pass1.ihx: up_mem.h asm_mem.h $(SDCCLIBDIR)/myz80.lib $(HEAD_AOBJ) board/libboard$(LIBEXT)
-	@echo "-k $(BOARDDIR)" >pass1.lnk		# Path to board library
+	@echo "--" >pass1.lnk				# Non-interactive
+	@echo "-k $(BOARDDIR)" >>pass1.lnk		# Path to board library
 	@echo "-k $(SDCCLIBDIR)" >>pass1.lnk		# Path to SDCC z80 library
 	@echo "-l libboard$(LIBEXT)" >>pass1.lnk	# Name of board library
 	@for LIB in $(LINKLIBS); do \
@@ -180,8 +184,9 @@ pass1.ihx: up_mem.h asm_mem.h $(SDCCLIBDIR)/myz80.lib $(HEAD_AOBJ) board/libboar
 	@echo "-b START=0" >>pass1.lnk			# Start of START area
 	@echo "-b _CODE=256" >>pass1.lnk		# Start of _CODE area
 	@echo "-i" >>pass1.lnk				# Intel hex format
-	@echo "-m" >>pass1.lnk			# Generate a map file
-	@echo "-j" >>pass1.lnk			# Generate a symbol file
+	@echo "-x" >>pass1.lnk				# Hexadecimal
+	@echo "-m" >>pass1.lnk				# Generate a map file
+	@echo "-j" >>pass1.lnk				# Generate a symbol file
 	@echo "pass1.ihx" >>pass1.lnk			# Path to head object
 	@echo "$(HEAD_AOBJ)" >>pass1.lnk		# Path to head object
 	@echo "-e" >>pass1.lnk				# End of script
@@ -192,7 +197,8 @@ pass1.ihx: up_mem.h asm_mem.h $(SDCCLIBDIR)/myz80.lib $(HEAD_AOBJ) board/libboar
 nuttx.ihx: up_mem.h asm_mem.h $(SDCCLIBDIR)/myz80.lib $(HEAD_AOBJ) board/libboard$(LIBEXT)
-	@echo "-k $(BOARDDIR)" >nuttx.lnk		# Path to board library
+	@echo "--" >nuttx.lnk				# Non-interactive
+	@echo "-k $(BOARDDIR)" >>nuttx.lnk		# Path to board library
 	@echo "-k $(SDCCLIBDIR)" >>nuttx.lnk		# Path to SDCC z80 library
 	@echo "-l libboard$(LIBEXT)" >>nuttx.lnk	# Name of board library
 	@for LIB in $(LINKLIBS); do \
@@ -202,6 +208,7 @@ nuttx.ihx: up_mem.h asm_mem.h $(SDCCLIBDIR)/myz80.lib $(HEAD_AOBJ) board/libboar
 	@echo "-b START=0" >>nuttx.lnk			# Start of START area
 	@echo "-b _CODE=256" >>nuttx.lnk		# Start of _CODE area
 	@echo "-i" >>nuttx.lnk				# Intel hex format
+	@echo "-x" >>nuttx.lnk				# Hexadecimal
 	@echo "-m" >>nuttx.lnk				# Generate a map file
 	@echo "-j" >>nuttx.lnk				# Generate a symbol file
 	@echo "nuttx.ihx" >>nuttx.lnk			# Path to head object
diff --git a/arch/z80/src/common/up_head.asm b/arch/z80/src/common/up_head.asm
index 3ebecda386..b9abf69f7f 100644
--- a/arch/z80/src/common/up_head.asm
+++ b/arch/z80/src/common/up_head.asm
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 ; Reset entry point
-	.area	START	(ABS)
+	.area	_HEADER	(ABS)
 	.org	0x0000
 	di				; Disable interrupts
@@ -162,17 +162,31 @@
 ; System start logic
+	; Set up the stack pointer at the location determined the Makefile
+	; and stored in asm_mem.h
 	ld	SP, #UP_STACK_END	; Set stack pointer
-	jp	_os_start		; jump to the OS entry point
-	jp	forever
+	; Performed initialization unique to the SDCC toolchain
+	call	gsinit			; Initialize the data section
+	; Then start NuttX
+	call	_os_start		; jump to the OS entry point
+	; NuttX will never return, but just in case...
+	halt				; We should never get here
+	jp	_up_halt
 ; Common Interrupt handler
 	; Create a register frame.  SP points to top of frame + 4, pushes
 	; decrement the stack pointer.  Already have
@@ -241,10 +255,29 @@ _up_rstcommon:
 	ex	af, af'			; Restore AF (before enabling interrupts)
 	ei				; yes
 	ex	af, af'			; Restore AF
+; Ordering of segments for the linker (SDCC only)
+	.area   _HOME
+	.area   _CODE
+	.area   _GSINIT
+	.area   _GSFINAL
+	.area   _DATA
+	.area   _BSS
+	.area   _HEAP
+; Global data initialization logic (SDCC only)
+	.area   _GSINIT
+	.area   _GSFINAL
+	ret
diff --git a/arch/z80/src/common/up_restoreusercontext.asm b/arch/z80/src/common/up_restoreusercontext.asm
index 61a8855b4c..5d34278c2c 100644
--- a/arch/z80/src/common/up_restoreusercontext.asm
+++ b/arch/z80/src/common/up_restoreusercontext.asm
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
 ; up_restoreusercontext
+	.area	_CODE
 	; On entry, stack contains return address (not used), then address
 	; of the register save structure
diff --git a/arch/z80/src/common/up_saveusercontext.asm b/arch/z80/src/common/up_saveusercontext.asm
index b5c0dbb219..bd8f548315 100644
--- a/arch/z80/src/common/up_saveusercontext.asm
+++ b/arch/z80/src/common/up_saveusercontext.asm
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 ; Name: up_saveusercontext
-;	.area	_CODE	(ABS,OVR)
+	.area	_CODE
 	; Set up a stack frame