.. include:: project-links.txt .. _how-to-refer-page: ======================================== How to Refer to PythonicGcodeMachine ? ======================================== Up to now, the official url for PythonicGcodeMachine is |PythonicGcodeMachine@github| *A permanent redirection will be implemented if the domain change in the future.* On Github, you can use the **PythonicGcodeMachine** `topic `_ for repository related to PythonicGcodeMachine. A typical `BibTeX `_ citation would be, for example: .. code:: bibtex @software{PythonicGcodeMachine, author = {Fabrice Salvaire}, % actual author and maintainer title = {PythonicGcodeMachine}, url = {https://github.com/FabriceSalvaire/pythonic-gcode-machine}, version = {x.y}, date = {2018-12-24}, % set to the release date } @Misc{PythonicGcodeMachine, author = {Fabrice Salvaire}, title = {PythonicGcodeMachine}, howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/FabriceSalvaire/pythonic-gcode-machine}}, year = {2018} }