/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Tricoire Sebastien 3dsman@free.fr * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. * */ #include "curves/OE_curve.h" #include "OE_utils.h" #include "Archive.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include unsigned char OE_curve::lineColor[] = {0, 160, 192, 255}; OE_curve::OE_curve() : controls(false), closed(false) { } OE_curve::~OE_curve() { } void OE_curve::persist(Pakal::Archive* archive) { //archive->set_type_name("OE_curve"); archive->value("closed", closed); archive->value("pts", pts); } float OE_curve::getLength(float maxDist) { if (check()) { double len = 0; vector_2d vect; std::vector tmpdisk = discretizeFast(maxDist); for (unsigned j = 1; j < tmpdisk.size(); j++) { vect = tmpdisk.at(j).v-tmpdisk.at(j-1).v; len += vect.len(); } return len; } return -1; } #define EPSILON (1e-12) bool OE_curve::ptInBounds( vector_2d pt, float* bounds) { return pt.x >= bounds[0] && pt.x <= bounds[2] && pt.y >= bounds[1] && pt.y <= bounds[3]; } double OE_curve::evalBezier(double t, double p0, double p1, double p2, double p3) { double it = 1.0-t; return it*it*it*p0 + 3.0*it*it*t*p1 + 3.0*it*t*t*p2 + t*t*t*p3; } std::vector OE_curve::interPoint(vector_2d pt1, vector_2d pt2, vector_2d pt3, vector_2d pt4, float t) { std::vector out; vector_2d pt12 = (pt2-pt1)*t+pt1; vector_2d pt23 = (pt3-pt2)*t+pt2; vector_2d pt34 = (pt4-pt3)*t+pt3; vector_2d pt123 = (pt23-pt12)*t+pt12; vector_2d pt234 = (pt34-pt23)*t+pt23; vector_2d pt1234 = (pt234-pt123)*t+pt123; out.push_back(pt1); out.push_back(pt12); out.push_back(pt123); out.push_back(pt1234); out.push_back(pt234); out.push_back(pt34); out.push_back(pt4); return out; } BoundingBox OE_curve::segmentBounds(vector_2d* segment) { float bounds[4]; int i, j, count; double roots[2], a, b, c, b2ac, t, v; vector_2d* v0 = &segment[0]; vector_2d* v1 = &segment[1]; vector_2d* v2 = &segment[2]; vector_2d* v3 = &segment[3]; // Start the bounding box by end points bounds[0] = minf(v0->x, v3->x); bounds[1] = minf(v0->y, v3->y); bounds[2] = maxf(v0->x, v3->x); bounds[3] = maxf(v0->y, v3->y); // Bezier segment fits inside the convex hull of it's control points. // If control points are inside the bounds, we're done. if (ptInBounds(*v1, bounds) && ptInBounds(*v2, bounds)) { //return BoundingBox(); return BoundingBox(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3]); } // Add bezier segment inflection points in X and Y. for (i=0; i<2; i++) { if (i) { a = -3.0 * v0->y+ 9.0 * v1->y - 9.0 * v2->y + 3.0 * v3->y; b = 6.0 * v0->y - 12.0 * v1->y + 6.0 * v2->y; c = 3.0 * v1->y - 3.0 * v0->y; } else { a = -3.0 * v0->x + 9.0 * v1->x - 9.0 * v2->x + 3.0 * v3->x; b = 6.0 * v0->x - 12.0 * v1->x + 6.0 * v2->x; c = 3.0 * v1->x - 3.0 * v0->x; } count = 0; if (fabs(a) < EPSILON) { if (fabs(b) > EPSILON) { t = -c / b; if (t > EPSILON && t < 1.0-EPSILON) { roots[count++] = t; } } } else { b2ac = b*b - 4.0*c*a; if (b2ac > EPSILON) { t = (-b + sqrt(b2ac)) / (2.0 * a); if (t > EPSILON && t < 1.0-EPSILON) { roots[count++] = t; } t = (-b - sqrt(b2ac)) / (2.0 * a); if (t > EPSILON && t < 1.0-EPSILON) { roots[count++] = t; } } } for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { if (i) { v = evalBezier(roots[j], v0->y, v1->y, v2->y, v3->y); } else { v = evalBezier(roots[j], v0->x, v1->x, v2->x, v3->x); } bounds[0+i] = minf(bounds[0+i], (float)v); bounds[2+i] = maxf(bounds[2+i], (float)v); } } return BoundingBox(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3]); } BoundingBox OE_curve::getBound() { vector_2d* curve; bounds.init = false; // Find bounds for (unsigned i=0; i OE_curve::subCurve( float start, float end, bool rev) { std::vector out; // if the subcurve is not valid (start and end out of the curve) return if (start<0 || end<0 || start>(pts.size()-1.0)/3.0 || end>(pts.size()-1.0)/3.0 ) { return out; } if(start>end) { if(start==(pts.size()-1)/3) { start = 0; } else if(end==0) { end = (pts.size()-1)/3; } } std::vector tmpts = pts; if (rev || (start>end && !closed)) { start = ((tmpts.size()-1.0)/3.0)-start; end = ((tmpts.size()-1.0)/3.0)-end; std::reverse(tmpts.begin(), tmpts.end()); } std::vector tangeant; bool loop =false; if (start>=end && closed) { loop = true; } float scaleVect = 1; float nearPt; nearPt = floor(start); vector_2d* ps = &tmpts[nearPt*3]; vector_2d* ps2; tangeant = interPoint(ps[0], ps[1], ps[2], ps[3], start-nearPt); out.push_back(tangeant[3]); out.push_back(tangeant[4]); // scale value for the next handle (the handle is scaled proportionaly to the position of the cut) scaleVect = 1-(start-nearPt); //middle of the curve while (nearPt+1closed = closed; setNeedRefresh(); } bool OE_curve::check() { return pts.size()>0 && (pts.size())%3==1; } void OE_curve::refresh(float dpi, bool force) { if (!dpi || !check() || !(needRefresh||force)) { return; } discPts = discretizeFast(dpi); } float OE_curve::distPtSeg(vector_2d pt, vector_2d seg1, vector_2d seg2) { return (posPtSeg(pt,seg1,seg2)-pt).len(); } vector_2d OE_curve::posPtSeg(vector_2d pt, vector_2d seg1, vector_2d seg2) { float d2, t; vector_2d pq, d; pq = seg2-seg1; d = pt-seg1; d2 = pq.x*pq.x + pq.y*pq.y; t = pq.x*d.x + pq.y*d.y; if (d2 > 0) { t /= d2; } if (t < 0) { t = 0; } else if (t > 1) { t = 1; } d = seg1 + t*pq; return d; } vector_2dt OE_curve::closestT(vector_2dt pt1, vector_2dt pt2, vector_2dt pt3, vector_2dt pt4, float limit, vector_2d targetPt, int level) { float d; vector_2dt pt12 = (pt1+pt2)*0.5f; vector_2dt pt23 = (pt2+pt3)*0.5f; vector_2dt pt34 = (pt3+pt4)*0.5f; vector_2dt pt123 = (pt12+pt23)*0.5f; vector_2dt pt234 = (pt23+pt34)*0.5f; vector_2dt pt1234 = (pt123+pt234)*0.5f; pt1234.t = (pt1.t+pt4.t)*0.5f; if ((pt1 - pt4).v.len() 10) { return pt1234; } if (distPtSeg(targetPt, pt1234.v, pt1.v) < distPtSeg(targetPt, pt1234.v,pt4.v)) { return closestT(pt1, pt12, pt123, pt1234, limit, targetPt, level+1); } return closestT(pt1234, pt234, pt34, pt4, limit, targetPt, level+1); } vector_2dt OE_curve::closestT(vector_2d targetPt, double t1 , double t2) { std::vector pts = subCurve(t1, t2, false); return closestT(vector_2dt(pts[0], t1), vector_2dt(pts[1], t1), vector_2dt(pts[2], t2), vector_2dt(pts[3], t2), 0.01, targetPt, 0); } vector_2dt OE_curve::closestPoint(vector_2d pt) { vector_2dt out; if (discPts.size()) { float dist = distPtSeg(pt, discPts.at(0), discPts.at(1)); float tmpDist; int id = 0; for (unsigned i=1; i OE_curve::discretizeCubicBez(vector_2dt pt1, vector_2dt pt2, vector_2dt pt3, vector_2dt pt4, float tol, int level) { std::vector out; float d; if (level > 12) { return out; } vector_2dt pt12 = (pt1+pt2)*0.5f; vector_2dt pt23 = (pt2+pt3)*0.5f; vector_2dt pt34 = (pt3+pt4)*0.5f; vector_2dt pt123 = (pt12+pt23)*0.5f; vector_2dt pt234 = (pt23+pt34)*0.5f; vector_2dt pt1234 = (pt123+pt234)*0.5f; pt1234.t = (pt1.t+pt4.t)*0.5f; d = distPtSeg(pt1234.v, pt1.v, pt4.v); if (d > tol*tol) { out = discretizeCubicBez(pt1, pt12, pt123, pt1234, tol, level+1); std::vector tmpdisc = discretizeCubicBez(pt1234, pt234, pt34, pt4, tol, level+1); out.insert(out.end(), tmpdisc.begin(), tmpdisc.end()); } else { out.push_back(pt4); } return out; } std::vector OE_curve::discretizeFast(float maxDist) { std::vector out; if (check()) { out.push_back(vector_2dt(pts.at(0), 0)); float t = 0; for (unsigned i=0; i tmpdisk = discretizeCubicBez(vector_2dt(pts.at(i), t), vector_2dt(pts.at(i+1), t), vector_2dt(pts.at(i+2), t+1.0f), vector_2dt(pts.at(i+3), t+1.0f), maxDist, 0); out.insert(out.end(), tmpdisk.begin(), tmpdisk.end()); t++; } } return out; } std::vector OE_curve::discretizeRegular(float dist) { std::vector out; if (check()) { float vectlen, tmplen = 0; vector_2dt vect; std::vector disc, tmpdisc ; tmpdisc = discretizeFast(dist/100.0); /*tmpdisc.push_back(pts[0]); for (unsigned i = 0; i < pts.size()-3; i += 3) { std::vector tmpdisk = discretizeCubicBez(pts[i], pts[i+1], pts[i+2], pts[i+3], dist/100.0, 0); tmpdisc.insert(tmpdisc.end(), tmpdisk.begin(), tmpdisk.end()); }*/ if (closed) { tmpdisc.push_back(vector_2dt(pts[0],pts.size()/3)); } tmplen =0; out.push_back(tmpdisc[0]); for (unsigned i=0; i= dist) { tmplen -= dist; out.push_back(vect*(tmplen/vectlen)+tmpdisc.at(i+1)); } } out.push_back(tmpdisc.at(tmpdisc.size()-1)); } return out; } void OE_curve::reverse() { std::reverse(pts.begin(), pts.end()); } void OE_curve::transform(const OE_Matrix& m) { for (auto& pt : pts) { m.apply(pt.x, pt.y); } }