EntrySat Not Operational 44429 2019-06-26 Verified 2019-07-03 ISS true ISAE-SUPAERO Coordinated http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=334 Nicolas Nolhier F5MDY 2013-10-15 2015-01-08 nolhier@laas.fr.nospam Mission description https://www.csut.eu/en/project/entrysat/ The objective of the mission, to study the atmospheric re-entry of debris, is well described, the scientific requirements and the system requirements are fully specified. However, given the short duration of analysis of atmospheric re-entry phenomena, this mission is ambitious and requires additional technical studies to show its full feasibility. The mission analysis is to consolidate, when information about the orbit and the launcher will be well known. Mission description https://websites.isae-supaero.fr/entrysat/ Telemetry 1 436950000 BPSK 9k6 ON02FR EntrySat reception https://www.csut.eu/en/recevoir-entrysat/ AMSAT-F : Kaitai file Description (*.ksy) https://code.electrolab.fr/xtof/telemetrydescription/tree/master/EntrySat SatNogGS: Kaitai file Description (*.ksy) https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-decoders/blob/master/ksy/entrysat.ksy http://site.amsat-f.org/entrysat/