PW-Sat 2 43775 Launched Vandenberg Air Force Base, California Verified 2018-12-28 Project Site PW-Sat2 is a student satellite project started in 2013 at Warsaw University of Technology by the Students Space Association members. Its main technical goal is to test new deorbit technology in form of a large deorbit sail whereas the project purpose is to educate a group of new space engineers IARU Coordination PW-Sat 2 has been coordinated by IARU PW-Sat 2 a été coordonné par l'IARU Telemetry 1 435275000 BPSK 9600 BPSK 1200 Ham radio information <Value/> </ReportURL> <ReportEmail/> <SoftwareURL></SoftwareURL> <Description/> </TelemetryData> </Satellites></AmsatList>