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Commit ab965376 authored by bkubicek's avatar bkubicek
Browse files

Sub-file calls.

by overloading M32 it is now possible to execute gcode files from other gcode files, with a fixed recursion level.
This can be used e.g. for having a real start.g and end.g somewhere on the sd card, which are then called from the normal print file.
Another usecase would be to have macro-files for nozzle-change and layerchange.
I have not tested the speedwise performance. The testing was done with pronterface.

normal call from sd card will open the new file and continue executing there.
M32 !/path/filename#
this however will call the new file and return to the caller file.
M32 P !/path/filename#
with the optional "S<position>" the  file starting position can be set.
this is for continuing prints from a previous location.
parent b2cc27e5
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