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  1. Aug 11, 2012
    • Ian Jackson's avatar
      M206: always use homing ("homeing") offsets · 957e966d
      Ian Jackson authored
      Previously the parameters set in M206 would only be used if a G82
      command was sent with specific axis home values.  This limits its
      Really, we should have a way to adjust the XYZ homing of a machine in
      the eeprom.  So as the first stage of this, make M206 affect every
      home command.  The values set using M206 are now added to the
      configuration variables [XYZ]_HOME_POS.
      This is achieved by replacing all uses of [XYZ]_HOME_POS in the code
      by a new home_pos[] which includes the adjustment.  We also have to
      adjust the uses of [XYZ]_{MIN,MAX}_POS similarly - see below.
      To allow axis_is_at_home to be written as a function taking an axis
      index rather than a macro taking an axis letter, we provide
      constant arrays in program memory containing the values of
      [XYZ]_{MIN,MAX,HOME}_POS from the compiled-in configuration.
      This is done with some helper macros to deal with the declaration
      (XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG) and definition of the inline function which
      does the program memory access.
      We also introduce the overloaded function read_pgm_any, whose
      instances are produced with DEFINE_PGM_READ_ANY, which allows the
      access functions to automatically produce the correct type.
      The type- and pointer-massaging code in the access function boils
      down, when compiled, to a simple program memory access.
      A question arises: if the M206 offset is set, should this adjustment
      to the home position shift or change the possible range of movement
      permitted by the software endstops ?
      The documentation in Configuration.h describes these limits as:
          // Travel limits after homing
      Since this is a file containing physical limits, and actual suggested
      values for these configuration parameters appear to include a certain
      amount of slop, I've taken the view that these should be regarded as
      nominal physical distances from the limit switches, and that the
      permissible travel should be unaffected by M206.
      So for example with the (rather unrealistic)
        #define X_HOME_DIR -1
        #define X_MIN_POS -20
        #define X_HOME_POS 0
        #define X_MAX_POS 100
      no matter the setting of M206 X, the machine would be permitted
      to move from 20mm "beyond" the limit switch trigger point in
      the negative X direction and 100mm away from the limit switch in
      the positive X direction, for a total travel of 120mm.
      With M206 X-10 that would be considered to correspond to X coordinates
      -30 to +90.  With M206 X+10 that would be considered to correspond to
      X coordinates -10 to +110.
      fixes #200 (in ErikZalm/Marlin).
      Signed-off-by: default avatarIan Jackson <>
  2. Jul 14, 2012
  3. Jun 02, 2012
  4. May 04, 2012
  5. Apr 15, 2012
  6. Mar 18, 2012
  7. Feb 26, 2012
  8. Feb 20, 2012
  9. Feb 17, 2012
  10. Feb 08, 2012
  11. Nov 21, 2011
  12. Nov 20, 2011
  13. Nov 19, 2011
  14. Nov 05, 2011