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    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '({0._p0}, {0._p1}, {0._p2})'.format(self)


    def to_bezier(self):
        basis =, QuadraticBezier2D.INVERSE_BASIS)
        points =, basis).transpose()
        return QuadraticBezier2D(*points)


    def point_at_t(self, t):

        # Q(t) = (
        #          P0 *  (1-t)**3                      +
        #          P1 * (  3*t**3 - 6*t**2       + 4 ) +
        #          P2 * ( -3*t**3 + 3*t**2 + 3*t + 1 ) +
        #          P3 *      t**3
        #        ) / 6
        #     = P0*(1-t)**3/6 + P1*(3*t**3 - 6*t**2 + 4)/6 + P2*(-3*t**3 + 3*t**2 + 3*t + 1)/6 + P3*t**3/6
        return (self._p0/6 + self._p1*2/3 + self._p2/6 +
                (-self._p0/2 + self._p2/2)*t +
                (self._p0/2 - self._p1 + self._p2/2)*t**2 +
                (-self._p0/6 + self._p1/2 - self._p2/2 + self._p3/6)*t**3)


class QuadraticSpline2D(Primitive2DMixin, PrimitiveNP):
    """Class to implements 2D Quadratic Spline Curve."""
    # control points define the curve shape
    # knots are part extremities on the curve

    __number_of_points__ = 3
    __part_cls__ = QuadraticSplinePart2D


    def __init__(self, *points):

        points = self.handle_points(points)
        PrimitiveNP.__init__(self, points)
        if len(self) < self.__number_of_points__:
            raise ValueError('Require at least 4 points')


    def number_of_parts(self):
        return self.number_of_points - self.__number_of_points__


    def iter_on_parts(self):
        for points in self.iter_on_nuplets(self.__number_of_points__):
            yield self.__part_cls__(*points)


    def get_part(self, i):
        points = self._points[i:i+self.__number_of_points__]
        return self.__part_cls__(*points)


class CubicSplinePart2D(Primitive2DMixin, Primitive4P):

    """Class to implements 2D Cubic Spline Curve."""

    # T = (1 t t**2 t**3)
    # P = (Pi Pi+2 Pi+2 Pi+3)
    # Q(t) = T M Pt
    #      = P Mt Tt
    # Basis = Mt
    BASIS = np.array((
        (1, -3,  3, -1),
        (4,  0, -6,  3),
        (1,  3,  3, -3),
        (0,  0,  0,  1),
    )) / 6

    INVERSE_BASIS = np.array((
        (  1,    1,    1,     1),
        ( -1,    0,    1,     2),
        (2/3, -1/3,  2/3,  11/3),
        (  0,    0,    0,     6),


    def __init__(self, p0, p1, p2, p3):
        Primitive4P.__init__(self, p0, p1, p2, p3)


    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '({0._p0}, {0._p1}, {0._p2}, {0._p3})'.format(self)


    def to_bezier(self):
        basis =, CubicBezier2D.INVERSE_BASIS)
        points =, basis).transpose()
        return CubicBezier2D(*points)


    def point_at_t(self, t):

        # Q(t) = (
        #          P0 *  (1-t)**3                      +
        #          P1 * (  3*t**3 - 6*t**2       + 4 ) +
        #          P2 * ( -3*t**3 + 3*t**2 + 3*t + 1 ) +
        #          P3 *      t**3
        #        ) / 6
        #     = P0*(1-t)**3/6 + P1*(3*t**3 - 6*t**2 + 4)/6 + P2*(-3*t**3 + 3*t**2 + 3*t + 1)/6 + P3*t**3/6

        return (self._p0/6 + self._p1*2/3 + self._p2/6 +
                (-self._p0/2 + self._p2/2)*t +
                (self._p0/2 - self._p1 + self._p2/2)*t**2 +
                (-self._p0/6 + self._p1/2 - self._p2/2 + self._p3/6)*t**3)


class CubicSpline2D(QuadraticSpline2D):

    """Class to implements 2D Cubic Spline Curve."""

    __number_of_points__ = 4
    __part_cls__ = CubicSplinePart2D