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# Patro - A Python library to make patterns for fashion design
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# Copyright (C) 2017 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

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"""Module to implement graphic scene items like text, image, line, circle and Bézier curve.


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import logging

from Patro.GeometryEngine.Bezier import CubicBezier2D
from Patro.GeometryEngine.Conic import Circle2D, Ellipse2D, AngularDomain
from Patro.GeometryEngine.Polyline import Polyline2D
from Patro.GeometryEngine.Rectangle import Rectangle2D
from Patro.GeometryEngine.Segment import Segment2D
from .GraphicItemMixin import (
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_module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


class CoordinateItem(PositionMixin):
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    def __init__(self, name, position):
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        PositionMixin.__init__(self, position)
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        self._name = str(name)


    def name(self):
        return self._name


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class TextItem(PositionMixin, GraphicItem):


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    def __init__(self, scene, position, text, font, user_data):

        GraphicItem.__init__(self, scene, user_data)
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        PositionMixin.__init__(self, position)
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        self._text = str(text)
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        self._font = font
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    def text(self):
        return self._text

    # @text.setter
    # def text(self, value):
    #     self._text = value

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    def font(self):
        return self._font

    # @font.setter
    # def font(self, value):
    #     self._font = value


    def get_geometry(self):
        position = self.casted_position
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        # Fixme: require metric !
        # QFontMetrics(font).width(self._text)
        return Rectangle2D(position, position)

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class CircleItem(PositionMixin, StartStopAngleMixin, PathStyleItemMixin):
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    def __init__(self, scene, position, radius, path_style, user_data,
                 start_angle=0, # Fixme: kwargs ?

        PathStyleItemMixin.__init__(self, scene, path_style, user_data)
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        PositionMixin.__init__(self, position)
        StartStopAngleMixin.__init__(self, start_angle, stop_angle)

        # Fixme: radius = 1pt !!!
        if radius == '1pt':
            radius = 10

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        self._radius = radius


    def radius(self):
        return self._radius

    # @radius.setter
    # def radius(self, value):
    #     self._radius = value


    def get_geometry(self):
        position = self.casted_position
        # Fixme: radius
        domain = AngularDomain(self._start_angle, self._stop_angle)
        return Circle2D(position, self._radius, domain=domain)


class EllipseItem(PositionMixin, StartStopAngleMixin, PathStyleItemMixin):


    def __init__(self, scene, position,
                 x_radius, y_radius,
                 path_style, user_data,

        PathStyleItemMixin.__init__(self, scene, path_style, user_data)
        PositionMixin.__init__(self, position)
        StartStopAngleMixin.__init__(self, start_angle, stop_angle)

        self._x_radius = x_radius
        self._y_radius = y_radius


    def x_radius(self):
        return self._x_radius

    # @x_radius.setter
    # def x_radius(self, value):
    #     self._x_radius = value

    def y_radius(self):
        return self._y_radius

    # @y_radius.setter
    # def y_radius(self, value):
    #     self._y_radius = value

    def angle(self):
        return self._angle


    def get_geometry(self):
        position = self.casted_position
        return Ellipse2D(position, self._x_radius, self._y_radius, self._angle)
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class SegmentItem(TwoPositionMixin, PathStyleItemMixin):
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    def __init__(self, scene, position1, position2, path_style, user_data):

        PathStyleItemMixin.__init__(self, scene, path_style, user_data)
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        TwoPositionMixin.__init__(self, position1, position2)


    def get_geometry(self):
        positions = self.casted_positions
        return Segment2D(*positions)


class RectangleItem(TwoPositionMixin, PathStyleItemMixin):


    def __init__(self, scene, position1, position2, path_style, user_data):

        # Fixme: position or W H
        PathStyleItemMixin.__init__(self, scene, path_style, user_data)
        TwoPositionMixin.__init__(self, position1, position2)


    def get_geometry(self):
        positions = self.casted_positions
        return Rectangle2D(*positions)


class PolylineItem(NPositionMixin, PathStyleItemMixin):


    def __init__(self, scene, positions, path_style, user_data):

        PathStyleItemMixin.__init__(self, scene, path_style, user_data)
        NPositionMixin.__init__(self, positions)


    def get_geometry(self):
        positions = self.casted_positions
        return Polyline2D(*positions)


class ImageItem(TwoPositionMixin, GraphicItem):


    def __init__(self, scene, position1, position2, image, user_data):
        # Fixme: position or W H
        GraphicItem.__init__(self, scene, user_data)
        TwoPositionMixin.__init__(self, position1, position2)

        self._image = image


    def image(self):
        return self._image

    # @image.setter
    # def image(self, value):
    #     self._image = value


    def get_geometry(self):
        positions = self.casted_positions
        return Rectangle2D(*positions)
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class CubicBezierItem(FourPositionMixin, PathStyleItemMixin):
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    def __init__(self,
                 position1, position2, position3, position4,
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        # Fixme: curve vs path
        PathStyleItemMixin.__init__(self, scene, path_style, user_data)
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        FourPositionMixin.__init__(self, position1, position2, position3, position4)

        # super(CubicBezierItem, self).__init__(path_style)
        # self._curve = curve


    # @property
    # def curve(self):
    #     return self._curve

    # @curve.setter
    # def curve(self, value):
    #     self._curve = value


    def get_geometry(self):
        positions = self.casted_positions
        return CubicBezier2D(*positions)