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# Patro - A Python library to make patterns for fashion design
# Copyright (C) 2017 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


from math import log, sqrt # pow

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from .BoundingBox import bounding_box_from_points
from .Interpolation import interpolate_two_points
from .Primitive import Primitive2D, ReversablePrimitiveMixin
from .Vector import Vector2D


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class QuadraticBezier2D(Primitive2D, ReversablePrimitiveMixin):
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    """Class to implements 2D Quadratic Bezier Curve."""

    LineInterpolationPrecision = 0.05


    def __init__(self, p0, p1, p2):

        self._p0 = Vector2D(p0)
        self._p1 = Vector2D(p1)
        self._p2 = Vector2D(p2)


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    def clone(self):
        return self.__class__(self._p0, self._p1, self._p2)


    def bounding_box(self):
        return bounding_box_from_points((self._p0, self._p1, self._p2))


    def reverse(self):
        return self.__class__(self._p2, self._p1, self._p0)


    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '({0._p0}, {0._p1}, {0._p2})'.format(self)


    def p0(self):
        return self._p0

    def p0(self, value):
        self._p0 = value

    def p1(self):
        return self._p1

    def p1(self, value):
        self._p1 = value

    def p2(self):
        return self._p2

    def p2(self, value):
        self._p2 = value

    def start_point(self):
        return self._p0

    def end_point(self):
        return self._p2


    def length(self):

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        # Algorithm:
        # Dave Eberly Posted October 25, 2009
        # The quadratic Bezier is
        #   (x(t),y(t)) = (1-t)^2*(x0,y0) + 2*t*(1-t)*(x1,y1) + t^2*(x2,y2)
        # The derivative is
        #   (x'(t),y'(t)) = -2*(1-t)*(x0,y0) + (2-4*t)*(x1,y1) + 2*t*(x2,y2)
        # The length of the curve for 0 <= t <= 1 is
        #   Integral[0,1] sqrt((x'(t))^2 + (y'(t))^2) dt
        # The integrand is of the form sqrt(c*t^2 + b*t + a)
        # You have three separate cases: c = 0, c > 0, or c < 0.
        # * The case c = 0 is easy.
        # * For the case c > 0, an antiderivative is
        #     (2*c*t+b)*sqrt(c*t^2+b*t+a)/(4*c) + (0.5*k)*log(2*sqrt(c*(c*t^2+b*t+a)) + 2*c*t + b)/sqrt(c)
        #   where k = 4*c/q with q = 4*a*c - b*b.
        # * For the case c < 0, an antiderivative is
        #    (2*c*t+b)*sqrt(c*t^2+b*t+a)/(4*c) - (0.5*k)*arcsin((2*c*t+b)/sqrt(-q))/sqrt(-c)

        A0 = self._p1 - self._p0
        A1 = self._p0 - self._p1 * 2 + self._p2
        if A1.magnitude_square() != 0:
            c = 4 *
            b = 8 *
            a = 4 *
            q = 4 * a * c - b * b
            two_cb = 2 * c + b
            sum_cba = c + b + a
            m0 = 0.25 / c
            m1 = q / (8 * c**1.5)
            return (m0 * (two_cb * sqrt(sum_cba) - b * sqrt(a)) +
                    m1 * (log(2 * sqrt(c * sum_cba) + two_cb) - log(2 * sqrt(c * a) + b)))
            return 2 * A0.magnitude()


    def interpolated_length(self):

        # Length of the curve obtained via line interpolation

        dt = self.LineInterpolationPrecision / (self.end_point - self.start_point).magnitude()
        length = 0
        t = 0
        while t < 1:
            t0 = t
            t = min(t + dt, 1)
            length += (self.point_at_t(t) - self.point_at_t(t0)).magnitude()

        return length


    def point_at_t(self, t):
        # if 0 < t or 1 < t:
        #     raise ValueError()
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        u = 1 - t
        return self._p0 * u**2 + self._p1 * 2 * t * u + self._p2 * t**2


    def split_at_t(self, t):

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        """Split the curve at given position"""
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        p01 = interpolate_two_points(self._p0, self._p1, t)
        p12 = interpolate_two_points(self._p1, self._p2, t)
        p = interpolate_two_points(p01, p12, t) # p = p012
        # p = self.point_at_t(t)
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        return (QuadraticBezier2D(self._p0, p01, p), QuadraticBezier2D(p, p12, self._p2))


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    def tangent0(self):
        return (self._p1 - self._p0).normalise()
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    def tangent1(self):
        return (self._p2 - self._p1).normalise()


    def normal0(self):
        return self.tangent0.normal()


    def tangent1(self):
        return self.tangent1.normal()


    def tangent_at(self, t):
        u = 1 - t
        return (self._p1 - self._p0) * u + (self._p2 - self._p1) * t


_Sqrt3 = sqrt(3)
_Div18Sqrt3 = 18 / _Sqrt3
_OneThird = 1 / 3
_Sqrt3Div36 = _Sqrt3 / 36

class CubicBezier2D(QuadraticBezier2D):

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    """Class to implements 2D Cubic Bezier Curve."""

    InterpolationPrecision = 0.001


    def __init__(self, p0, p1, p2, p3):

        QuadraticBezier2D.__init__(self, p0, p1, p2)
        self._p3 = Vector2D(p3)


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    def clone(self):
        return self.__class__(self._p0, self._p1, self._p2, self._p3)


    def bounding_box(self):
        return bounding_box_from_points((self._p0, self._p1, self._p2, self._p3))


    def reverse(self):
        return self.__class__(self._p3, self._p2, self._p1, self._p0)


    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '({0._p0}, {0._p1}, {0._p2}, {0._p3})'.format(self)


    def p3(self):
        return self._p3

    def p3(self, value):
        self._p3 = value

    def end_point(self):
        return self._p3


    def length(self):
        return self.adaptive_length_approximation()


    def point_at_t(self, t):
        # if 0 < t or 1 < t:
        #     raise ValueError()
        return (self._p0 +
                (self._p1 - self._p0) * 3 * t  +
                (self._p2 - self._p1 * 2 + self._p0) * 3 * t**2 +
                (self._p3 - self._p2 * 3 + self._p1 * 3 - self._p0) * t**3)


    def _q_point(self):
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        """Return the control point for mid-point quadratic approximation"""
        return (self._p2 * 3 - self._p3 + self._p1 * 3 - self._p0) / 4


    def mid_point_quadratic_approximation(self):
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        """Return the mid-point quadratic approximation"""
        p1 = self._q_point()
        return QuadraticBezier2D(self._p0, p1, self._p3)


    def split_at_t(self, t):

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        """Split the curve at given position"""
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        p01 = interpolate_two_points(self._p0, self._p1, t)
        p12 = interpolate_two_points(self._p1, self._p2, t)
        p23 = interpolate_two_points(self._p2, self._p3, t)
        p012 = interpolate_two_points(p01, p12, t)
        p123 = interpolate_two_points(p12, p23, t)
        p = interpolate_two_points(p012, p123, t) # p = p0123
        # p = self.point_at_t(t)
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        return (CubicBezier2D(self._p0, p01, p012, p), CubicBezier2D(p, p123, p23, self._p3))


    def _d01(self):
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        """Return the distance between 0 and 1 quadratic aproximations"""
        return (self._p3 - self._p2 * 3 + self._p1 * 3 - self._p0).magnitude() / 2


    def _t_max(self):
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        """Return the split point for adaptive quadratic approximation"""
        return (_Div18Sqrt3 * self.InterpolationPrecision / self._d01())**_OneThird


    def q_length(self):
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        """Return the length of the mid-point quadratic approximation"""
        return self.mid_point_quadratic_approximation().length


    def adaptive_length_approximation(self):

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        """Return the length of the adaptive quadratic approximation"""

        segments = []
        segment = self
        t_max = segment._t_max()
        while t_max < 1:
            split = segment.split_at_t(t_max)
            segment = split[1]
            t_max = segment._t_max()

        return sum([segment.q_length() for segment in segments])

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    def tangent1(self):
        return (self._p3 - self._p2).normalise()


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    def tangent_at(self, t):
        u = 1 - t
        return (self._p1 - self._p0) * u**2 + (self._p2 - self._p1) * 2 * t * u + (self._p3 - self._p2) * t**2