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XV_Lidar_Controller.ino 35.3 KiB
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  XV Lidar Controller v1.2.2
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 Copyright 2014 James LeRoy getSurreal
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 Modified to add CRC checking - Doug Hilton, WD0UG November, 2015 mailto: six.speed (at) yahoo (dot) com
 Modified to add ShowErrors / HideErrors - DSH
 Modified to add ShowAngles - DSH
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 See README for additional information 
 The F() macro in the Serial statements tells the compiler to keep your strings in PROGMEM
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#include <TimerThree.h> // used for ultrasonic PWM motor control
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#include <PID.h>
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#include <EEPROM.h>
#include "EEPROMAnything.h"
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#include <SerialCommand.h>
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const int N_ANGLES = 360;                                       // # of angles (0..359)
const int SHOW_ALL_ANGLES = N_ANGLES;                           // value means 'display all angle data, 0..359'
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struct EEPROM_Config {
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  byte id;
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  int motor_pwm_pin;    // pin connected to mosfet for motor speed control
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  double rpm_setpoint;  // desired RPM (uses double to be compatible with PID library)
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  double rpm_min;
  double rpm_max;
  double pwm_max;       // max analog value.  probably never needs to change from 1023
  double pwm_min;       // min analog pulse value to spin the motor
  int sample_time;      // how often to calculate the PID values
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  // PID tuning values
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  double Kp;
  double Ki;
  double Kd;
  boolean motor_enable;  // to spin the laser or not.  No data when not spinning
  boolean raw_data;  // to retransmit the seiral data to the USB port
  boolean show_dist;  //  controlled by ShowDist and HideDist commands
  boolean show_rpm;  // controlled by ShowRPM and HideRPM commands
  unsigned int show_angle;  // controlled by ShowAngle (0 - 359, 360 shows all)
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const byte EEPROM_ID = 0x05;  // used to validate EEPROM initialized
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double pwm_val = 500;  // start with ~50% power
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double pwm_last;
double motor_rpm;
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unsigned long now;
unsigned long motor_check_timer = millis();
unsigned long motor_check_interval = 200;  
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unsigned int rpm_err_thresh = 10;  // 2 seconds (10 * 200ms) to shutdown motor with improper RPM and high voltage
unsigned int rpm_err = 0;
unsigned long curMillis;
unsigned long lastMillis = millis();
// Added by DSH
const unsigned char COMMAND = 0xFA;        // Start of new packet
const int INDEX_LO = 0xA0;                 // lowest index value
const int INDEX_HI = 0xF9;                 // highest index value
const int N_DATA_QUADS = 4;                // there are 4 groups of data elements
const int N_ELEMENTS_PER_QUAD = 4;         // viz., 0=distance LSB; 1=distance MSB; 2=sig LSB; 3=sig MSB
const int OFFSET_TO_START = 0;
const int OFFSET_TO_CRC_M = OFFSET_TO_CRC_L + 1;
const int PACKET_LENGTH = OFFSET_TO_CRC_M + 1;  // length of a complete packet
// Offsets to the (4) elements of each of the (4) data quads

int Packet[PACKET_LENGTH];                 // an input packet
int ixPacket = 0;                          // index into 'Packet' array
const int VALID_PACKET = 0;
const byte INVALID_DATA_FLAG = (1 << 7);   // Mask for byte 1 of each data quad "Invalid data"

boolean aryAngles[N_ANGLES];               // true if we're supposed to display the corresponding angle
boolean bShowAnglesFromArray = false;      // true if we're supposed to display multiple angles

/* REF:
The bit 7 of byte 1 seems to indicate that the distance could not be calculated.
It's interesting to see that when this bit is set, the second byte is always 80, and the values of the first byte seem to be 
only 02, 03, 21, 25, 35 or 50... When it's 21, then the whole block is 21 80 XX XX, but for all the other values it's the 
data block is YY 80 00 00 maybe it's a code to say what type of error ? (35 is preponderant, 21 seems to be when the beam is 
interrupted by the supports of the cover) .
const byte STRENGTH_WARNING_FLAG = (1 << 6);  // Mask for byte 1 of each data quat "Strength Warning"
The bit 6 of byte 1 is a warning when the reported strength is greatly inferior to what is expected at this distance. 
This may happen when the material has a low reflectance (black material...), or when the dot does not have the expected 
size or shape (porous material, transparent fabric, grid, edge of an object...), or maybe when there are parasitic 
reflections (glass... ).

const byte eState_Find_COMMAND = 0;                        // 1st state: find 0xFA (COMMAND) in input stream
const byte eState_Build_Packet = eState_Find_COMMAND + 1;  // 2nd state: build the packet
int eState = eState_Find_COMMAND;
PID rpmPID(&motor_rpm, &pwm_val, &xv_config.rpm_setpoint, xv_config.Kp, xv_config.Ki, xv_config.Kd, DIRECT);
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uint8_t inByte = 0;  // incoming serial byte
uint8_t motor_rph_high_byte = 0; 
uint8_t motor_rph_low_byte = 0;
uint16_t aryDist[N_DATA_QUADS] = {0,0,0,0};      // thre are (4) distances, one for each data quad
// so the maximum distance is 16383 mm (0x3FFF)
uint16_t aryQuality[N_DATA_QUADS] = {0,0,0,0};   // same with 'quality'
uint16_t motor_rph = 0;
uint16_t startingAngle = 0;                      // the first scan angle (of group of 4, based on 'index'), in degrees (0..359)
boolean bShowErrors = false;                     // true = show 3 kinds of errors
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SerialCommand sCmd;
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void setup() {
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  EEPROM_readAnything(0, xv_config);
  if( != EEPROM_ID) { // verify EEPROM values have been initialized
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  pinMode(xv_config.motor_pwm_pin, OUTPUT); 
  Serial.begin(115200);                            // USB serial
  Serial1.begin(115200);                           // XV LDS data 
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  Timer3.initialize(30);                           // set PWM frequency to 32.768kHz  
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  rpmPID.SetTunings(xv_config.Kp, xv_config.Ki, xv_config.Kd);
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  eState = eState_Find_COMMAND;
  for (ixPacket = 0; ixPacket < PACKET_LENGTH; ixPacket++)  // Initialize
    Packet[ixPacket] = 0;
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void loop() {
  byte aryInvalidDataFlag[N_DATA_QUADS] = {0,0,0,0};  // non-zero = INVALID_DATA_FLAG or STRENGTH_WARNING_FLAG is set
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  sCmd.readSerial();  // check for incoming serial commands
  if (Serial1.available() > 0) {                  // read byte from LIDAR and relay to USB    
    inByte =;                      // get incoming byte:
    if (xv_config.raw_data)
      Serial.print(inByte, BYTE);                 // relay
    // Switch, based on 'eState':
    // State 1: We're scanning for 0xFA (COMMAND) in the input stream
    // State 2: Build a complete data packet
    if (eState == eState_Find_COMMAND) {          // flush input until we get COMMAND byte
      if(inByte == COMMAND) {
        eState++;                                 // switch to 'build a packet' state
        Packet[ixPacket++] = inByte;              // store 1st byte of data into 'Packet'
    else {                                            // eState == eState_Build_Packet
      Packet[ixPacket++] = inByte;                    // keep storing input into 'Packet'
      if (ixPacket == PACKET_LENGTH) {                // we've got all the input bytes, so we're done building this packet
        if (eValidatePacket() == VALID_PACKET) {      // Check packet CRC
          startingAngle = processIndex();             // get the starting angle of this group (of 4), e.g., 0, 4, 8, 12, ...        
          processSpeed();                             // process the speed
          // process each of the (4) sets of data in the packet        
          for (int ix = 0; ix < N_DATA_QUADS; ix++)   // process the distance
            aryInvalidDataFlag[ix] = processDistance(ix);
          for (int ix = 0; ix < N_DATA_QUADS; ix++) { // process the signal strength (quality)
            aryQuality[ix] = 0;
            if (aryInvalidDataFlag[ix] == 0)
          if (xv_config.show_dist) {                         // the 'ShowDistance' command is active
            if (bShowAnglesFromArray) {                      // we're going to display only angles that are in 'aryAngles'
              for (int ix = 0; ix < N_DATA_QUADS; ix++) {
                if (aryAngles[startingAngle + ix]) {         // if we're supposed to display that angle
                  if (aryInvalidDataFlag[ix] == 0) {         // make sure that the 'Invalid Data' flag is clear                                       
                    Serial.print(startingAngle + ix);
                    Serial.print(F(": "));
                    Serial.print(F(" ("));
                    Serial.print(startingAngle + ix);
                    Serial.print(F(": "));
                    for (int jx = 0; jx < PACKET_LENGTH; jx++) {
                      if (Packet[jx] < 0x10)
                      Serial.print(Packet[jx], HEX);
                      Serial.print(F(" "));
                    if (aryInvalidDataFlag[ix] & INVALID_DATA_FLAG)
                    if (aryInvalidDataFlag[ix] & STRENGTH_WARNING_FLAG) 
                    if (aryInvalidDataFlag[ix])
                  }  // else if (bShowErrors)
                }  // if (aryAngles[startingAngle + ix])
              }  // for (int ix = 0; ix < N_DATA_QUADS; ix++)
            }  // if (bShowAnglesFromArray)
            else {
              if (xv_config.show_angle == SHOW_ALL_ANGLES    // Are we showing all angles or just 1 angle?
              || ((xv_config.show_angle >= startingAngle) && (xv_config.show_angle < startingAngle + N_DATA_QUADS))) {
                for (int ix = 0; ix < N_DATA_QUADS; ix++) {  // process each of the (4) angles
                  if ((xv_config.show_angle == SHOW_ALL_ANGLES) || (xv_config.show_angle == startingAngle + ix)) {
                    if (aryInvalidDataFlag[ix] == 0) {       // make sure that the 'Invalid Data' flag is clear                                       
                      Serial.print(F(": "));
                      Serial.print(F(" ("));
                    else if (bShowErrors) {
                      Serial.print(startingAngle + ix);
                      Serial.print(F(": "));
                      for (int jx = 0; jx < PACKET_LENGTH; jx++) {
                        if (Packet[jx] < 0x10)
                        Serial.print(Packet[jx], HEX);
                        Serial.print(F(" "));
                      if (aryInvalidDataFlag[ix] & INVALID_DATA_FLAG)
                      if (aryInvalidDataFlag[ix] & STRENGTH_WARNING_FLAG) 
                      if (aryInvalidDataFlag[ix])
                    }  // else if (bShowErrors)
                  }  // if ((xv_config.show_angle == SHOW_ALL_ANGLES) ...
                }  // or (int ix = 0; ix < N_DATA_QUADS; ix++)
              }  // if (xv_config.show_angle == SHOW_ALL_ANGLES ...
            }  // if (bShowAngles)            
        }  // if (eValidatePacket() == 0
        else if (bShowErrors) {        
          for (int ix = 0; ix < PACKET_LENGTH; ix++) {
            if (Packet[ix] < 0x10)
            Serial.print(Packet[ix], HEX);
            Serial.print(F(" "));
          Serial.println(F(" Bad CRC"));
        // initialize a bunch of stuff before we switch back to State 1
        for (int ix = 0; ix < N_DATA_QUADS; ix++) {
          aryDist[ix] = 0;
          aryQuality[ix] = 0;
          aryInvalidDataFlag[ix] = 0;
        for (ixPacket = 0; ixPacket < PACKET_LENGTH; ixPacket++)  // clear out this packet
          Packet[ixPacket] = 0;
        ixPacket = 0;      
        eState = eState_Find_COMMAND;                // This packet is done -- look for next COMMAND byte        
      }  // if (ixPacket == PACKET_LENGTH)
    }  // if (eState == eState_Find_COMMAND)
  }  // if (Serial1.available() > 0)
    if (pwm_val != pwm_last) {
      Timer3.pwm(xv_config.motor_pwm_pin, pwm_val);  // replacement for analogWrite()
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  }  // if (xv_config.motor_enable)
}  // loop
 * processIndex - Process the packet element 'index'
 * index is the index byte in the 90 packets, going from A0 (packet 0, readings 0 to 3) to F9 
 *    (packet 89, readings 356 to 359).
 * Uses:       Packet
 *             ledState gets toggled if angle = 0
 *             ledPin = which pin the LED is connected to
 *             ledState = LED on or off
 *             xv_config.show_dist = true if we're supposed to show distance
 *             curMillis = milliseconds, now
 *             lastMillis = milliseconds, last time through this subroutine
 * Calls:      digitalWrite() - used to toggle LED pin
 *             Serial.print
 * Returns:    The first angle (of 4) in the current 'index' group
uint16_t processIndex() {
  uint16_t data_4deg_index = Packet[OFFSET_TO_INDEX] - INDEX_LO;
  angle = data_4deg_index * N_DATA_QUADS;     // 1st angle in the set of 4  
  if (angle == 0) {
    if (ledState) {
      ledState = LOW;
    else {
      ledState = HIGH;
    digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);
    if (xv_config.show_dist) {
      curMillis = millis();
      if(xv_config.show_angle == SHOW_ALL_ANGLES) {
        Serial.print(F("Time Interval: "));
        Serial.println(curMillis - lastMillis);
      lastMillis = curMillis;
  } // if (angle == 0)
  return angle;
 * processSpeed- Process the packet element 'speed'
 * speed is two-bytes of information, little-endian. It represents the speed, in 64th of RPM (aka value 
 *    in RPM represented in fixed point, with 6 bits used for the decimal part).
 * Uses:       Packet
 *             angle = if 0 then enable display of RPM and PWM
 *             xv_config.show_rpm = true if we're supposed to display RPM and PWM
 * Calls:      Serial.print
void processSpeed() {
  motor_rph_low_byte = Packet[OFFSET_TO_SPEED_LSB];
  motor_rph_high_byte = Packet[OFFSET_TO_SPEED_MSB];
  motor_rph = (motor_rph_high_byte << 8) | motor_rph_low_byte;
  motor_rpm = float( (motor_rph_high_byte << 8) | motor_rph_low_byte ) / 64.0;
  if (xv_config.show_rpm and startingAngle == 0) {
    Serial.print(F("RPM: "));
    Serial.print(F("  PWM: "));   
 * Data 0 to Data 3 are the 4 readings. Each one is 4 bytes long, and organized as follows :
 *   byte 0 : <distance 7:0>
 *   byte 1 : <"invalid data" flag> <"strength warning" flag> <distance 13:8>
 *   byte 2 : <signal strength 7:0>
 *   byte 3 : <signal strength 15:8>
 * processDistance- Process the packet element 'distance'
 * Enter with: iQuad = which one of the (4) readings to process, value = 0..3
 *             dist[] = sets distance to object in binary: ISbb bbbb bbbb bbbb
 *                                     so maximum distance is 0x3FFF (16383 decimal) millimeters (mm)
 * Exits with: 0 = okay
 * Error:      1 << 7 = INVALID_DATA_FLAG is set
 *             1 << 6 = STRENGTH_WARNING_FLAG is set
byte processDistance(int iQuad) {
  aryDist[iQuad] = 0;                     // initialize
  // byte 0 : <distance 7:0> (LSB)
  // byte 1 : <"invalid data" flag> <"strength warning" flag> <distance 13:8> (MSB)
  dataM = Packet[iOffset + 1];           // get MSB of distance data + flags    
  if (dataM & BAD_DATA_MASK)             // if either INVALID_DATA_FLAG or STRENGTH_WARNING_FLAG is set...
    return dataM & BAD_DATA_MASK;        // ...then return non-zero
  dataL = Packet[iOffset];               // LSB of distance data
  aryDist[iQuad] = dataL | ((dataM & 0x3F) << 8);
  return 0;                              // okay
 * processSignalStrength- Process the packet element 'signal strength'
 * Enter with: iQuad = which one of the (4) readings to process, value = 0..3
 * Uses:       Packet
 *             quality[] = signal quality
 * Calls:      N/A
void processSignalStrength(int iQuad) {
  aryQuality[iQuad] = 0;                        // initialize
  dataL = Packet[iOffset];                  // signal strength LSB  
  dataM = Packet[iOffset + 1];
  aryQuality[iQuad] = dataL | (dataM << 8);
 * eValidatePacket - Validate 'Packet'
 * Enter with: 'Packet' is ready to check
 * Uses:       CalcCRC
 * Exits with: 0 = Packet is okay
 * Error:      non-zero = Packet is no good
byte eValidatePacket() {
  unsigned long chk32;
  unsigned long checksum;
  const int bytesToCheck = PACKET_LENGTH - 2;
  const int CalcCRC_Len = bytesToCheck / 2;
  unsigned int CalcCRC[CalcCRC_Len];

  byte b1a, b1b, b2a, b2b;
  int ix;

  for (int ix = 0; ix < CalcCRC_Len; ix++)       // initialize 'CalcCRC' array
    CalcCRC[ix] = 0;
  // Perform checksum validity test
  for (ix = 0; ix < bytesToCheck; ix += 2)      // build 'CalcCRC' array
    CalcCRC[ix / 2] = Packet[ix] + ((Packet[ix + 1]) << 8);          

  chk32 = 0;
  for (ix = 0; ix < CalcCRC_Len; ix++) 
    chk32 = (chk32 << 1) + CalcCRC[ix];            
  checksum = (chk32 & 0x7FFF) + (chk32 >> 15);
  checksum &= 0x7FFF;
  b1a = checksum & 0xFF;
  b1b = Packet[OFFSET_TO_CRC_L];
  b2a = checksum >> 8;
  b2b = Packet[OFFSET_TO_CRC_M];
  if ((b1a == b1b) && (b2a == b2b)) 
    return VALID_PACKET;                       // okay
    return INVALID_PACKET;                     // non-zero = bad CRC
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void initEEPROM() {
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed = 0x05;
  strcpy(xv_config.version, "1.2.2");
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  xv_config.motor_pwm_pin = 9;  // pin connected N-Channel Mosfet

  xv_config.rpm_setpoint = 300;  // desired RPM
  xv_config.rpm_min = 200;
  xv_config.rpm_max = 300;
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  xv_config.pwm_min = 100;
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  xv_config.pwm_max = 1023;
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  xv_config.Kp = 2.0;
  xv_config.Ki = 1.0;
  xv_config.Kd = 0.0;
  xv_config.raw_data = true;
  xv_config.show_dist = false;
  xv_config.show_rpm = false;
  xv_config.show_angle = SHOW_ALL_ANGLES;
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  EEPROM_writeAnything(0, xv_config);
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void initSerialCommands() {
  sCmd.addCommand("help",       help);
  sCmd.addCommand("Help",       help);
  sCmd.addCommand("ShowConfig",  showConfig);
  sCmd.addCommand("SaveConfig", saveConfig);
  sCmd.addCommand("SetRPM",        setRPM);
  sCmd.addCommand("SetKp",         setKp);
  sCmd.addCommand("SetKi",         setKi);
  sCmd.addCommand("SetKd",         setKd);
  sCmd.addCommand("SetSampleTime", setSampleTime);
  sCmd.addCommand("ShowRPM",  showRPM);
  sCmd.addCommand("HideRPM",  hideRPM);
  sCmd.addCommand("ShowDist",  showDist);
  sCmd.addCommand("HideDist",  hideDist);
  sCmd.addCommand("ShowAngles",  showAngles);      // this must be before "ShowAngle" to ensure correct match
  sCmd.addCommand("HideAngles",  hideDist);
  sCmd.addCommand("ShowAngle",  showAngle);
  sCmd.addCommand("HideAngle",  hideDist);
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  sCmd.addCommand("MotorOff", motorOff);
  sCmd.addCommand("MotorOn",  motorOn);
  sCmd.addCommand("HideRaw", hideRaw);
  sCmd.addCommand("ShowRaw",  showRaw);
  sCmd.addCommand("ShowErrors", showErrors);
  sCmd.addCommand("HideErrors", hideErrors);
 * showErrors
void showErrors() {
  bShowErrors = true;                                  // enable error display
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.print(F("Showing errors"));
  Serial.println(F(" "));
 * hideErrors
void hideErrors() {                                    // disable error display
  bShowErrors = false;
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.print(F("Hiding errors"));
  Serial.println(F(" "));
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void showRPM() {
  if (xv_config.raw_data == true) {
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.print(F("Showing RPM data"));
  Serial.println(F(" "));
void hideRPM() {
  xv_config.show_rpm = false;
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.print(F("Hiding RPM data"));
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  if (xv_config.raw_data == true) {
  xv_config.show_angle = SHOW_ALL_ANGLES;
  Serial.print(F("Showing Distance data <Angle>: <dist mm> (quality)}"));
  xv_config.show_angle = SHOW_ALL_ANGLES;              // set default back to 'show all angles'
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.print(F("Hiding Distance data"));
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  bShowAnglesFromArray = false;                        // disable multi-angle display
  double sVal = 0.0;
  char *arg;
  boolean syntax_error = false;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
    sVal = atoi(arg);    // Converts a char string to a int
    if (sVal < 0 or sVal > SHOW_ALL_ANGLES) {
      syntax_error = true;
  else {
    syntax_error = true;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
    syntax_error = true;

  if (syntax_error) {
    Serial.print(F("Incorrect syntax.  Example: ShowAngle 0 (0 - 359 or 360 for all)")); 
    xv_config.show_angle = sVal;
    if (xv_config.show_angle == SHOW_ALL_ANGLES)
      Serial.print(F("Showing All Angles"));
    else {
      Serial.print(F("Showing Only Angle: "));
  }  // if (syntax_error)
 * doShowAngles - Multi-angle range(s) implementation - DSH
 * Command: ShowAngles ddd, ddd-ddd, etc.
 * Command: HideAngles (remember to clear out aryAngles)
 * Enter with: N/A
 * Uses:       aryAngles (an array of 360 booleans) is set to appropriate values
 * Calls:      showDist
 * Exits with: N/A
 * TEST THIS STRING:  ShowAngles 16-20, 300-305, 123-124, 10
void showAngles() {
  double sVal = 0.0;
  char c, *arg;
  boolean syntax_error = false;
  int doing_from_to, from, to, ix, lToken, n_groups = 0;
  for (ix = 0; ix < N_ANGLES; ix++)                      // initialize
    aryAngles[ix] = false;
  doing_from_to = 0;                                     // state = doing 'from'
  // Make sure that there is at least 1 angle or group of angles present
  do {
    arg =;                                   // get the next token
    if (arg == NULL) {                                   // it's empty -- just exit
      arg =;
    // see if the token has an embedded "-", meaning from - to
    lToken = strlen(arg);                                // get the length of the current token    
    for (ix = 0; ix < lToken; ix++) {
      c = arg[ix];
      if (c == ',') {                                     // optional trailing comma
        doing_from_to = 0;
      else if (c == '-') {                               // optional '-' means "from - to"
        to = 0;
        doing_from_to = 1;                               // from now on, we're doing 'to'
      else if (c == ' ') {                               // ignore blanks
        Serial.println(F("{ }"));
      else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
        if (doing_from_to == 0) {
          from *= 10;
          from += c - '0';
          to = from;                                      // default to = from
          n_groups++;                                     // count the number of active groups (s/b >= 1)
        else {
          to *= 10;
          to += c - '0';
      else {
        syntax_error = true;
        n_groups = 0;
    }  // for (ix = 0; ix < lToken; ix++) 
    // validate 'from' and 'to' and set 'aryAngles' with correct values
    if ((from >= 0) && (from < N_ANGLES) && (to >= 0) && (to < N_ANGLES)) {
      if (to >= from) {
        for (ix = from; ix <= to; ix++) {
          aryAngles[ix] = true;
      else {
        syntax_error = true;      
    else {
      syntax_error = true;
    from = 0;
    to = 0;
    doing_from_to = 0;   
  }  // do
  while (arg != NULL);
  if (n_groups == 0)
    syntax_error = true;

  // Handle syntax errors
  if (syntax_error) {
    bShowAnglesFromArray = false;                      // syntax error: disable multi-angle display
    Serial.println(F(" "));
    Serial.print(F("Incorrect syntax.  Example: ShowAngles 0, 15-30, 45-50, 10")); 
    Serial.println(F(" "));
    Serial.print(F("Use a space after each comma. No particular order is required.")); 
    Serial.println(F(" "));
    Serial.print(F("In a from-to pair, the 1st value must be lowest.")); 
    Serial.println(F(" "));
  else {                                                  // no errors detected, display the angles and start
    // We're ready to process multiple angles    
    for (int ix = 0; ix < N_ANGLES; ix++) {               // display the angle array
      if(aryAngles[ix]) {
        Serial.print(ix, DEC);
    bShowAnglesFromArray = true;                          // show multiple angles is enabled 
  }  // if (syntax_error)
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getSurreal committed
void motorOff() {
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
  Timer3.pwm(xv_config.motor_pwm_pin, 0);
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.print(F("Motor off"));
  Serial.println(F(" "));
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
  Timer3.pwm(xv_config.motor_pwm_pin, pwm_val);
  rpm_err = 0;  // reset rpm error
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.print(F("Motor on"));
  Serial.println(F(" "));
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
void motorCheck() {  // Make sure the motor RPMs are good else shut it down
  now = millis();
  if (now - motor_check_timer > motor_check_interval){
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
    if ((motor_rpm < xv_config.rpm_min or motor_rpm > xv_config.rpm_max) and pwm_val > 1000) {
    else {
      rpm_err = 0;
    if (rpm_err > rpm_err_thresh) {
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
      ledState = LOW;
      digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);
    motor_check_timer = millis();

void hideRaw() {
  xv_config.raw_data = false;
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.print(F("Raw lidar data disabled"));
  Serial.println(F(" "));
void showRaw() {
  xv_config.raw_data = true;
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.print(F("Lidar data enabled"));
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  double sVal = 0.0;
  char *arg;
  boolean syntax_error = false;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
    sVal = atof(arg);    // Converts a char string to a float
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
    if (sVal < xv_config.rpm_min) {
      sVal = xv_config.rpm_min;
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
      Serial.print(F("RPM too low. Setting to minimum "));
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
    if (sVal > xv_config.rpm_max) {
      sVal = xv_config.rpm_max;
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
      Serial.print(F("RPM too high. Setting to maximum "));
  else {
    syntax_error = true;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
    syntax_error = true;

  if (syntax_error) {
    Serial.print(F("Incorrect syntax.  Example: SetRPM 300")); 
    Serial.print(F("Old RPM setpoint:"));
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
    xv_config.rpm_setpoint = sVal;
  double sVal = 0.0;
  char *arg;
  boolean syntax_error = false;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
    sVal = atof(arg);    // Converts a char string to a float
  else {
    syntax_error = true;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
    syntax_error = true;

  if (syntax_error) {
    Serial.print(F("Incorrect syntax.  Example: SetKp 1.0")); 
    Serial.println(F(" "));
    Serial.print(F("Setting Kp to: "));
    xv_config.Kp = sVal;
    rpmPID.SetTunings(xv_config.Kp, xv_config.Ki, xv_config.Kd);
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
  double sVal = 0.0;
  char *arg;
  boolean syntax_error = false;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
    sVal = atof(arg);    // Converts a char string to a float
  else {
    syntax_error = true;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
    syntax_error = true;

  if (syntax_error) {
    Serial.print(F("Incorrect syntax.  Example: SetKi 0.5")); 
    Serial.println(F(" "));
    Serial.print(F("Setting Ki to: "));
    xv_config.Ki = sVal;
    rpmPID.SetTunings(xv_config.Kp, xv_config.Ki, xv_config.Kd);
  double sVal = 0.0;
  char *arg;
  boolean syntax_error = false;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
getSurreal's avatar
getSurreal committed
    sVal = atof(arg);    // Converts a char string to a float
  else {
    syntax_error = true;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
    syntax_error = true;

  if (syntax_error) {
    Serial.print(F("Incorrect syntax.  Example: SetKd 0.001")); 
    Serial.println(F(" "));
    Serial.print(F("Setting Kd to: "));
    xv_config.Kd = sVal;
    rpmPID.SetTunings(xv_config.Kp, xv_config.Ki, xv_config.Kd);
void setSampleTime() {
  double sVal = 0.0;
  char *arg;
  boolean syntax_error = false;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
    sVal = atoi(arg);    // Converts a char string to an integer
  else {
    syntax_error = true;

  arg =;
  if (arg != NULL) {
    syntax_error = true;

  if (syntax_error) {
    Serial.print(F("Incorrect syntax.  Example: SetSampleTime 20")); 
    Serial.println(F(" "));
    Serial.print(F("Setting Sample time to: "));
    xv_config.sample_time = sVal;

  if (xv_config.raw_data == true) {
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.println(F(" "));

  Serial.print(F("XV Lidar Controller Firmware Version "));

  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.println(F(" "));

  Serial.println(F("List of available commands (case sensitive)"));
  Serial.println(F("  ShowConfig    - Show the running configuration"));
  Serial.println(F("  SaveConfig    - Save the running configuration to EEPROM"));
  Serial.println(F("  ResetConfig   - Restore the original configuration"));
  Serial.println(F("  SetRPM        - Set the desired rotation speed (min: 200, max: 300)"));
  Serial.println(F("  SetKp         - Set the proportional gain"));
  Serial.println(F("  SetKi         - Set the integral gain"));
  Serial.println(F("  SetKd         - Set the derivative gain"));
  Serial.println(F("  SetSampleTime - Set the frequency the PID is calculated (ms)"));
  Serial.println(F("  ShowRPM       - Show the rotation speed"));
  Serial.println(F("  HideRPM       - Hide the rotation speed"));
  Serial.println(F("  ShowDist      - Show the distance data"));
  Serial.println(F("  HideDist      - Hide the distance data"));
  Serial.println(F("  ShowAngle     - Show distance data for a specific angle (0 - 359 or 360 for all)"));
  Serial.println(F("  HideAngle     - Hide distance data for all angles"));
  Serial.println(F("  ShowAngles    - Show distance data for a multiple angles (ShowAngles 0, 15-30, 45-50, 10)"));
  Serial.println(F("  HideAngles    - Hide distance data for all angles"));
  Serial.println(F("  ShowErrors    - Show all error messages"));
  Serial.println(F("  HideErrors    - Hide error messages"));
  Serial.println(F("  MotorOff      - Stop spinning the lidar"));
  Serial.println(F("  MotorOn       - Enable spinning of the lidar"));
  Serial.println(F("  HideRaw       - Stop outputting the raw data from the lidar"));
  Serial.println(F("  ShowRaw       - Enable the output of the raw lidar data"));

  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.println(F(" "));
void showConfig() {
  if (xv_config.raw_data == true) {
  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.println(F(" "));

  Serial.print(F("XV Lidar Controller Firmware Version "));

  Serial.println(F(" "));
  Serial.println(F(" "));

  Serial.print(F("PWM pin: "));

