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import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
def initial_vel(latitude,retrograde=False):
    Initial velocity (m.s-1) depending on the launch point latitude (°)
    T_side = 86164.10   # sidereal day (s)
    R_T = 6378e3        # earth raduis (m)
    initial_velocity = (2*np.pi/T_side)*R_T*np.cos(np.deg2rad(np.abs(latitude)))
    if retrograde:
        return -initial_velocity
        return initial_velocity
def final_target_vel(h, a):
        h: injection altitude (m)
        a: orbit semi major axis (m)
        orbit absolute injection velocity (m.s-1)
    mu = 3.9860e14      # earth standard gravitatinal parameter (=G*M_earth) (m3.s-2)
    R_T = 6378e3        # earth raduis (m)
    return np.sqrt(2*mu*((1/(R_T+h))-(1/(2*a))))
def staging_optim(isp1,isp2,eps1,eps2,Vc,Mp):
    Optimise mass loading in the case of two stage rocket
        isp1, isp2  : specific impulse of the 1st and 2nd stage (s)
        eps1, eps2  : structural coefficient of the 1st and 2nd stage (adimentional)
        Vc          : target critical velocity (m.s-1)
        Mp          : payload mass (Kg)
        M1  : mass of the 1st stage
        M2  : mass of the 2nd stage
                                    structure mass
    structural coefficient = --------------------------------  
                             structure mass + propellant mass
    ctritical velocity = final velocity - initial velocity + losses
#    Notation :
#        Mt = total mass
#        q1 = M1/Mt
#        q2 = M2/Mt
#        qp = Mp/Mt
#        omega = qp + q2
    g0 = 9.81 # standard gravity (m.s-2)
    omega_tab=np.linspace(0.001,0.9,100)  # array of omega to test
    for omega in omega_tab:
        q2 = omega+eps1*(1-omega)
        q2 = np.power(q2,isp1/isp2)*np.exp(Vc/(g0*isp2))
        q2 = 1/q2
        q2 = 1-q2
        q2 *= omega/(1-eps2)
        qp = omega-q2
    return M1, M2
def standard_atmosphere(altitude):
    Compute atmospheric properties according to the International Standaard Atmosphere (ISA) model    
        altitude (m)
        temperature (K)
        pressure (Pa)
        density (Kg.m-3)
    assert altitude < 84852 , str(altitude)+' is higher than max altitude of the ISA model' 
    g0 = 9.81 # standard gravity (m.s-2)
    r = 287 # specific gas constant (J.Kg-1.K-1)
    # ISA model
    h0_tab = np.array([0,      11e3,    20e3,    32e3,    47e3,    51e3,    71e3,    84852]) # base altitude (m)
    a_tab = np.array([-6.5e-3, 0,       1e-3,    2.8e-3,  0,       -2.8e-3, -2.0e-3]) # lapse rate (K.m-1)
    # the base properties of each range are tabulated to reduce computational cost
    T0_tab = np.array([288.15, 216.65,  216.65,  228.65,  270.65,  270.65,  214.65]) # base temperature (K)
    P0_tab = np.array([101325, 22632,   5474.9,  868.02,  110.91,  66.939,  3.9564]) # base pressure (Pa)
    index = 0
    while altitude > h0_tab[index+1]:
        index += 1
    a = a_tab[index]
    T0 = T0_tab[index]
    P0 = P0_tab[index]
    T = T0+a*(altitude-h0_tab[index])     # Toussaint equation
    if T == T0 : # isohermal region
        P = P0*np.exp(-g0*(altitude-h0_tab[index])/(r*T))
    else : # gradient region
        P = P0*np.power(T/T0,-g0/(a*r))
    rho = P/(r*T)    
    return T,P,rho
def laval_nozzle(Pt,Tt,Pamb,Ath,Ae,gamma,r,tolerance=1e-5):
    Compute the thrust assuming a started nozzle
        Pt      : total pressure in the combustion chambre (Pa)
        Tt      : total temperature in the combustion chambre (K)
        Pamb    : ambient pressure (Pa)
        Ath     : throat section area (m2)
        Ae      : exit section area (m2)
        gamma   : ratio of specific heats (adimentional)
        r       : specific gas constant (J.Kg-1.K-1)
        tolerance : 
        Thrust (N)
        Specific impulse (s) 
    N.B : Thrust = mass flow rate * exit velocity + (exit pressure - ambiant pressure) * exit area
    assert gamma > 1, 'gamma must be > 1'
    g0 = 9.81 # standard gravity (m.s-2)
    A_ratio = lambda M,gamma: (1/M)*np.power((2/(gamma+1))*(1+((gamma-1)/2)*M*M),(gamma+1)/(2*gamma-2))
    # compute the nozzle exit section area corresponding to the adapted regime
    Madapted = np.sqrt((2/(gamma-1))*(np.power(Pamb/Pt,(1-gamma)/gamma)-1))
    Aadapted = Ath*A_ratio(Madapted,gamma)
    if Aadapted > Ae: # the nozzle is under-expanded
        # compute the exit Mach number iteratively using dichotomy algorithm
        A_ratio_target = Ae/Ath
        Me_upper = Madapted
        Me_lower = 1
        Me = (Me_upper+Me_lower)/2
        error = A_ratio_target-A_ratio(Me,gamma)
        while np.abs(error) > tolerance:
            if  error > 0:
                Me_lower = Me
                Me_upper = Me
            Me = (Me_upper+Me_lower)/2
            error = A_ratio_target-A_ratio(Me,gamma)
        Te = Tt/(1+((gamma-1)/2)*Me*Me) # exit static temperature
        Pe = Pt*np.power(Tt/Te,gamma/(1-gamma)) # exit static pressure
    elif Aadapted < Ae: # the nozzle is over-expanded
        Mshock = 1
        step = 0.1
        A_ratio_target = Ae/Ath
        Me_upper = 1
        Me_lower = 0
        Me = (Me_upper+Me_lower)/2
        error = A_ratio_target-A_ratio(Me,gamma)
        while np.abs(error) > tolerance:
            if  error < 0:
                Me_lower = Me
                Me_upper = Me
            Me = (Me_upper+Me_lower)/2
            error = A_ratio_target-A_ratio(Me,gamma)
        Te = Tt/(1+((gamma-1)/2)*Me*Me)
        Pe = Pt*np.power(Tt/Te,gamma/(1-gamma))
        while (Pe-Pamb)*1e-5 > tolerance:            
            Mshock_old = Mshock
            Mshock += step
            Pe_old = Pe
            Pt_ratio = np.power(((gamma+1)*Mshock*Mshock)/((gamma-1)*Mshock*Mshock+2),gamma/(gamma-1))*np.power((gamma+1)/(2*gamma*Mshock*Mshock-gamma+1),1/(gamma-1))
            Pi = Pt*Pt_ratio
            Ai = Ath/Pt_ratio
            A_ratio_target = Ae/Ai
            Me_upper = 1
            Me_lower = 0
            Me = (Me_upper+Me_lower)/2
            error = A_ratio_target-A_ratio(Me,gamma)
            while np.abs(error) > tolerance:
                if  error < 0:
                    Me_lower = Me
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