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Documents publics de l'association Electrolab: Statuts Règlement intérieur Grilles tarifaires Charte informatique Charte d'usage des locaux Etc. Ce repository contient les documents fondateurs et organisationnels de l'association Electrolab.
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openEmbroidery / openEmbroidery_software
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1this is the main software, used for edit and design embroidery patterns and to control the OpenEmbroidery hardware module.
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Spino Télémetrie Amplificateur de puissance 435MHz 4W pour la télémétrie de fusex avec radio intégrée
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Fabrice Salvaire / pythonic-gcode-machine
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA Python G-code Toolkit ( NIST RS-274 / Gcode / ISO ) https://fabricesalvaire.github.io/pythonic-gcode-machine
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A boilerplate / template to create a Wordpress plugin implementing a React.js app which can be added to a page using a shortcut. App is build using the wp-script tool that run Webpack and provide a default config to transpile js and Sass.
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Projet de formation/activité, de type multi-module pédagogique, sur le circuit RC.
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Projet de travail pour les workshops STM32 autour du SW embarqué de la CTA.
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SMD SolderStation for Weller RT series soldering tips (hardware part).
Evolution of the previous project : https://wiki.electrolab.fr/Projets:SolderStationWEnglish
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Ce projet héberge le code embarqué dans les cartes de contrôle des aérothermes bricolés pour le chauffage du Lab...
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openEmbroidery / openEmbroidery_hardware
CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2this is the repository for electronic and mechanical part of the OpenEmbroidery project .
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The docker repository that store the image used for Gitlab CI pipeline scripts. It includes a mechanism to provide for machine authentication for auto deployment, using DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="" and DEPLOYMENT_SECRET.
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Other"AMATEUR SATELLITE XML Schema" project is to define a data structure in order to help Satellite hamradio people to share information about Amateur Satellites. Amateur Satellites description is embedded in an XML file.
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