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  Build Tools.  The build still relies on some Unix-like commands.  I use
  the GNUWin32 tools that can be downloaded from
  using the 'Download all' selection.  Individual packages can be download
  instead if you know what you are doing and want a faster download (No, I
  can't tell you which packages you should or should not download).
  Host Compiler:  I use the MingGW GCC compiler which can be downloaded from  If you are using GNUWin32, then it is recommended
  the you not install the optional MSYS components as there may be conflicts.

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  This capability should still be considered a work in progress because:
    (1) It has not been verified on all targets and tools, and
    (2) it still lacks some of the creature-comforts of the more mature
  There is an alternative to the script available for the Windows
  native environment: tools/configure.bat.  See tools/README.txt for additional
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  The Windows native build will depend upon a few Unix-like tools that can be
  provided either by MSYS or GNUWin32.  The GNUWin32 are available from  GNUWin32 provides ports of tools with a
  GPL or similar open source license to modern MS-Windows (Microsoft Windows
  2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008 / 7).  See for a list of all of the tools
  available in the GNUWin32 package.
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  The SourceForge project is located here:  The project is still being
  actively supported (although some of the Windows ports have gotten very old).
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  Some commercial toolchains include a subset of the GNUWin32 tools in the
  installation.  My recommendation is that you download the GNUWin32 tools
  directly from the website so that you will know what you are
  using and can reproduce your build environment.
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  GNUWin32 Installation Steps:
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  The following steps will download and execute the GNUWin32 installer.
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  1. Download GetGNUWin32-x.x.x.exe from  This is the
     installer.  The current version as of this writing is 0.6.3.
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  2. Run the installer.
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  3. Accept the license.
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  4. Select the installation directory.  My recommendation is the
     directory that contains this README file (<this-directory>).
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  5. After running GetGNUWin32-0.x.x.exe, you will have a new directory
  Note that the GNUWin32 installer didn't install GNUWin32.  Instead, it
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  installed another, smarter downloader.  That downloader is the GNUWin32
  package management tool developed by the Open SSL project.
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  The following steps probably should be performed from inside a DOS shell.
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  6. Change to the directory created by GetGNUWin32-x.x.x.exe
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    cd GetGNUWin32
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  7. Execute the download.bat script.  The download.bat script will download
     about 446 packages!  Enough to have a very complete Linux-like environment
     under the DOS shell.  This will take awhile.  This step only downloads
     the packages and the next step will install the packages.
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patacongo's avatar
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  8. This step will install the downloaded packages.  The argument of the
     install.bat script is the installation location.  C:\gnuwin32 is the
     standard install location:
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     install C:\gnuwin32
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  NOTE:  This installation step will install *all* GNUWin32 packages... far
  more than you will ever need.  If disc space is a problem for you, you might
  need to perform a manual installation of the individual ZIP files that you
  will find in the <this directory>/GetGNUWin32/packages directory.
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  If you see strange behavior when building under Cygwin then you may have
  a problem with your PATH variable.  For example, if you see failures to
  locate files that are clearly present, that may mean that you are using
  the wrong version of a tool.  For example, you may not be using Cygwin's
  'make' program at /usr/bin/make.  Try:
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    $ which make

  When you install some toolchains (such as Yargarto or CodeSourcery tools),
  they may modify your PATH variable to include a path to their binaries.
  At that location, they make have GNUWin32 versions of the tools.  So you
  might actually be using a version of make that does not understand Cygwin
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  1. Edit your PATH to remove the path to the GNUWin32 tools, or
  2. Put /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, and /bin at the front of your path:
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     $ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH
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  There are many popular Windows native toolchains that may be used with NuttX.
  Examples include CodeSourcery (for Windows), devkitARM, and several vendor-
  provied toolchains.  There are several limitations with using a and Windows
  based toolchain in a Cygwin environment.  The three biggest are:

  1. The Windows toolchain cannot follow Cygwin paths.  Path conversions are
     performed automatically in the Cygwin makefiles using the 'cygpath' utility
     but you might easily find some new path problems.  If so, check out 'cygpath -w'

  2. Windows toolchains cannot follow Cygwin symbolic links.  Many symbolic links
     are used in Nuttx (e.g., include/arch).  The make system works around these
     problems for the Windows tools by copying directories instead of linking them.
     But this can also cause some confusion for you:  For example, you may edit
     a file in a "linked" directory and find that your changes had no effect.
     That is because you are building the copy of the file in the "fake" symbolic
     directory.  If you use a Windows toolchain, you should get in the habit of
     making like this:

       make clean_context all

     An alias in your .bashrc file might make that less painful.  The rebuild
     is not a long as you might think because there is no dependency checking
     if you are using a native Windows toolchain.  That bring us to #3:

General Pre-built Toolchain Issues

  To continue with the list of "Window Native Toolchain Issues" we can add
  the following.  These, however, are really just issues that you will have
  if you use any pre-built toolchain (vs. building the NuttX toolchain from
  the NuttX buildroot package):

  There may be incompatibilities with header files, libraries, and compiler
  built-in functions at detailed below.  For the most part, these issues
  are handled in the existing make logic.  But if you are breaking new ground,
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  then you may encounter these:

  4. Header Files.  Most pre-built toolchains will build with a foreign C
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     library (usually newlib, but maybe uClibc or glibc if you are using a
     Linux toolchain).  This means that the header files from the foreign
     C library will be built into the toolchain.  So if you "include <stdio.h>",
     you will get the stdio.h from the incompatible, foreign C library and
     not the nuttx stdio.h (at nuttx/include/stdio.h) that you wanted.

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     This can cause really confusion in the builds and you must always be
     sure the -nostdinc is included in the CFLAGS.  That will assure that
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     you take the include files only from

  5. Libraries.  What was said above header files applies to libraries.
     You do not want to include code from the libraries of any foreign
     C libraries built into your toolchain.  If this happens you will get
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     perplexing errors about undefined symbols.  To avoid these errors,
     you will need to add -nostdlib to your CFLAGS flags to assure that
     you only take code from the NuttX libraries.

     This, however, may causes other issues for libraries in the toolchain
     that you do want (like libgcc.a or libm.a).  These are special-cased
     in most Makefiles, but you could still run into issues of missing

  6. Built-Ins.  Some compilers target a particular operating system.
     Many people would, for example, like to use the same toolchain to
     develop Linux and NuttX software.  Compilers built for other
     operating systems may generate incompatible built-in logic and,
     for this reason, -fno-builtin should also be included in your
     C flags

  And finally you may not be able to use NXFLAT.

  7. NXFLAT. If you use a pre-built toolchain, you will lose all support
     for NXFLAT.  NXFLAT is a binary format described in
     Documentation/NuttXNxFlat.html.  It may be possible to build
     standalone versions of the NXFLAT tools; there are a few examples
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     of this in the buildroot repository at
     However, it is possible that there could be interoperability issues
     with your toolchain since they will be using different versions of
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     binutils and possibly different ABIs.
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Building Original Linux Boards in Cygwin

  Some default board configurations are set to build under Linux and others
  to build under Windows with Cygwin.  Various default toolchains may also
  be used in each configuration.  It is possible to change the default
  setup.  Here, for example, is what you must do in order to compile a
  default Linux configuration in the Cygwin environment using the
  CodeSourceery for Windows toolchain.  After instantiating a "canned"
  NuttX configuration, run the target 'menuconfig' and set the following

    Build Setup->Build Host Platform->Windows
    Build Setup->Windows Build Environment->Cygwin
    System Type->Toolchain Selection->CodeSourcery GNU Toolchain under Windows

  In Windows 7 it may be required to open the Cygwin shell as Administrator
  ("Run As" option, right button) you find errors like "Permission denied".

Recovering from Bad Configurations

  Many people make the mistake of configuring NuttX with the "canned"
  configuration and then just typing 'make' with disastrous consequences;
  the build may fail with mysterious, uninterpretable, and irrecoverable
  build errors.  If, for example, you do this with an unmodified Linux
  configuration in a Windows/Cgwin environment, you will corrupt the
  build environment.  The environment will be corrupted because of POSIX vs
  Windows path issues and with issues related to symbolic links.  If you
  make the mistake of doing this, the easiest way to recover is to just
  start over: Do 'make distclean' to remove every trace of the corrupted
  configuration, reconfigure from scratch, and make certain that the set
  the configuration correctly for your platform before attempting to make

  Just fixing the configuration file after you have instantiated the bad
  configuration with 'make' is not enough.

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Additional information can be found in the Documentation/ directory and
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also in README files that are scattered throughout the source tree.  The
documentation is in HTML and can be access by loading the following file
into your Web browser:


NuttX documentation is also available online at

Below is a guide to the available README files in the NuttX source tree:
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 |- arch/
 |   |
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 |   |   `- src
 |   |       `- lpc214x/README.txt
 |   |- renesas/
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 |   |   |- include/
 |   |   |   `-README.txt
 |   |   |- src/
 |   |   |   `-README.txt
 |   |- x86/
 |   |   |- include/
 |   |   |   `-README.txt
 |   |   `- src/
 |   |       `-README.txt
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 |   `- z80/
 |   |   `- src/
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 |   |       |- z80/README.txt
 |   |       `- z180/README.txt, z180_mmu.txt
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 |   `- README.txt
 |- audio/
 |   `-README.txt
 |- binfmt/
 |   `-libpcode/
 |       `-README.txt
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 |- configs/
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 |   |- arduino-mega2560/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- avr32dev1/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- c5471evm/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- cc3200-launchpad/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- cloudctrl
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- compal_e88
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- compal_e99
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- demo0s12ne64/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- dk-tm4c129x/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- ea3131/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- ea3152/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- eagle100/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- efm32-g8xx-stk/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- ekk-lm3s9b96/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- ez80f910200kitg/
 |   |   |- ostest/README.txt
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- ez80f910200zco/
 |   |   |- dhcpd/README.txt
 |   |   |- httpd/README.txt
 |   |   |- nettest/README.txt
 |   |   |- nsh/README.txt
 |   |   |- ostest/README.txt
 |   |   |- poll/README.txt
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- freedom-kl25z/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- freedom-kl26z/
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 |   |- hymini-stm32v/
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 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- kwikstik-k40/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- launchxl-tms57004/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- lincoln60/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- lm3s6432-s2e/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- lm3s6965-ek/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- lm3s8962-ek/
 |   |- lpc4330-xplorer/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- lpc4337-ws/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- lpc4357-evb/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- lpc4370-link2/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- lpcxpresso-lpc1768/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- mbed/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- mcu123-lpc214x/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- micropendous3/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- mirtoo/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- misoc/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- moteino-mega/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- mx1ads/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- ne63badge/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- ntosd-dm320/
 |   |   |- doc/README.txt
 |   |   `- README.txt
Gregory Nutt's avatar
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 |   |- nucleo-144/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- nutiny-nuc120/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- olimex-efm32g880f129-stk/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- olimex-lpc1766stk/
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 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- olimex-lpc2378/
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 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- olimex-lpc-h3131/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- olimex-stm32-h405/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- olimex-stm32-h407/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- olimex-stm32-p107/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- olimex-stm32-p207/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- olimex-strp711/
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 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- open1788/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- p112/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- pcblogic-pic32mx/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- pic32mx7mmb/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- pic32mz-starterkit/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- sabre-6quad/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- sama5d2-xult/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- sama5d4-ek/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- samd20-xplained/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- samd21-xplained/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- sam3u-ek/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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Gregory Nutt committed
 |   |- sam4cmp-db
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- sam4e-ek/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- sam4s-xplained/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- sam4s-xplained-pro/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- same70-xplained/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- samv71-xult/
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 |   |- sim/
Gregory Nutt's avatar
Gregory Nutt committed
 |   |   |- include/README.txt
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 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- skp16c26/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- stm3210e-eval/
 |   |   |- RIDE/README.txt
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- stm3220g-eval/
 |   |   |-ide/nsh/iar/README.txt
 |   |   |-ide/nsh/uvision/README.txt
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 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- stm3240g-eval/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- stm32f103-minumum/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- stm32f3discovery/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- stm32f4discovery/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- stm32f411e-disco/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |   |- ide/ltcd/uvision/README.txt
 |   |   |- ltdc/README.txt
 |   |- stm32f746g-disco/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- stm32l476-mdk/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- stm32l476vg-disco/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- sure-pic32mx/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- tm4c123g-launchpad/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- tm4c1294-launchpad/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- twr-k60n512/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- u-blox-co27/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- us7032evb1/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- viewtool-stm32f107/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- xtrs/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- z16f2800100zcog/
 |   |   |- ostest/README.txt
 |   |   |- pashello/README.txt
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- z80sim/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- z8encore000zco/
 |   |   |- ostest/README.txt
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- z8f64200100kit/
 |   |   |- ostest/README.txt
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- zkit-arm-1769/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- zp214xpa/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- eeprom/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- lcd/
 |   |   | README.txt
 |   |   `- pcf8574_lcd_backpack_readme.txt
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 |   |- mtd/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- sensors/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- sercomm/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   `- README.txt
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 |- fs/
 |   |- binfs/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |   |- mmap/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- smartfs/
 |   |   `- README.txt
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 |       `- README.txt
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 |- graphics/
 |   `- README.txt
 |   `- README.txt
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 |- libxx/
 |   `- README.txt
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 |- mm/
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 |   `- README.txt
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 |- net/
 |   `- README.txt
 |- syscall/
 |   `- README.txt
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 `- tools/
     `- README.txt
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Below is a guide to the available README files in the semi-optional apps/
source tree:

 |   |- json/README.txt
 |   |- pashello/README.txt
 |   `- README.txt
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 |- gpsutils/
 |   `- minmea/README.txt
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 |- graphics/
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 |   |- tiff/README.txt
 |   `- traveler/tools/tcledit/README.txt
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 |   |- bas
 |   |- ficl
 |   |  `- README.txt
 |   `- README.txt
 |   |- discover
 |   |  `- README.txt
 |   |- json
 |   |  `- README.txt
 |   |- telnetd
 |   |  `- README.txt
 |   `- README.txt
 |- nshlib/
 |   `- README.txt
 |- NxWidgets/
 |   `- README.txt
 |   |- cdcacm
 |   |  `- README.txt
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 |   |- inifile
 |   |  `- README.txt
 |   |- install
 |   |  `- README.txt
 |   |- nxplayer
 |   |  `- README.txt
 |   |- symtab/
 |   |   `- README.txt
 |   |- usbmsc
 |   |  `- README.txt
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Additional README.txt files in the other, related repositories:

 |- Doxygen
 |   `- README.txt
 |- tools
 |   `- README.txt
 |- UnitTests
 |   `- README.txt
 `- README.txt
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 `- README.txt

 `- README.txt

 `- README.txt

 `- README.txt