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Fabrice Salvaire's avatar
Fabrice Salvaire committed
# Proof of Concept Portal

**Backend Stack**

Backend : [ Nginx HTTP proxy <-> Gunicorn * [Uvicorn ASGI] @ Python 3.7 > FastAPI -> PostgreSQL ]

    <--- HTTP JSON XHR / REST API --->

Browser > Web Frontend

* [FastAPI]( Web Framework to build REST server

 **key features:**
 - fast and competitive
 - asynchronous I/O event loop using [libuv](
 - support [OpenAPI]( / [JSON Schema](
 - generate automatic interactive documentation
 - load JSON to class object and verify schema
 - support [GraphQL](

* [Starlette]( ASGI framework/toolkit
* [Uvicorn]( ASGI server as [Gunicorn]( worker
* [SqlAlchemy]( ORM -> [PostgreSQL](
* [MJML]( Responsive Email Framework

**Checkout Frontend Stack**

* [React](
* [Create React App]( (using Webpack)
* Sass stylesheet
* Nginx HTTP proxy or as a Wordpress Plugin

**Checkout Frontend Stack**

* [React]( Web Framework
* [React Router](
* [Redux](
* transpiled and bundled by [Webpack](
* Sass stylesheet
* Nginx HTTP proxy

# Screenshots

## OpenAPI Swagger Documentation
![]( "OpenAPI Swagger Documentation")
## Create Donation
![]( "Create donation")

## Frontend Form
![]( "Frontend form")
## Stripe Checkout
![]( "Stripe Checkout")
## Stripe Payments
![]( "Stripe payments")
## Stripe Payment
![]( "Stripe payment")
## Redirect to Frontend after Stripe Checkout Completed
![]( "redirect to Frontend after Stripe checkout completed")

## OAuth2 Login in OpenAPI
![]( "OAuth2 login")
# OAuth2 logged
![]( "OAuth2 bearer")
# Donations Query
![]( "Donations query")

# Urls

* Backend OpenAPI :
* Frontend: http://localhost:3000/checkout

# Stripe Test Card

| Type               | Issuer    | Payment  | ID                  |
| ------------------ | --------- | -------- | --------------------|
| French Visa        | | succeeds | 4000 0025 0000 0003 |
| International Visa | | succeeds | 4242 4242 4242 4242 |
| International Visa | | declined | 4000 0025 0000 3155 |

# Stripe Fee Computation

P = N + 0.25 + N*f
  = N*(1+f) + 0.25

N = (P - 0.25) / (1 + f)

10*(1+1.4/100) + 0.25 = + 0.39
100                   = + 1.65
500                   = + 7.25