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= Other Codes

== F: Set Feed Rate
(((F: Set Feed Rate)))

'Fx' - set the feed rate to 'x'.  'x' is usually in machine units
(inches or millimeters) per minute.

The application of the feed rate is as described in the
<<sub:feed-rate,Feed Rate>> Section, unless 'inverse time feed rate mode'
or 'feed per revolution mode' are in effect, in which case the feed rate
is as described in the <<gcode:g93-g94-g95,G93 G94 G95>> Section.

== S: Set Spindle Speed
(((S: Set Spindle Speed)))

'Sx' - set the speed of the spindle to 'x' revolutions per minute (RPM).

The spindle will turn at that speed when a 'M3' or 'M4' is in effect.
It is OK to program an S word whether the spindle is turning or not.
If the speed override switch is enabled and not set at 100%, 
the speed will be different from what is programmed. 
It is OK to program S0, the spindle will not turn if that is done.

It is an error if:

* the S number is negative.

== T: Select Tool
(((T: Select Tool)))

'Tx' - prepare to change to tool 'x'.

The tool is not changed until an 'M6' is programmed (see Section
<<mcode:m6,M6>>). The T word may appear on the same line as the
'M6' or on a previous line. It is OK if T words appear on two or more
lines with no tool change. Only the the most recent T word will take
effect at the next tool change.

NOTE: When LinuxCNC is configured for a nonrandom toolchanger (see
the entry for RANDOM_TOOLCHANGER in the <<sec:emcio-section,EMCIO
Section>>), 'T0' gets special handling: no tool will be selected. This
is useful if you want the spindle to be empty after a tool change.

NOTE: When LinuxCNC is configured for a random toolchanger (see
the entry for RANDOM_TOOLCHANGER in the <<sec:emcio-section,EMCIO
Section>>), 'T0' does not get any special treatment: T0 is a valid
tool like any other.  It is customary to use T0 on a random toolchanger
machine to track an empty pocket, so that it behaves like a nonrandom
toolchanger machine and unloads the spindle.

It is an error if:

* a negative T number is used,

* T number is used that does not appear in the tool table file (with
    the exception that T0 on nonrandom toolchangers *is* accepted,
    as noted above).

On some machines, the carousel will move when a T word is programmed,
at the same time machining is occurring. On such machines, programming
the T word several lines before a tool change will save time. A common
programming practice for such machines is to put the T word for the
next tool to be used on the line after a tool change. This maximizes
the time available for the carousel to move.

Rapid moves after a 'T<n>' will not show on the AXIS preview until after
a feed move. This is for machines that travel long distances to change
the tool like a lathe. This can be very confusing at first. To turn
this feature off for the current tool program a G1 without any
move after the 'T<n>'.

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