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# PythonicGcodeMachine - @licence_header_description@
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# Copyright (C) 2018 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

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__all__ = ['GcodeLexerError', 'GcodeLexer']
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import re

    import ply.lex as lexer
except ModuleNotFoundError:
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    import PythonicGcodeMachine.PythonLexYacc.lex as lexer
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class GcodeLexerError(ValueError):
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class GcodeLexer:
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    """Class to implement a RS-274 G-code lexer.
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    # List of token names.
    tokens = (
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        # 'LETTER',
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        'A', 'B', 'C', 'D',
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        'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
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        'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T',
        'X', 'Y', 'Z',
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    # Regular expression rules for simple tokens
    t_ABSOLUTE_VALUE = r'abs'
    t_AND = r'and'
    t_ARC_COSINE = r'acos'
    t_ARC_SINE = r'asin'
    t_ARC_TANGENT = r'atan'
    # t_BLOCK_DELETE = r'\/' # slash
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    t_COSINE = r'cos'
    t_DIVIDED_BY = r'\/' # slash
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    t_EQUAL_SIGN = r'='
    t_EXCLUSIVE_OR = r'xor'
    t_E_RAISED_TO = r'exp'
    t_FIX_DOWN = r'fix'
    t_FIX_UP = r'fup'
    t_LEFT_BRACKET = r'\['
    # t_LEFT_PARENTHESIS = r'\('
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    t_MINUS = r'-'
    t_MODULO = r'mod'
    t_NATURAL_LOG_OF = r'ln'
    t_NON_EXCLUSIVE_OR = r'or'
    t_PARAMETER_SIGN = r'\#'
    t_PLUS = r'\+'
    t_POWER = r'\*\*'
    t_RIGHT_BRACKET = r'\]'
    # t_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = r'\)'
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    t_ROUND = r'round'
    t_SINE = r'sin'
    t_SQUARE_ROOT = r'sqrt'
    t_TANGENT = r'tan'
    t_TIMES = r'\*'

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    # clash with acos ... ???
    # t_LETTER = r'(' + '|'.join('abcd' + 'fghijklm' + 'pqrst' + 'xyz') + ')'

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    t_A = r'a'
    T_B = r'b'
    t_C = r'c'
    t_D = r'd'

    t_F = r'f'
    t_G = r'g'
    t_H = r'h'
    t_I = r'i'
    t_J = r'j'
    t_K = r'k'
    t_L = r'l'
    t_M = r'm'

    t_P = r'p'
    t_Q = r'q'
    t_R = r'r'
    t_S = r's'
    t_T = r't'

    t_X = r'x'
    t_Y = r'y'
    t_Z = r'z'

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    t_N = r'n'

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    # def t_POSITIVE_INTEGER(self, t):
    #     r'\d+'
    #     t.value = int(t.value)
    #     return t

    # def t_POSITIVE_REAL(self, t):
    #     r'\d*\.\d+'
    #     t.value = float(t.value)
    #     return t

    def t_REAL(self, t):
        # r'((-)?((\d*\.\d+)(E[\+-]?\d+)?|([1-9]\d*E[\+-]?\d+)))'
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        value = t.value
        if '.' in value:
            value = float(value)
            if value > 0:
                t.type = 'POSITIVE_REAL'
                t.type = 'REAL'
            value = int(value)
            t.type = 'POSITIVE_INTEGER'
        t.value = value
        return t

    def t_INLINE_COMMENT(self, t):
        value = t.value[1:-1]
        position = value.find('(')
        if position != -1:
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            raise GcodeLexerError(t.lexpos + position +1)
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        t.value = value
        return t

    def t_EOF_COMMENT(self, t):
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        t.value = t.value[1:].strip()
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        return t

    # Ignored characters (spaces and tabs)
    t_ignore  = ' \t'

    def t_error(self, t):
        'Error handling rule'
        # t.lexer.skip(1)
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        # raise GcodeLexerError("Illegal character @{} '{}'".format(t.lexpos, t.value))
        raise GcodeLexerError(t.lexpos)
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    def __init__(self):


    def _build(self, **kwargs):
        """Build the lexer"""
        self._lexer = lexer.lex(
            reflags=int(re.VERBOSE + re.IGNORECASE),
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    def input(self, data):
        return self._lexer.input(data)


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    def tokenize(self, data):
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        while True:
            token = self._lexer.token()
            if not token:
            yield token