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Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
EESchema Schematic File Version 2
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Sheet 2 8
Title "MCU"
Date "2016-09-09"
Comp "BetaMachine"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Comment1 "Brain"
Comment2 "AAA Control Backend"
Comment3 "Nipo"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Comment4 ""
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Wire Wire Line
	8800 900  8800 800 
Wire Wire Line
	8800 800  9600 800 
Wire Wire Line
	9200 800  9200 900 
Wire Wire Line
	9100 900  9100 800 
Connection ~ 9100 800 
Wire Wire Line
	9000 700  9000 900 
Connection ~ 9000 800 
Wire Wire Line
	8900 900  8900 800 
Connection ~ 8900 800 
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L +3V3 #PWR01
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BB77EC
P 9000 700
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR01" H 9000 550 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "+3V3" H 9015 873 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9000 700 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9000 700 50  0000 C CNN
	1    9000 700 
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	8800 2500 8800 2600
Wire Wire Line
	8800 2600 9400 2600
Wire Wire Line
	9200 2600 9200 2500
Wire Wire Line
	9100 2500 9100 2600
Connection ~ 9100 2600
Wire Wire Line
	9000 2500 9000 2700
Connection ~ 9000 2600
Wire Wire Line
	8900 2500 8900 2600
Connection ~ 8900 2600
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BB788C
P 9000 2700
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR02" H 9000 2450 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 9005 2527 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9000 2700 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9000 2700 50  0000 C CNN
	1    9000 2700
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	9300 2600 9300 2500
Connection ~ 9200 2600
Wire Wire Line
	9300 800  9300 900 
Connection ~ 9200 800 
U 12 1 57BCD0F0
P 9100 1700
AR Path="/57BCD0F0" Ref="U?"  Part="12" 
AR Path="/57A213D7/57BCD0F0" Ref="U1"  Part="12" 
F 0 "U1" H 8558 1791 50  0000 R CNN
F 1 "STM32F107VCT" H 8558 1700 50  0000 R CNN
F 2 "Housings_QFP:LQFP-100_14x14mm_Pitch0.5mm" H 8558 1609 50  0001 R CNN
F 3 "" H 9100 1700 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "STMicroelectronics" H 9800 4000 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "STM32F107VCT7" H 9800 4000 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "511-STM32F107VCT7" H 9800 4000 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "STM32 Connectivity, 72MHz, 256/64kB" H 9800 4000 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	12   9100 1700
	1    0    0    -1  
U 3 1 57BCD16B
P 6250 4500
AR Path="/57BCD16B" Ref="U?"  Part="3" 
AR Path="/57A213D7/57BCD16B" Ref="U1"  Part="3" 
F 0 "U1" H 6524 5515 50  0000 C CNN
F 1 "STM32F107VCT" H 6524 5424 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_QFP:LQFP-100_14x14mm_Pitch0.5mm" H 6524 5333 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6250 4500 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "STMicroelectronics" H 15250 1300 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "STM32F107VCT7" H 15250 1300 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "511-STM32F107VCT7" H 15250 1300 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "STM32 Connectivity, 72MHz, 256/64kB" H 15250 1300 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	3    6250 4500
	1    0    0    -1  
Text Label 7050 3900 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 7050 4000 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 7050 4100 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 7050 3800 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 9700 1900 0    60   ~ 0
U 6 1 57BCDAE7
P 8200 6100
AR Path="/57BCDAE7" Ref="U?"  Part="6" 
AR Path="/57A213D7/57BCDAE7" Ref="U1"  Part="6" 
F 0 "U1" H 8374 6415 50  0000 C CNN
F 1 "STM32F107VCT" H 8374 6324 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_QFP:LQFP-100_14x14mm_Pitch0.5mm" H 8374 6233 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8200 6100 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "STMicroelectronics" H 9100 6700 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "STM32F107VCT7" H 9100 6700 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "511-STM32F107VCT7" H 9100 6700 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "STM32 Connectivity, 72MHz, 256/64kB" H 9100 6700 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	6    8200 6100
	-1   0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BCDC66
P 10700 1900
AR Path="/57BCDC66" Ref="X2"  Part="1" 
AR Path="/57A213D7/57BCDC66" Ref="X2"  Part="1" 
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "X2" H 10700 2120 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "25MHz" H 10700 2029 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Abracon:ABM8G" H 10700 1900 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10700 1900 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Abracon" H 10700 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "ABM8G-25.000MHZ-B4Y-T" H 10700 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "815-ABM8G-25-B4Y-T" H 10700 1900 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 7 "25MHz 10pF 30ppm -20C +70C" H 10700 1900 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	1    10700 1900
	-1   0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	9700 1700 10500 1700
Wire Wire Line
	10500 1700 10500 2150
Connection ~ 10500 1900
Wire Wire Line
	10900 1600 10900 2150
Wire Wire Line
	10900 1600 9700 1600
Connection ~ 10900 1900
Wire Wire Line
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	10700 2100 10700 2600
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C9
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BCDE27
P 10500 2300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C9" H 10614 2346 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "12pF" H 10614 2255 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 10538 2150 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10500 2300 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Vishay" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "VJ0603A120KXJPW1BC" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "77-VJ0603A120KXJPBC" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "16V, C0G, 10%, 0603" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    10500 2300
	-1   0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C10
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BCDE5F
P 10900 2300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C10" H 11015 2346 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "12pF" H 11015 2255 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 10938 2150 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10900 2300 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Vishay" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "VJ0603A120KXJPW1BC" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "77-VJ0603A120KXJPBC" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "16V, C0G, 10%, 0603" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    10900 2300
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	10500 2450 10500 2600
Wire Wire Line
	10900 2450 10900 2600
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BCDFC0
P 10500 2600
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR03" H 10500 2350 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 10505 2427 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 10500 2600 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10500 2600 50  0000 C CNN
	1    10500 2600
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BCDFE7
P 10700 2600
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR04" H 10700 2350 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 10705 2427 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 10700 2600 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10700 2600 50  0000 C CNN
	1    10700 2600
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BCE007
P 10900 2600
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR05" H 10900 2350 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 10905 2427 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 10900 2600 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10900 2600 50  0000 C CNN
	1    10900 2600
	1    0    0    -1  
U 4 1 57BD51F8
P 4900 5700
AR Path="/57BD51F8" Ref="U1"  Part="4" 
AR Path="/57A213D7/57BD51F8" Ref="U1"  Part="4" 
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "U1" H 5087 6216 50  0000 C CNN
F 1 "STM32F107VCT" H 5087 6125 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_QFP:LQFP-100_14x14mm_Pitch0.5mm" H 5087 6034 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4900 5700 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "STMicroelectronics" H 10200 5000 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "STM32F107VCT7" H 10200 5000 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "511-STM32F107VCT7" H 10200 5000 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "STM32 Connectivity, 72MHz, 256/64kB" H 10200 5000 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	4    4900 5700
	-1   0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD5361
P 1300 5600
AR Path="/57BD5361" Ref="P2"  Part="1" 
AR Path="/57A213D7/57BD5361" Ref="P2"  Part="1" 
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "P2" V 875 5524 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "USBA" V 966 5524 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Connect:USB_A" V 1250 5500 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" V 1250 5500 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Amphenol" H 1300 5600 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "UE27AC5410H" H 1300 5600 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "523-UE27AC5410H" H 1300 5600 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "USB A Female connector" H 1300 5600 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
F 8 "NU" V 1550 5600 60  0000 C CNN "Installed"
	1    1300 5600
	0    -1   1    0   
Wire Wire Line
	1700 5700 1700 5900
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD572C
P 1700 5900
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR06" H 1700 5650 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 1705 5727 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1700 5900 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1700 5900 50  0000 C CNN
	1    1700 5900
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD57A2
P 1200 6800
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR07" H 1200 6550 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 1205 6627 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1200 6800 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1200 6800 50  0000 C CNN
	1    1200 6800
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L Crystal X1
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD5AA4
P 6400 6400
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "X1" H 6400 6620 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "32768Hz" H 6400 6529 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Abracon:ABS07" H 6400 6400 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6400 6400 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Abracon" H 6400 6400 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "ABS07-32.768KHZ-7-T" H 6400 6400 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "815-ABS07-32.768K7T" H 6400 6400 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "Quartz 32.768KHz 12.5pF -40C +85C 10ppm" H 6400 6400 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
F 8 "NU" H 6400 6250 60  0000 C CNN "Installed"
	1    6400 6400
	-1   0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	6600 6200 7400 6200
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Wire Wire Line
	6600 6200 6600 6650
Connection ~ 6600 6400
Wire Wire Line
	6200 6100 6200 6650
Wire Wire Line
	6200 6100 7400 6100
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Connection ~ 6200 6400
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C4
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD5AB1
P 6600 6800
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C4" H 6714 6846 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "12pF" H 6714 6755 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 6638 6650 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6600 6800 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Vishay" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "VJ0603A120KXJPW1BC" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "77-VJ0603A120KXJPBC" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "16V, C0G, 10%, 0603" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
F 8 "NU" H 6500 6900 60  0000 C CNN "Installed"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    6600 6800
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C2
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD5AB7
P 6200 6800
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C2" H 6315 6846 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "12pF" H 6315 6755 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 6238 6650 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6200 6800 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Vishay" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "VJ0603A120KXJPW1BC" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "77-VJ0603A120KXJPBC" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "16V, C0G, 10%, 0603" H 7000 2150 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
F 8 "NU" H 6100 6900 60  0000 C CNN "Installed"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    6200 6800
	-1   0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	6600 6950 6600 7100
Wire Wire Line
	6200 6950 6200 7100
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD5ABF
P 6600 7100
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR08" H 6600 6850 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 6605 6927 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6600 7100 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6600 7100 50  0000 C CNN
	1    6600 7100
	-1   0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD5ACB
P 6200 7100
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR09" H 6200 6850 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 6205 6927 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6200 7100 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6200 7100 50  0000 C CNN
	1    6200 7100
	-1   0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	7050 4300 7700 4300
Wire Wire Line
	7700 4200 7700 4550
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD5F9C
P 7700 4550
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR010" H 7700 4300 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 7705 4377 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7700 4550 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7700 4550 50  0000 C CNN
	1    7700 4550
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	7050 4200 7700 4200
Connection ~ 7700 4300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L CONN_02X10 P4
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD64F5
P 8450 4450
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "P4" H 8450 5150 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "ARM 20PIN" H 8450 5050 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "SMD_pin_header:SMD-pin-header_02x10_1.27mm" H 8450 3250 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8450 3250 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "FCI / Amphenol" H 8450 4450 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 5 "20021121-00020C4LF" H 8450 4450 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "649-202112100020C4LF" H 8450 4450 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "20pin 1.27" H 8450 4450 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	1    8450 4450
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L +3V3 #PWR011
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD64FB
P 8100 3900
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR011" H 8100 3750 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "+3V3" H 8115 4073 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8100 3900 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8100 3900 50  0000 C CNN
	1    8100 3900
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	8100 3900 8100 4000
Wire Wire Line
	8100 4000 8200 4000
Wire Wire Line
	8200 4100 8100 4100
Wire Wire Line
	8100 4100 8100 5000
Wire Wire Line
	8100 4400 8200 4400
Wire Wire Line
	8200 4200 8100 4200
Connection ~ 8100 4200
Connection ~ 8100 4400
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD6509
P 8100 5000
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR012" H 8100 4750 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 8105 4827 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8100 5000 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8100 5000 50  0000 C CNN
	1    8100 5000
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	8200 4300 8000 4300
Wire Wire Line
	8000 4300 8000 5200
Wire Wire Line
	8000 5200 8800 5200
Wire Wire Line
	8800 5200 8800 4100
Wire Wire Line
	8700 4100 9000 4100
Wire Wire Line
	8700 4200 9000 4200
Wire Wire Line
	8700 4300 9000 4300
Wire Wire Line
	8700 4400 9000 4400
Connection ~ 8800 4100
Wire Wire Line
	8700 4000 9000 4000
Text Label 9000 4000 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 9000 4100 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 9000 4300 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 9000 4200 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 9000 4400 0    60   ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	8100 4900 8200 4900
Connection ~ 8100 4900
Wire Wire Line
	8200 4800 8100 4800
Connection ~ 8100 4800
Wire Wire Line
	8100 4700 8200 4700
Connection ~ 8100 4700
Wire Wire Line
	8700 4500 9000 4500
Wire Wire Line
	8700 4600 9000 4600
Wire Wire Line
	8700 4700 9000 4700
Wire Wire Line
	8700 4800 9000 4800
Wire Wire Line
	8700 4900 9000 4900
Text Label 9000 4500 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 9000 4600 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 9000 4700 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 9000 4800 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 9000 4900 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 7050 4500 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 7050 4600 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 7050 4700 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 7050 4800 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 7050 4900 0    60   ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	7050 4400 7700 4400
Connection ~ 7700 4400
Wire Wire Line
	9400 800  9400 900 
Connection ~ 9300 800 
Wire Wire Line
	9400 2600 9400 2500
Connection ~ 9300 2600
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C3
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD7879
P 6400 1350
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C3" H 6450 1500 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "100nF" H 6400 1250 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 6438 1200 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6400 1350 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Murata" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GRM188R71E104KA01D" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GRM39X104K25" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 7 "10%, 25V, X7R, 100nF, 0603" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    6400 1350
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	6400 1000 6400 1200
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L +3V3 #PWR013
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD79D5
P 6400 1000
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR013" H 6400 850 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "+3V3" H 6415 1173 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6400 1000 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6400 1000 50  0000 C CNN
	1    6400 1000
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	6400 1500 6400 1700
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD7A91
P 6400 1700
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR014" H 6400 1450 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 6405 1527 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6400 1700 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6400 1700 50  0000 C CNN
	1    6400 1700
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C5
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD7D5E
P 6700 1350
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C5" H 6750 1500 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "100nF" H 6700 1250 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 6738 1200 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6700 1350 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Murata" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GRM188R71E104KA01D" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GRM39X104K25" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 7 "10%, 25V, X7R, 100nF, 0603" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    6700 1350
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C6
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD7DA3
P 7000 1350
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C6" H 7050 1500 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "100nF" H 7000 1250 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 7038 1200 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7000 1350 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Murata" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GRM188R71E104KA01D" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GRM39X104K25" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 7 "10%, 25V, X7R, 100nF, 0603" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    7000 1350
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C7
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BD7DE5
P 7300 1350
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C7" H 7350 1500 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "100nF" H 7300 1250 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 7338 1200 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7300 1350 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Murata" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GRM188R71E104KA01D" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GRM39X104K25" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 7 "10%, 25V, X7R, 100nF, 0603" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    7300 1350
	1    0    0    -1  
L C C8
U 1 1 57BD7E28
P 7600 1350
F 0 "C8" H 7650 1500 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "100nF" H 7600 1250 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 7638 1200 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7600 1350 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Murata" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GRM188R71E104KA01D" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GRM39X104K25" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 7 "10%, 25V, X7R, 100nF, 0603" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    7600 1350
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	6400 1100 7600 1100
Wire Wire Line
	6700 1100 6700 1200
Connection ~ 6400 1100
Wire Wire Line
	7000 1100 7000 1200
Connection ~ 6700 1100
Wire Wire Line
	7300 1100 7300 1200
Connection ~ 7000 1100
Wire Wire Line
	7600 1100 7600 1200
Connection ~ 7300 1100
Wire Wire Line
	6400 1600 7600 1600
Wire Wire Line
	6700 1600 6700 1500
Connection ~ 6400 1600
Wire Wire Line
	7000 1600 7000 1500
Connection ~ 6700 1600
Wire Wire Line
	7300 1600 7300 1500
Connection ~ 7000 1600
Wire Wire Line
	7600 1600 7600 1500
Connection ~ 7300 1600
U 1 1 57BF0F40
P 1200 6400
F 0 "L1" H 1279 6446 50  0000 L CNN
F 1 "FB/600Z/200mA/0R6" V 1050 5950 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 1279 6309 50  0001 L CNN
F 3 "" H 1200 6400 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Murata" H 1200 6400 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "BLM18RK601SN1D" H 1200 6400 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-BLM18RK601SN1" H 1200 6400 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "EMI FB, 0603, 600Ohms, 200mA, 600mOhm DC" H 1200 6400 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	1    1200 6400
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	1200 6800 1200 6700
Wire Wire Line
	1200 5900 1200 6100
Wire Wire Line
	1700 5700 1600 5700
Wire Wire Line
	1600 5400 3900 5400
Wire Wire Line
	2300 5700 3100 5700
Wire Wire Line
	2300 5300 2300 6100
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L +5V #PWR015
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BF1446
P 2300 5300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR015" H 2300 5150 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "+5V" H 2315 5473 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 2300 5300 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2300 5300 50  0000 C CNN
	1    2300 5300
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	3100 6600 3100 6700
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BF152D
P 3100 6700
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR016" H 3100 6450 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 3105 6527 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3100 6700 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3100 6700 50  0000 C CNN
	1    3100 6700
	1    0    0    -1  
L C C1
U 1 1 57BF190A
P 2300 6250
F 0 "C1" H 2414 6296 50  0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 2414 6205 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 2338 6100 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2300 6250 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Murata" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GRM188R71E104KA01D" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GRM39X104K25" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 7 "10%, 25V, X7R, 100nF, 0603" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
F 8 "NU" H 2200 6150 60  0000 C CNN "Installed"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    2300 6250
	-1   0    0    -1  
Connection ~ 2300 5700
Wire Wire Line
	2300 6400 2300 6500
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BF205C
P 2300 6500
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR017" H 2300 6250 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 2305 6327 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 2300 6500 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2300 6500 50  0000 C CNN
	1    2300 6500
	1    0    0    -1  
NoConn ~ 2600 6100
Wire Wire Line
	4100 5700 3700 5700
Wire Wire Line
	2500 6200 2600 6200
Wire Wire Line
	3900 5400 3900 5800
Wire Wire Line
	3900 5800 4100 5800
Connection ~ 2500 5400
Wire Wire Line
	3700 4900 3700 6300
Text Notes 4100 6300 0    60   ~ 0
Host:\nPA10: Active low enable\nPA8: Overcurrent sensing
Wire Wire Line
	1600 5500 4100 5500
Wire Wire Line
	1600 5600 4100 5600
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L R R4
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BF73FF
P 6800 5900
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "R4" V 6487 5900 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "0R" V 6578 5900 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" V 6579 5900 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6800 5900 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Panasonic" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "ERJ-3GEY0R00V" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "667-ERJ-3GEY0R00V" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "Zero ohm" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    6800 5900
	0    -1   1    0   
Wire Wire Line
	6950 5900 7300 5900
Wire Wire Line
	7300 5900 7300 6100
Connection ~ 7300 6100
Wire Wire Line
	6650 5900 6500 5900
Text HLabel 6500 5900 0    60   Input ~ 0
L 2x2pin_push_button BTN1
U 1 1 57BF8FC9
P 10650 900
F 0 "BTN1" H 10650 1287 60  0000 C CNN
F 1 "Reset" H 10650 1181 60  0000 C CNN
F 2 "ALPS_Tact:SKRP" H 10650 900 60  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10650 900 60  0000 C CNN
F 4 "ALPS" H 3500 2200 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "SKRPABE010" H 3500 2200 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "688-SKRPAB" H 3500 2200 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "1.6N" H 13950 5500 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    10650 900 
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	10100 1900 9700 1900
Wire Wire Line
	10100 800  10100 1900
Wire Wire Line
	11000 1000 11000 1250
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BF96CD
P 11000 1250
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR018" H 11000 1000 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 11005 1077 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 11000 1250 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 11000 1250 50  0000 C CNN
	1    11000 1250
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	10900 1000 11000 1000
Wire Wire Line
	9900 800  10400 800 
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L R R6
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57BF9FFE
P 9750 800
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "R6" V 9543 800 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "10k" V 9634 800 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" V 9680 800 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9750 800 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Panasonic" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "ERJ-3EKF1002V" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "667-ERJ-3EKF1002V" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "1%, 75V, 0603" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    9750 800 
	0    1    1    0   
Connection ~ 9400 800 
Connection ~ 10100 800 
Text HLabel 3500 2600 2    60   Output ~ 0
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Text HLabel 6500 6000 0    60   Input ~ 0
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Text HLabel 3500 2400 2    60   Input ~ 0
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Text HLabel 3500 2000 2    60   Output ~ 0
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Text Notes 9100 6250 0    60   ~ 0
If I2C RTC is populated, use 0R\ntowards RTC_OSC and RTC_nIRQ,\n\nIf no I2C RTC, populate a crystal.
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L R R5
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57C01516
P 7050 6000
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "R5" V 6737 6000 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "0R" V 6828 6000 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" V 6829 6000 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 6000 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Panasonic" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "ERJ-3GEY0R00V" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "667-ERJ-3GEY0R00V" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "Zero ohm" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    7050 6000
	0    -1   1    0   
Wire Wire Line
	6900 6000 6500 6000
Wire Wire Line
	7200 6000 7200 6200
Connection ~ 7200 6200
Wire Wire Line
	6550 6400 6600 6400
Wire Wire Line
	6250 6400 6200 6400
Wire Wire Line
	10400 1000 10400 1150
Wire Wire Line
	10400 1150 11000 1150
Connection ~ 11000 1150
Wire Wire Line
	10350 800  10350 650 
Wire Wire Line
	10350 650  10900 650 
Wire Wire Line
	10900 650  10900 800 
Connection ~ 10350 800 
Text Label 2900 5500 0    60   ~ 0
Text Label 2900 5600 0    60   ~ 0
L AP2142 U2
U 1 1 57C74554
P 3100 6100
F 0 "U2" H 2950 6400 60  0000 C CNN
F 1 "AP2142A" H 2875 5750 60  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_SSOP:MSOP-8-1EP_3x3mm_Pitch0.65mm" H 3100 6100 60  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3100 6100 60  0001 C CNN
F 4 "Diodes Inc" H 3100 6100 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "AP2142AMPG-13" H 3100 6100 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "621-AP2142AMPG-13" H 3100 6100 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "Dual .5A power switch" H 3100 6100 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
F 8 "NU" H 2850 5650 60  0000 C CNN "Installed"
	1    3100 6100
	-1   0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	3700 6300 3600 6300
Wire Wire Line
	3800 6200 3600 6200
Wire Wire Line
	3800 4700 3800 6200
Wire Wire Line
	3800 5900 4100 5900
Wire Wire Line
	2500 6200 2500 5400
Wire Wire Line
	3000 6600 3100 6600
NoConn ~ 3600 6000
Wire Wire Line
	3600 6100 3900 6100
Wire Wire Line
	3900 6100 3900 6300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57C76C23
P 3900 6300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR019" H 3900 6050 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 3900 6150 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3900 6300 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3900 6300 50  0000 C CNN
	1    3900 6300
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L CONN_02X03 P5
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57C783F2
P 10250 4500
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "P5" H 10250 4700 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "TC2030-CTX" H 10250 4300 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 2 "TAG-Connect:TC2030" H 10550 4800 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 3 "" H 10250 3300 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "OB" H 10250 4500 60  0000 C CNN "Installed"
	1    10250 4500
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	10000 4400 9900 4400
Wire Wire Line
	9900 4400 9900 4300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L +3V3 #PWR020
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57C78A51
P 9900 4300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR020" H 9900 4150 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "+3V3" H 9900 4440 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9900 4300 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9900 4300 50  0000 C CNN
	1    9900 4300
	1    0    0    -1