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Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Wire Wire Line
	5100 5700 5100 5600
Wire Wire Line
	1200 4700 3700 4700
Wire Wire Line
	1400 4700 1400 4900
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L R R18
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CC7774
P 2500 5150
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "R18" V 2580 5150 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "4.99K" V 2400 5150 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" V 2430 5150 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2500 5150 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Panasonic" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "ERJ-3EKF4991V" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "667-ERJ-3EKF4991V" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "1% 75V 0603" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    2500 5150
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	2500 4700 2500 5000
Connection ~ 1400 4700
Wire Wire Line
	2000 6300 2100 6300
Wire Wire Line
	2400 6300 4200 6300
Wire Wire Line
	2500 5300 2500 6300
Connection ~ 2500 5900
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L D_Schottky_x2_Serial_AKC D1
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CC8110
P 2900 5400
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "D1" V 2800 5250 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "~" H 2900 5500 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "TO_SOT_Packages_SMD:SOT-23" H 2900 5400 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2900 5400 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "ON Semiconductor" H 2900 5400 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 5 "BAT54SLT1G" H 2900 5400 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "863-BAT54SLT1G" H 2900 5400 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "Schottky 30V 225mW Dual" H 2900 5400 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	1    2900 5400
	0    -1   -1   0   
Connection ~ 2500 4700
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L R R19
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CC8622
P 3300 5150
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "R19" V 3380 5150 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "10K" V 3200 5150 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" V 3230 5150 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3300 5150 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Panasonic" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "ERJ-3EKF1002V" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "667-ERJ-3EKF1002V" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "1%, 75V, 0603" H 5550 3850 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    3300 5150
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	3300 5400 3100 5400
Wire Wire Line
	2900 5100 2900 4700
Connection ~ 2900 4700
Wire Wire Line
	2900 5700 2900 6500
Connection ~ 2500 6300
Wire Wire Line
	3300 4700 3300 5000
Connection ~ 3300 5400
Wire Wire Line
	3300 5300 3300 5500
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C21
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CC9284
P 3300 5650
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C21" H 3325 5750 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "1uF" H 3325 5550 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 3338 5500 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3300 5650 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Murata" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GRM188R71C105KA12J" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GRM188R71C105KA2J" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "10%, 16V, X7R, 1uF, 0603" H 8100 1600 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    3300 5650
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	1200 7200 2900 7200
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CC93D4
P 1200 7300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR056" H 1200 7050 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 1200 7150 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1200 7300 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1200 7300 50  0000 C CNN
	1    1200 7300
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	1400 7100 1400 7200
Connection ~ 1400 7200
Connection ~ 2900 6300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L R R20
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CCA5D4
P 3700 5150
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "R20" V 3780 5150 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "2K" V 3600 5150 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" V 3630 5150 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3700 5150 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Panasonic" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "ERJ-3EKF2001V" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "667-ERJ-3EKF2001V" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "1% 75V 0603" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    3700 5150
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	3700 4700 3700 5000
Connection ~ 3300 4700
Wire Wire Line
	3700 5300 3700 6100
Wire Wire Line
	3700 6100 4200 6100
Wire Wire Line
	1400 6700 2700 6700
Wire Wire Line
	2900 7200 2900 6900
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L TL43x-SOT23 D2
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CCB97B
P 2900 6700
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "D2" H 3025 6625 60  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "TL431A" V 2800 6700 60  0000 C CNN
F 2 "TO_SOT_Packages_SMD:SOT-23" V 2900 6700 60  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" V 2900 6700 60  0001 C CNN
F 4 "Texas Instruments" H 2900 6700 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "TL431ACDBZR" H 2900 6700 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "595-TL431ACDBZR" H 2900 6700 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator" H 2900 6700 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	1    2900 6700
	-1   0    0    -1  
Connection ~ 5100 5200
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L D_Schottky D6
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CCF06A
P 7900 2750
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "D6" H 7900 2850 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "Schottky" H 7900 2650 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Diodes_SMD:SMA_Standard" H 7900 2750 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7900 2750 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Diodes Incorporated" H 7900 2750 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "B360B-13-F" H 7900 2750 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "621-B360B-F" H 7900 2750 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "Schottky 60V 3A" H 7900 2750 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	1    7900 2750
	0    1    1    0   
Wire Wire Line
	7900 1000 7900 2600
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L R R28
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CD0908
P 8300 2550
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "R28" V 8380 2550 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "10R" V 8200 2550 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1206" V 8230 2550 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8300 2550 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Panasonic" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "ERJ-P08F10R0V" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "667-ERJ-P08F10R0V" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "1%, 660mW, 500V, 1206" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    8300 2550
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C29
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CD0B45
P 8300 2950
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C29" H 8325 3050 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "1nF" H 8325 2850 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0603" H 8338 2800 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8300 2950 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Murata" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GCM1885C1H102JA16D" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GCM1885C1H102JA6D" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "1nF, NP0, 50V, 5%, 0603" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    8300 2950
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	7900 3200 8300 3200
Wire Wire Line
	8300 3200 8300 3100
Connection ~ 7900 3200
Wire Wire Line
	8300 2800 8300 2700
Wire Wire Line
	7900 2300 8300 2300
Wire Wire Line
	8300 2300 8300 2400
Connection ~ 7900 2300
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C30
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CD0FA3
P 8800 2650
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C30" H 8825 2750 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "22uF" H 8825 2550 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" H 8838 2500 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8800 2650 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Murata" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GRT21BR61E226ME13L" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GRT21BR61E226ME3L" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 7 "22uF 25V X5R 20% 0805" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    8800 2650
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C31
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CD12BE
P 9100 2650
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C31" H 9125 2750 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "22uF" H 9125 2550 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" H 9138 2500 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9100 2650 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Murata" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GRT21BR61E226ME13L" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GRT21BR61E226ME3L" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 7 "22uF 25V X5R 20% 0805" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    9100 2650
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
L C C32
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CD1358
P 9400 2650
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "C32" H 9425 2750 50  0000 L CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "22uF" H 9425 2550 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" H 9438 2500 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9400 2650 50  0000 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 4 "Murata" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GRT21BR61E226ME13L" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GRT21BR61E226ME3L" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 7 "22uF 25V X5R 20% 0805" H 5950 1900 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
	1    9400 2650
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	8800 2500 8800 1800
Connection ~ 8800 1800
Wire Wire Line
	9100 1800 9100 2500
Connection ~ 9100 1800
Wire Wire Line
	9400 2500 9400 1800
Connection ~ 9400 1800
Wire Wire Line
	9400 2800 9400 3400
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CD17B2
P 9400 3400
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR057" H 9400 3150 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 9400 3250 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9400 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9400 3400 50  0000 C CNN
	1    9400 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CD1851
P 9100 3400
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR058" H 9100 3150 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 9100 3250 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9100 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9100 3400 50  0000 C CNN
	1    9100 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CD18E9
P 8800 3400
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR059" H 8800 3150 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 8800 3250 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8800 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8800 3400 50  0000 C CNN
	1    8800 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	8800 3400 8800 2800
Wire Wire Line
	9100 2800 9100 3400
Wire Wire Line
	1200 7200 1200 7300
Text Notes 1550 900  0    60   ~ 0
RClass = 549 Ohm\nClass = 2\nPower = 3.84–6.49 W
Text Notes 4950 3400 0    60   ~ 0
See SLVU159
Text Notes 8350 1550 0    60   ~ 0
Text Notes 3800 5700 0    60   ~ 0
Text Notes 1350 4500 0    60   ~ 0
12V output compared through divisor\nagainst 2.5V interal reference of TL431\n\n[ 12V * 11.5 / (44.2 + 11.5) = 2.47V ]\n
Text Notes 3800 5600 0    60   ~ 0
See SLVS590 Fig 38
Connection ~ 1400 6700
Wire Wire Line
	2500 5900 2200 5900
Wire Wire Line
	1900 5900 1600 5900
Wire Wire Line
	1600 5900 1600 6700
Connection ~ 1600 6300
Wire Wire Line
	3300 5800 3300 5900
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57CD1424
P 3300 5900
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR060" H 3300 5650 50  0001 C CNN
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 1 "GND" H 3300 5750 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3300 5900 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3300 5900 50  0000 C CNN
	1    3300 5900
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	1400 5200 1400 6800
Wire Wire Line
	1600 6300 1700 6300
Connection ~ 1600 6700
Wire Notes Line
	6200 7700 6200 4000
Wire Notes Line
	700  4000 10900 4000
Text Notes 4600 4300 0    60   ~ 0
U 1 1 57D3D310
P 9850 3400
F 0 "W1" H 9850 3670 50  0000 C CNN
F 1 "GND_P" H 9850 3600 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Measurement_Points:Measurement_Point_Round-TH_Small" H 10050 3400 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10050 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "OB" H 9850 3400 60  0001 C CNN "Installed"
	1    9850 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR061" H 9850 3150 50  0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 9850 3250 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9850 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9850 3400 50  0000 C CNN
	1    9850 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
U 1 1 57D3D626
P 10100 3400
F 0 "W2" H 10100 3670 50  0000 C CNN
F 1 "GND_P" H 10100 3600 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Measurement_Points:Measurement_Point_Round-TH_Small" H 10300 3400 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10300 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "OB" H 10100 3400 60  0001 C CNN "Installed"
	1    10100 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR062" H 10100 3150 50  0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 10100 3250 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 10100 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10100 3400 50  0000 C CNN
	1    10100 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
U 1 1 57D3E124
P 10350 3400
F 0 "W3" H 10350 3670 50  0000 C CNN
F 1 "GND_P" H 10350 3600 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "Measurement_Points:Measurement_Point_Round-TH_Small" H 10550 3400 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10550 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "OB" H 10350 3400 60  0001 C CNN "Installed"
	1    10350 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR063" H 10350 3150 50  0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 10350 3250 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 10350 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10350 3400 50  0000 C CNN
	1    10350 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57D3FC8A
P 6800 3400
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR064" H 6800 3150 50  0001 C CNN
F 1 "GNDREF" H 6800 3250 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6800 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6800 3400 50  0000 C CNN
	1    6800 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
U 1 1 57D3FD98
P 7300 3400
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed
F 0 "#PWR065" H 7300 3150 50  0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 7300 3250 50  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7300 3400 50  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7300 3400 50  0000 C CNN
	1    7300 3400
	1    0    0    -1  
L C C16
U 1 1 57D3FE42
P 7050 3200
F 0 "C16" H 7075 3300 50  0000 L CNN
F 1 "2.2nF" H 7075 3100 50  0000 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_1812" H 7088 3050 50  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 3200 50  0000 C CNN
F 4 "Murata" H 7050 3200 60  0001 C CNN "MFN"
F 5 "GR443QR73D222KW01L" H 7050 3200 60  0001 C CNN "MFP"
F 6 "81-GR443QR73D222KW01" H 7050 3200 60  0001 C CNN "S1PN"
F 7 "2200pF, 2kV, X7R, 10%, 1812" H 7050 3200 60  0001 C CNN "Description"
	1    7050 3200
	0    1    1    0   
Wire Wire Line
	7200 3200 7300 3200
Wire Wire Line
	7300 3200 7300 3400
Wire Wire Line
	6800 3400 6800 3200
Wire Wire Line
	6800 3200 6900 3200
Nicolas Pouillon's avatar
Nicolas Pouillon committed