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#!/usr/bin/env python

import struct

from envbox_database import *

class envbox_command_builder:
   F_HEADER   = 0xFF

   CRC_INIT   = 0x00
   CRC_POLY   = 0x18

   def checksum( bytea, size ):
      crc = envbox_command_builder . CRC_INIT
      for i in range( 0, size ):
         data = bytea[ i ]
	 for j in range( 0, 8 ):
           fb = (crc ^ data) & 0x01
	   if fb == 0x01:
             crc = crc ^ envbox_command_builder . CRC_POLY
           crc = (crc >> 1) & 0x7F
	   if fb == 0x01:
             crc = crc | 0x80
           data = data >> 1
      return crc

   def createCommand( cmd, value=None ):

      # default size when there is no argument
      size = 0

      if not value is None:
	if type( value ) is float:
           size = 4
           size = 1

      bytea = []
      bytea . append( envbox_command_builder.F_HEADER )
      bytea . append( 0x00 )
      bytea . append( 0x00 )
      bytea . append( 0x00 )
      bytea . append( cmd[0] )
      bytea . append( cmd[1] )
      bytea . append( 0x00 )
      bytea . append( size )
      if not value is None:
         if type( value ) is float:
      	    byte_val = bytearray( struct . pack('f', value) )
	    for i in range(0, 4):
               bytea . append( byte_val[ i ] )
            bytea . append( value )
         bytea . append( envbox_command_builder.checksum( bytea, size+8 ) )
      except Exception as e:
         print e
      #print bytea

      return bytea

   def parseCommand( bytea ):
      #print bytea

      # Verify Header
      if not bytea[ 0 ] == envbox_command_builder . F_HEADER:
         print( 'Bad header' )
         return None

      header = bytea[ 0 ]
      #cmd = ( bytea[ 1 ], bytea[ 2 ])
      ttype = bytea[ 6 ]
      size = bytea[ 7 ]
      nbr = 1 

         # Get payload as a bytearray for unpack operation
         b = buffer (bytearray( bytea[ 8 : 8+size ] ))

         if ttype == envbox_types . uint8:
	    fmt = 'B'
	    nbr = size / 1
	 elif ttype == envbox_types . uint16:
            fmt = 'H'
	    nbr = size / 2
	 elif ttype == envbox_types . uint32:
            fmt = 'I'
	    nbr = size / 4 
         elif ttype == envbox_types . uint64:
            fmt = 'Q'
	    nbr = size / 8 
         elif ttype == envbox_types . int8:
	    fmt = 'b'
	    nbr = size / 1 
	 elif ttype == envbox_types . int16:
            fmt = 'h'
	    nbr = size / 2
	 elif ttype == envbox_types . int32:
            fmt = 'i'
	    nbr = size / 4 
         elif ttype == envbox_types . int64:
            fmt = 'q'
	    nbr = size / 8 
         elif ttype == envbox_types . float:
            fmt = 'f'
	    nbr = size / 4 
         elif ttype == envbox_types . string:
            fmt = 'p'
            fmt = 'I'

         if fmt == 'p':
	    payload = str(b)
	    if nbr == 1:
               payload = struct . unpack_from( fmt, b )[ 0 ]
	       payload = []
	       step = size / nbr
	       for i in range( 0, nbr ):
                  b = bytearray( bytea[ 8 + i*step : 8 + (i+1)*step ] )
                  payload.append( struct . unpack_from( fmt, b )[ 0 ] )
      except Exception as e:
         print( 'Fail to unpack data' )
         print e
      crc = bytea[ 8 + size ]

      #if( crc != envbox_command_builder.checksum( bytea, 5 ) ):
      #   tsprint( 'Invalid Checksum' )
      #   return None

      return payload