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LTC2271_SampleGetter_v1_0_timing_summary_routed.rpt 7.11 KiB
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Copyright 1986-2017 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
| Tool Version : Vivado v.2017.4 (lin64) Build 2086221 Fri Dec 15 20:54:30 MST 2017
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nats committed
| Date         : Tue Oct 15 02:05:21 2019
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nats committed
| Host         : nats-MS-7A72 running 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
| Command      : report_timing_summary -max_paths 10 -file LTC2271_SampleGetter_v1_0_timing_summary_routed.rpt -rpx LTC2271_SampleGetter_v1_0_timing_summary_routed.rpx -warn_on_violation
| Design       : LTC2271_SampleGetter_v1_0
| Device       : 7z010-clg400
| Speed File   : -1  PRODUCTION 1.11 2014-09-11

Timing Summary Report

| Timer Settings
| --------------

  Enable Multi Corner Analysis               :  Yes
  Enable Pessimism Removal                   :  Yes
  Pessimism Removal Resolution               :  Nearest Common Node
  Enable Input Delay Default Clock           :  No
  Enable Preset / Clear Arcs                 :  No
  Disable Flight Delays                      :  No
  Ignore I/O Paths                           :  No
  Timing Early Launch at Borrowing Latches   :  false

  Corner  Analyze    Analyze    
  Name    Max Paths  Min Paths  
  ------  ---------  ---------  
  Slow    Yes        Yes        
  Fast    Yes        Yes        

check_timing report

Table of Contents
1. checking no_clock
2. checking constant_clock
3. checking pulse_width_clock
4. checking unconstrained_internal_endpoints
5. checking no_input_delay
6. checking no_output_delay
7. checking multiple_clock
8. checking generated_clocks
9. checking loops
10. checking partial_input_delay
11. checking partial_output_delay
12. checking latch_loops

1. checking no_clock
 There are 64 register/latch pins with no clock driven by root clock pin: m00_axis_aclk (HIGH)

2. checking constant_clock
 There are 0 register/latch pins with constant_clock.

3. checking pulse_width_clock
 There are 0 register/latch pins which need pulse_width check

4. checking unconstrained_internal_endpoints
 There are 64 pins that are not constrained for maximum delay. (HIGH)

 There are 0 pins that are not constrained for maximum delay due to constant clock.

5. checking no_input_delay
 There are 0 input ports with no input delay specified.

 There are 0 input ports with no input delay but user has a false path constraint.

6. checking no_output_delay
 There are 32 ports with no output delay specified. (HIGH)

 There are 0 ports with no output delay but user has a false path constraint

 There are 0 ports with no output delay but with a timing clock defined on it or propagating through it

7. checking multiple_clock
 There are 0 register/latch pins with multiple clocks.

8. checking generated_clocks
 There are 0 generated clocks that are not connected to a clock source.

9. checking loops
 There are 0 combinational loops in the design.

10. checking partial_input_delay
 There are 0 input ports with partial input delay specified.

11. checking partial_output_delay
 There are 0 ports with partial output delay specified.

12. checking latch_loops
 There are 0 combinational latch loops in the design through latch input

| Design Timing Summary
| ---------------------

    WNS(ns)      TNS(ns)  TNS Failing Endpoints  TNS Total Endpoints      WHS(ns)      THS(ns)  THS Failing Endpoints  THS Total Endpoints     WPWS(ns)     TPWS(ns)  TPWS Failing Endpoints  TPWS Total Endpoints  
    -------      -------  ---------------------  -------------------      -------      -------  ---------------------  -------------------     --------     --------  ----------------------  --------------------  
         NA           NA                     NA                   NA           NA           NA                     NA                   NA           NA           NA                      NA                    NA  

There are no user specified timing constraints.

| Clock Summary
| -------------

| Intra Clock Table
| -----------------

Clock             WNS(ns)      TNS(ns)  TNS Failing Endpoints  TNS Total Endpoints      WHS(ns)      THS(ns)  THS Failing Endpoints  THS Total Endpoints     WPWS(ns)     TPWS(ns)  TPWS Failing Endpoints  TPWS Total Endpoints  
-----             -------      -------  ---------------------  -------------------      -------      -------  ---------------------  -------------------     --------     --------  ----------------------  --------------------  

| Inter Clock Table
| -----------------

From Clock    To Clock          WNS(ns)      TNS(ns)  TNS Failing Endpoints  TNS Total Endpoints      WHS(ns)      THS(ns)  THS Failing Endpoints  THS Total Endpoints  
----------    --------          -------      -------  ---------------------  -------------------      -------      -------  ---------------------  -------------------  

| Other Path Groups Table
| -----------------------

Path Group    From Clock    To Clock          WNS(ns)      TNS(ns)  TNS Failing Endpoints  TNS Total Endpoints      WHS(ns)      THS(ns)  THS Failing Endpoints  THS Total Endpoints  
----------    ----------    --------          -------      -------  ---------------------  -------------------      -------      -------  ---------------------  -------------------  

| Timing Details
| --------------