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VNA_Config.h 2.4 KiB
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#ifndef VNA_CONFIG_H
#define VNA_CONFIG_H

/****************** Include Files ********************/
#include "xil_types.h"
#include "xstatus.h"


/**************************** Type Definitions *****************************/
 * Write a value to a VNA_CONFIG register. A 32 bit write is performed.
 * If the component is implemented in a smaller width, only the least
 * significant data is written.
 * @param   BaseAddress is the base address of the VNA_CONFIGdevice.
 * @param   RegOffset is the register offset from the base to write to.
 * @param   Data is the data written to the register.
 * @return  None.
 * @note
 * C-style signature:
 * 	void VNA_CONFIG_mWriteReg(u32 BaseAddress, unsigned RegOffset, u32 Data)
#define VNA_CONFIG_mWriteReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset, Data) \
  	Xil_Out32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset), (u32)(Data))

 * Read a value from a VNA_CONFIG register. A 32 bit read is performed.
 * If the component is implemented in a smaller width, only the least
 * significant data is read from the register. The most significant data
 * will be read as 0.
 * @param   BaseAddress is the base address of the VNA_CONFIG device.
 * @param   RegOffset is the register offset from the base to write to.
 * @return  Data is the data from the register.
 * @note
 * C-style signature:
 * 	u32 VNA_CONFIG_mReadReg(u32 BaseAddress, unsigned RegOffset)
#define VNA_CONFIG_mReadReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset) \
    Xil_In32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset))

/************************** Function Prototypes ****************************/
 * Run a self-test on the driver/device. Note this may be a destructive test if
 * resets of the device are performed.
 * If the hardware system is not built correctly, this function may never
 * return to the caller.
 * @param   baseaddr_p is the base address of the VNA_CONFIG instance to be worked on.
 * @return
 *    - XST_SUCCESS   if all self-test code passed
 *    - XST_FAILURE   if any self-test code failed
 * @note    Caching must be turned off for this function to work.
 * @note    Self test may fail if data memory and device are not on the same bus.
XStatus VNA_CONFIG_Reg_SelfTest(void * baseaddr_p);

#endif // VNA_CONFIG_H