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OE_interfaceDisplay.cpp 28.4 KiB
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* This file is part of project OpenEmbroidery. It's copyrighted by
* the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file.
* Original project location
* SPDX-License-Identifier: CECILL-2.1
* License-Filename: Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-en.txt

#include "OE_interfaceDisplay.h"
#include "OE_utils.h"

#include "OE_controller.h"

#include <iostream>
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#include <qevent.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include "actions/OE_actionsCurves.h"
#include "actions/OE_actionsStitchs.h"
#include "actions/OE_actionsLineStitchs.h"
#include "actions/OE_actionsBirailStitchs.h"
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#include "actions/OE_actionsFillStitchs.h"
#include "actions/OE_actionsSelection.h"
#include "actions/OE_actionsThreads.h"

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OE_interfaceDisplay::OE_interfaceDisplay(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : OE_display(parent, f)

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	modState = Qt::KeyboardModifier::NoModifier;

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bool OE_interfaceDisplay::setDocument(OE_document* document)
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	return true;
OE_document* OE_interfaceDisplay::getDocument()
    return document;

OE_controller* OE_interfaceDisplay::getController()
    return controller;

bool OE_interfaceDisplay::setController(OE_controller* controller)
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	return true;
bool OE_interfaceDisplay::setDisplayStyle(unsigned int displayStyleId)
    if (displayStyles.size()>displayStyleId)
        return true;
    return false;

OE_display::OE_displayStyle* OE_interfaceDisplay::addDisplayStyle()
    OE_display::OE_displayStyle* displayStyle = new OE_display::OE_displayStyle();
    return displayStyle;

void OE_interfaceDisplay::showAll()
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bool OE_interfaceDisplay::mouse_Pos(double x, double y)
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	bool redraw = false;
	redraw |= OE_display::mouse_Pos(x, y);
	vector_2dt oldClosestPoint = editClosestPoint;
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	vector_2d absMove = vector_2d((mouse.x - clicOldMouse.x)*zoom*2, (mouse.y - clicOldMouse.y)*zoom*2);
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	if (editionState == MoveSelection) //if the move action is enabled
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		controller->editActionMoveSelection(vector_2d((mouse.x - clicOldMouse.x)*zoom*2,
		                                              (mouse.y - clicOldMouse.y)*zoom*2));
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		return true;
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	if (editionState == ScaleSelection) //if the scale action is enabled
		vector_2d bbCenter = controller->getSelectionBoundingBox().getCenter();
		float scale = (absMouse-bbCenter).len()/(screenToDocument(clicOldMouse)-bbCenter).len();
        emit refreshStitchList();
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		return true;
	if (editionState == NewSubcurve) //if we must find the closest subcurve (get the closest point on it too)
		closestCurve = controller->getClosestCurve(absMouse, editClosestPoint);
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		redraw = true;
	else if (editSubcurve) //if we are working on a defined subcurve get the closest point on it
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		editClosestPoint = controller->getClosestPoint(editSubcurve->getCurve(), absMouse);
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		redraw = true;
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	if (editionState == MovePointcurve && selControlCurve && selControlType==0) //if we're moving a curve control point
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		controller->editActionMovePointCurve(vector_2d((mouse.x - clicOldMouse.x)*zoom*2,
		                                               (mouse.y - clicOldMouse.y)*zoom*2));
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		return true;
	if (editionState == MovePointstitch) //if we're moving a linkstitch control point
        emit refreshStitchList();
        return true;

	//if we're editing the scaleWidth of a linestitch
	if (editionState == OffsetWidthLinestitch)
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		controller->editActionSetLinestitchWidth((mouse.x - clicOldMouse.x)/100.0f, true);
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		return true;
	//if we're define a new subcurve and the reference curve is already picked
	if ((editionState == NewSubcurve)&&(selControlStitch))
		editionState = TraceSubcurve;
		if (oldClosestPoint.t>editClosestPoint.t) controller->editActionAddSubcurvePosSwitchDir();
        redraw = true;
        emit refreshStitchList();

	if (editionState == TraceSubcurve)
        redraw = true;
        emit refreshStitchList();
	else if (editionState == MoveSubcurve)
        redraw = true;
        emit refreshStitchList();

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	return redraw;
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bool OE_interfaceDisplay::mouse_Button(QMouseEvent* event)
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	bool redraw = false;
	redraw |= OE_display::mouse_Button(event);
    if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton && event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
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		redraw = true;
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		if (editionState == NewSubcurve)
			if (!closestCurve)
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				controller->addAction(new OE_actionJoincurveAddSubCurve(document, curJoincurve, subcurve_id, closestCurve,
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				                                                        editClosestPoint.t, editClosestPoint.t,
				//subcurve_id = -1;
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				selControlStitch = controller->getStitch(-1);
				selControlType = 0;
				//editSubcurve = curJoincurve->getCurve(-1);
				editSubcurve = curJoincurve->getCurve(subcurve_id);
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