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MOVE II.xml 2.06 KiB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><AmsatList>
		<Name>MOVE II</Name>
		<Status>To be launched</Status>
		 <LaunchDate> </LaunchDate>
		 <LaunchingSite> Vandenberg Air Force Base, California </LaunchingSite>
		<OSCARNumber> </OSCARNumber>

			<Title>Project </Title>
			<Value> </Value>
			<Description lang="EN">  MOVE-II is a CubeSat, a tiny satellite with dimensions of 10 x 10 x 13 cm and a mass of 1.2 kg. It is the second satellite of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the follow-up project of First-MOVE. The name MOVE is an acronym and stands for Munich Orbital Verification Experiment. The number “II” implies that it is the second of its series.</Description>
			<Description lang="FR"> </Description>
			<Title>IARU Coordination</Title>
			<Description lang="EN">MOVE II has been coordinated by IARU  </Description>
			<Description lang="FR">MOVE II a été coordonné par l'IARU </Description>

				<Name>Telemetry 1 </Name>
				<Frequency>	145950000</Frequency>
					<Mode>  BPSK  </Mode>
					<Speed> 12500</Speed>
				<CallSign> </CallSign>

				<Name>Telemetry CW </Name>
				<Frequency>	145950000</Frequency>
					<Mode>  CW  </Mode>
					<Speed> </Speed>
				<CallSign> DP0MOV</CallSign>
			<Title> Hamradio information  </Title>
			<Value> </Value>
			<Title> </Title>
			<Value> </Value>
		<ReportEmail> </ReportEmail>
		<SoftwareURL> </SoftwareURL>