# KSY to java POJO generator
**GeneratePOJOfromKSY** is a tool to accelerate the display of telemetry data when the data description is written for Kaitai tool.
## Maturity level
**Maturity level :** experimental
Tool configuration is done by code update ( and )
## Context
This tool has been written for testing purpose and facilitate display of data.
Description off telemetry structure are perform with a descriptive language define by [kaitai project](
Based on this file, kaitai tool generate code in different language in order to extract data.
Base on same KSY file, **GeneratePOJOfromKSY** tools generate a set of java classes in order to display automaticaly data analysed ( raw data or computed data).
Each class inherit from a common abstract class **AFrame**
## GeneratePOJOfromKSY
- update class with your information
- launch
''maven install''
## Code generated
### PoJo
for each definition, generate a class with all data from the packet.
This class can be used for displaying data
### FXML
Generate Gridpane line & column for each instance data
### Controler FXML
Generate textfield parameter with FXML
## Allocate data
Generae a function in order to allocate data data to textfield
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
A dedicated folder on AMSAT-Francophone forum is set : [Rubrique Josast](
## License
[GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1](