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Commit e9a72633 authored by xtof's avatar xtof
Browse files

feat add FXML code and associated java code

parent 0f340a6c
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2 merge requests!32Develop,!27Resolve "ECR - UVSQSAT"
......@@ -26,9 +26,26 @@ Each class inherit from a common abstract class **AFrame**
- update class with your information
- launch
''maven install''
- launch the application generated
- launch the application is generated
## Code generated
### PoJo
for each definition, generate a class with all data from the packet.
This class can be used for displaying data
### FXML
Generate Gridpane line & column for each instance data
### Controler FXML
Generate textfield parameter with FXML
## Allocate data
Generae a function in order to allocate data data to textfield
......@@ -269,12 +269,40 @@ public class GeneratePOJOfromKSY {
// generate display compute data
writer.println(" public String toStringCompute () { \r\n ");
writer.println(" return \" \" ");
/// @todo - vérifier
try {
if( listcomp.size() == list.size() )
for (int t = 0; t < listcomp.size(); t++) {
if (formatVariable(listcompraw.get(t))!=null)
writer.println("\t + separator + " + "\"" + extractValriableName (listcompraw.get(t)) + " : \" +" + " comp" + upcase(listcomp.get(t)));
writer.println("\t + separator + " + "\"" + extractValriableName (listcompraw.get(t)) + " : Ox\" + toHex("+ list.get(t) + ") + \" : \"+ String.format("+ formatVariable(listcompraw.get(t)) + ", + comp" + upcase(listcomp.get(t))+")");
writer.println("\t + separator + " + "\"" + extractValriableName (listcompraw.get(t)) + " : Ox\" + toHex("+ list.get(t) + ") + \" : \" +" + " comp" + upcase(listcomp.get(t)));
for (int t = 0; t < listcomp.size(); t++)
writer.println("\t + separator + " + "\"" + extractValriableName (listcompraw.get(t)) + " : \"+ String.format("+ formatVariable(listcompraw.get(t)) + ", + comp" + upcase(listcomp.get(t))+")");
} catch (Exception e)
writer.println("; } \r\n");
// generate end file
......@@ -305,8 +333,9 @@ public class GeneratePOJOfromKSY {
public String extractValriableName(String in) {
StringBuffer stbuf = new StringBuffer();
in = in.trim();
String var = null;
if (in.endsWith("_raw")){
var = in.substring(0,in.lastIndexOf("_raw"));
......@@ -326,6 +355,7 @@ public class GeneratePOJOfromKSY {
var = in.substring(0,in.lastIndexOf("_c"));
var = var.replace("_", " ");
var = var +" (°C)";
}else if (in.endsWith("_hz"))
var = in.substring(0,in.lastIndexOf("_hz"));
......@@ -341,6 +371,11 @@ public class GeneratePOJOfromKSY {
var = in.substring(0,in.lastIndexOf("_v"));
var = var.replace("_", " ");
var = var +" (V)";
}else if (in.endsWith("_mw"))
var = in.substring(0,in.lastIndexOf("_mw"));
var = var.replace("_", " ");
var = var +" (mW)";
}else {
var = in.replace("_", " ");
......@@ -396,8 +431,18 @@ public class GeneratePOJOfromKSY {
String variable = (String) tablinstance.get(ki);
String variableUp = upcase(variable);
writer.println(" tf"+variableUp+".setText(\"\" + o."+ variableUp + "());");
if (formatVariable(variable)!=null)
writer.println(" tf"+variableUp+".setText( String.format("+ formatVariable(variable) + ", o."+variableUp+ "()));");
writer.println(" tf"+variableUp+".setText(\"\" + o."+ variableUp + "());");
......@@ -435,4 +480,29 @@ public class GeneratePOJOfromKSY {
return Character.toUpperCase(line.charAt(0)) + line.substring(1);
private String formatVariable (String variable )
String format=null;
if (variable.endsWith("_raw"))
// nothing
else if (variable.endsWith("_byte"))
// nothing
else if (variable.endsWith("_str"))
// Nothing
format = "\"%.3f\"";
return format;
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