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# Patro - A Python library to make patterns for fashion design
# Copyright (C) 2017 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

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r"""Module to implement Bézier curve.

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For resources on Bézier curve see :ref:`this section <bezier-geometry-ressources-page>`.
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Fabrice Salvaire committed
# Fixme:
#   max distance to the chord for linear approximation
#   fitting

# C0 = continuous
# G1 = geometric continuity
#    Tangents point to the same direction
# C1 = parametric continuity
#    Tangents are the same, implies G1
# C2 = curvature continuity
#    Tangents and their derivatives are the same


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__all__ = [


from math import log, sqrt
import numpy as np

from Patro.Common.Math.Root import quadratic_root, cubic_root, fifth_root
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from .Interpolation import interpolate_two_points
from .Line import Line2D
from .Primitive import Primitive3P, Primitive4P, PrimitiveNP, Primitive2DMixin
from .Transformation import AffineTransformation
from .Vector import Vector2D


class BezierMixin2D(Primitive2DMixin):
    """Mixin to implements 2D Bezier Curve."""

    def interpolated_length(self, dt=None):

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        """Length of the curve obtained via line interpolation"""

        if dt is None:
            dt = self.LineInterpolationPrecision / (self.end_point - self.start_point).magnitude

        length = 0
        t = 0
        while t < 1:
            t0 = t
            t = min(t + dt, 1)
            length += (self.point_at_t(t) - self.point_at_t(t0)).magnitude

        return length


    def length_at_t(self, t, cache=False):

        """Compute the length of the curve at *t*."""

        if cache: # lookup cache
            if not hasattr(self, '_length_cache'):
                self._length_cache = {}
            length = self._length_cache.get(t, None)
            if length is not None:
                return length

        length = self.split_at_t(t).length

        if cache: # save
            self._length_cache[t] = length

        return length


    def t_at_length(self, length, precision=1e-6):

        """Compute t for the given length. Length must lie in [0, curve length] range]. """

        if length < 0:
            raise ValueError('Negative length')
        if length == 0:
            return 0
        curve_length = self.length # Fixme: cache ?
        if (curve_length - length) <= precision:
            return 1
        if length > curve_length:
            raise ValueError('Out of length')

        # Search t for length using dichotomy
        # convergence rate :
        #  10 iterations corresponds to curve length / 1024
        #  16                                        / 65536
        # start range
        inf = 0
        sup = 1
        while True:
            middle = (sup + inf) / 2
            length_at_middle = self.length_at_t(middle, cache=True) # Fixme: out of memory, use LRU ???
            # exit condition
            if abs(length_at_middle - length) <= precision:
                return middle
            elif length_at_middle < length:
                inf = middle
            else: # length < length_at_middle
                sup = middle


    def split_at_two_t(self, t1, t2):

        if t1 == t2:
            return self.point_at_t(t1)

        if t2 < t1:
            # Fixme: raise ?
            t1, t2 = t2, t1

        # curve = self
        # if t1 > 0:
        curve = self.split_at_t(t1)[1] # right
        if t2 < 1:
            # Interpolate the parameter at t2 in the new curve
            t = (t2 - t1) / (1 - t1)
            curve = curve.split_at_t(t)[0] # left

        return curve


    def _map_to_line(self, line):

        transformation = AffineTransformation.Rotation(-line.v.orientation)
        # Fixme: use __vector_cls__
        transformation *= AffineTransformation.Translation(Vector2D(0, -line.p.y))
        # Fixme: better API ?
        return self.clone().transform(transformation)


    def non_parametric_curve(self, line):

        """Return the non-parametric Bezier curve D(ti, di(t)) where di(t) is the distance of the curve from
        the baseline of the fat-line, ti is equally spaced in [0, 1].


        ts = np.arange(0, 1, 1/(self.number_of_points-1))
        distances = [line.distance_to_line(p) for p in self.points]
        points = [Vector2D(t, d) for t, f in zip(ts, distances)]
        return self.__class__(*points)


    def distance_to_point(self, point):

        p = self.closest_point(point)
        if p is not None:
            return (point - p).magnitude
            return None


class QuadraticBezier2D(BezierMixin2D, Primitive3P):

    """Class to implements 2D Quadratic Bezier Curve."""

    BASIS = np.array((
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