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# Patro - A Python implementation of Valentina Pattern Drafting Software
# Copyright (C) 2017 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

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A calculation must be build from the corresponding method of the Pattern class.


import logging

from .Calculator import Expression
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from Patro.Geometry.Bezier import CubicBezier2D
from Patro.Geometry.Line import Line2D
from Patro.Geometry.Segment import Segment2D
from Patro.Geometry.Vector import Vector2D
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pyid = id


_module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


def quote(x):
    return "'{}'".format(x)


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class CalculationMetaClass:

    _logger = _module_logger.getChild('CalculationMetaClass')


    def __init__(cls, class_name, super_classes, class_attribute_dict):

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        #, class_name, super_classes, class_attribute_dict)))
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        type.__init__(cls, class_name, super_classes, class_attribute_dict)


# metaclass = CalculationMetaClass
class Calculation():

    _logger = _module_logger.getChild('Calculation')


    def __init__(self, pattern, id=None):

        self._pattern = pattern
        if id is None:
            self._id = pattern.get_calculation_id()
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            if pattern.has_calculation_id(id):
                raise NameError("calculation id {} is already attributed".format(id))
                self._id = id
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        self._dag_node = self._dag.add_node(pyid(self), data=self)
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        self._dependencies = set()


    def id(self):
        return self._id

    def pattern(self):
        return self._pattern

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    def _dag(self):
        return self._pattern.calculator.dag

    def dependencies(self):
        return self._dependencies


    def __repr__(self):

        return self.__class__.__name__ + ' {0._id}'.format(self)


    def __int__(self):

        return self._id


    def _get_calculation(self, calculation):

        if isinstance(calculation, Calculation):
            return calculation
        # elif isinstance(calculation, (int, str)):
            return self._pattern.get_calculation(calculation)


    def eval(self):'Eval {}'.format(self))


    def eval_internal(self):



    def to_python(self):

        args = self._init_args()
        values = []
        for arg in args:
            value = getattr(self, arg)
            # if arg == 'pattern':
            #     value_str = 'pattern'
            # if isinstance(value, Pattern):
            #     value_str = 'pattern'
            if value is  None:
                value_str = 'None'
            elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
                value_str = str(value)
            elif isinstance(value, str):
                value_str = quote(value)
            # elif isinstance(value, Calculation):
            #     value_str = str(
            elif isinstance(value, Point):
                value_str = quote(
            elif isinstance(value, Expression):
                if value.is_float():
                    value_str = str(value)
                    value_str = quote(value)
            elif isinstance(value, Vector2D):
                value_str = 'Vector2D({0.x}, {0.y})'.format(value)
                value_str = ''
        kwargs = ', '.join(['pattern'] + [key + '=' + value for key, value in zip(args, values)])
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + kwargs + ')'


    def _init_args(self):

        args = self.__init__.__code__.co_varnames
        args = args[2:-1] # remove self, pattern, id
        return args

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    def _connect_ancestor(self, *points):

        dag = self._dag
        for point in points:


    # def _connect_ancestor_for_expressions(self, *expressions):

    #     for expression in expressions:
    #         self._connect_ancestor(*expression.dependencies)

    def _iter_on_expressions(self):

        for attribute in self.__dict__.values():
            if isinstance(attribute, Expression):
                yield attribute

    def connect_ancestor_for_expressions(self):

        # Expression's dependencies are only known after compilation

        for expression in self._iter_on_expressions():

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    # @property
    def geometry(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('Geometry is not implemented for {}'.format(self))

class LinePropertiesMixin:


    def __init__(self, line_style, line_color):

        self._line_color = line_color
        self._line_style = line_style


    def line_color(self):
        return self._line_color

    def line_color(self, value):
        self._line_color = value

    def line_style(self):
        return self._line_style

    def line_style(self, value):
        self._line_style = value


class FirstSecondPointMixin:


    def __init__(self, first_point, second_point):

        self._first_point = self._get_calculation(first_point)
        self._second_point = self._get_calculation(second_point)
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        self._connect_ancestor(self._first_point, self._second_point)


    def first_point(self):
        return self._first_point

    def second_point(self):
        return self._second_point


class BasePointMixin:


    def __init__(self, base_point):

        self._base_point = self._get_calculation(base_point)
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    def base_point(self):
        return self._base_point


class LengthMixin:


    def __init__(self, length):

        self._length = Expression(length, self._pattern.calculator)
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        # self._connect_ancestor_for_expressions(self._length)


    def length(self):
        return self._length


class AngleMixin:


    def __init__(self, angle):

        self._angle = Expression(angle, self._pattern.calculator)
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        # self._connect_ancestor_for_expressions(self._angle)


    def angle(self):
        return self._angle


class LengthAngleMixin(LengthMixin, AngleMixin):


    def __init__(self, length, angle):

        LengthMixin.__init__(self, length)
        AngleMixin.__init__(self, angle)


class Point(Calculation):


    def __init__(self, pattern, name, label_offset, id=None):

        Calculation.__init__(self, pattern, id)
        self._name = name
        self._label_offset = label_offset

        self._vector = None


    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def label_offset(self):
        return self._label_offset

    def vector(self):
        return self._vector


    def _post_eval_internal(self):'{0._name} {0._vector}'.format(self))


    def geometry(self):

        return self._vector.clone()


class SinglePoint(Point):


    def __init__(self, pattern, name,
        Point.__init__(self, pattern, name, label_offset, id)
        self._x = Expression(x, pattern.calculator)
        self._y = Expression(y, pattern.calculator)
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        # self._connect_ancestor_for_expressions(self._x, self._y)


    def x(self):
        return self._x

    def y(self):
        return self._y


    def __repr__(self):

        return self.__class__.__name__ + ' {0._name} = ({0._x}, {0._y})'.format(self)


    def eval_internal(self):

        self._vector = Vector2D(self._x.value, self._y.value)


class AlongLinePoint(Point, LinePropertiesMixin, FirstSecondPointMixin, LengthMixin):


    def __init__(self, pattern, name,
                 first_point, second_point, length,
                 line_style=None, line_color=None,
        Point.__init__(self, pattern, name, label_offset, id)
        LinePropertiesMixin.__init__(self, line_style, line_color)
        FirstSecondPointMixin.__init__(self, first_point, second_point)
        LengthMixin.__init__(self, length)


    def __repr__(self):

        return self.__class__.__name__ + ' {0._name} = ({}, {}, {0._length})'.format(self)


    def eval_internal(self):

        vector = self._second_point.vector - self._first_point.vector
        self._vector = self._first_point.vector + vector.to_normalised()*self._length.value


class EndLinePoint(Point, LinePropertiesMixin, BasePointMixin, LengthAngleMixin):


    def __init__(self, pattern, name,
                 base_point, angle, length,
                 line_style=None, line_color=None,
        Point.__init__(self, pattern, name, label_offset, id)
        LinePropertiesMixin.__init__(self, line_style, line_color)
        BasePointMixin.__init__(self, base_point)
        LengthAngleMixin.__init__(self, length, angle)


    def __repr__(self):

        return self.__class__.__name__ + ' {0._name} = ({}, {0._angle}, {0._length})'.format(self)


    def eval_internal(self):

        self._vector = self._base_point._vector + Vector2D.from_angle(self._angle.value)*self._length.value


class LineIntersectPoint(Point):


    def __init__(self, pattern, name,
                 point1_line1, point2_line1, point1_line2, point2_line2,
        Point.__init__(self, pattern, name, label_offset, id)
        self._point1_line1 = self._get_calculation(point1_line1)
        self._point2_line1 = self._get_calculation(point2_line1)
        self._point1_line2 = self._get_calculation(point1_line2)
        self._point2_line2 = self._get_calculation(point2_line2)
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        self._connect_ancestor(self._point1_line1, self._point2_line1,
                               self._point1_line2, self._point2_line2)


    def point1_line1(self):
        return self._point1_line1

    def point2_line1(self):
        return self._point2_line1

    def point1_line2(self):
        return self._point1_line2

    def point2_line2(self):
        return self._point2_line2


    def __repr__(self):

        return self.__class__.__name__ + ' {0._name} = ({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(self)


    def eval_internal(self):

        line1 = Line2D.from_two_points(self._point1_line1.vector, self._point2_line1.vector)
        line2 = Line2D.from_two_points(self._point1_line2.vector, self._point2_line2.vector)
        self._vector = line1.intersection(line2)


class NormalPoint(Point, LinePropertiesMixin, FirstSecondPointMixin, LengthAngleMixin):


    def __init__(self, pattern, name,
                 first_point, second_point, angle, length,
                 line_style=None, line_color=None,
        Point.__init__(self, pattern, name, label_offset, id)
        LinePropertiesMixin.__init__(self, line_style, line_color)
        FirstSecondPointMixin.__init__(self, first_point, second_point)
        LengthAngleMixin.__init__(self, length, angle)


    def __repr__(self):

        return self.__class__.__name__ + ' {0._name} = ({}, {}, {0._angle}, {0._length})'.format(self)


    def eval_internal(self):

        vector = self._second_point.vector - self._first_point.vector
        direction = vector.to_normalised()
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        direction = direction.normal()
        angle = self._angle.value
        if angle:
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            direction = direction.rotate(angle)
        self._vector = self._first_point.vector + direction*self._length.value


class PointOfIntersection(Point, FirstSecondPointMixin):


    def __init__(self, pattern, name,
                 first_point, second_point,
        Point.__init__(self, pattern, name, label_offset, id)
        FirstSecondPointMixin.__init__(self, first_point, second_point)


    def __repr__(self):

        return self.__class__.__name__ + ' {0._name} = ({}, {})'.format(self)


    def eval_internal(self):

        self._vector = Vector2D(self._first_point.vector.x, self._second_point.vector.y)


class Line(Calculation, LinePropertiesMixin, FirstSecondPointMixin):


    def __init__(self, pattern,
                 first_point, second_point,
                 line_style='solid', line_color='black',

        Calculation.__init__(self, pattern, id)
        LinePropertiesMixin.__init__(self, line_style, line_color)
        FirstSecondPointMixin.__init__(self, first_point, second_point)


    def __repr__(self):

        return self.__class__.__name__ + ' ({}, {})'.format(self)


    def eval_internal(self):


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    def geometry(self):
        return Segment2D(self._first_point.vector, self._second_point.vector)


class SimpleInteractiveSpline(Calculation, LinePropertiesMixin, FirstSecondPointMixin):


    def __init__(self, pattern,
                 first_point, second_point,
                 angle1, length1,
                 angle2, length2,
                 line_style='solid', line_color='black',

        Calculation.__init__(self, pattern, id)
        LinePropertiesMixin.__init__(self, line_style, line_color)
        FirstSecondPointMixin.__init__(self, first_point, second_point)
        self._angle1 = Expression(angle1, pattern.calculator)
        self._length1 = Expression(length1, pattern.calculator)
        self._angle2 = Expression(angle2, pattern.calculator)
        self._length2 = Expression(length2, pattern.calculator)
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        # self._connect_ancestor_for_expressions(self._angle1, self._length1, self._angle2, self._length2)

        self._control_point1 = None # Fixme: not yet computed
        self._control_point2 = None


    def angle1(self):
        return self._angle1

    def length1(self):
        return self._length1

    def angle2(self):
        return self._angle2

    def length2(self):
        return self._length2

    def control_point1(self):
        return self._control_point1

    def control_point2(self):
        return self._control_point2


    def __repr__(self):

        return self.__class__.__name__ + ' ({}, {}, {0._angle1}, {0._length1}, {0._angle2}, {0._length2})'.format(self)


    def eval_internal(self):

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        control_point1_offset = Vector2D.from_angle(self._angle1.value)*self._length1.value
        control_point2_offset = Vector2D.from_angle(self._angle2.value)*self._length2.value
        self._control_point1 = self.first_point.vector + control_point1_offset
        self._control_point2 = self.second_point.vector + control_point2_offset
        #"Control points : {} {}".format(self._control_point1, self._control_point2))


    def geometry(self):
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        if self._control_point1 is None:
            raise NameError("eval before to get geometry")
        return CubicBezier2D(self._first_point.vector, self._control_point1,
                             self._control_point2, self._second_point.vector)