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# Patro - A Python library to make patterns for fashion design
# Copyright (C) 2019 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

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"""Module to implement path.



__all__ = [


from .Primitive import Primitive1P, Primitive2DMixin
from .Bezier import QuadraticBezier2D, CubicBezier2D
from .Conic import Circle2D, AngularDomain
from .Segment import Segment2D
from .Vector import Vector2D


class PathPart:


    def __init__(self, path, position):

        self._path = path
        self._position = position


    def clone(self, path):
        raise NotImplementedError


    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__


    def path(self):
        return self._path

    def position(self):
        return self._position

    def position(self, value):
        self._position = int(value)


    def prev_part(self):
        return self._path[self._position -1]

    def next_part(self):
        return self._path[self._position +1]


    def start_point(self):
        prev_part = self.prev_part
        if prev_part is not None:
            return prev_part.stop_point
            return self._path.p0


    def stop_point(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def geometry(self):
        raise NotImplementedError


    def bounding_box(self):
        return self.geometry.bounding_box


class LinearSegment(PathPart):



    Let `P0`, `P1`, `P2` the vertices and `R` the bulge radius.

    The deflection :math:`\theta = 2 \alpha` at the corner is

    .. math::

       D_1 \cdot D_0 = (P_2 - P_1) \cdot (P_1 - P_0) = \cos \theta

    The bisector direction is

    .. math::

       Bis = D_1 - D_0 = (P_2 - P_1) - (P_1 - P_0) = P_2 -2 P_1 + P_0

    Bulge Center is

    .. math::

        C = P_1 + Bis \times \frac{R}{\sin \alpha}

    Extremities are

        \prime P_1 = P_1 - d_0 \times \frac{R}{\tan \alpha}
        \prime P_1 = P_1 + d_1 \times \frac{R}{\tan \alpha}


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    # Fixme:
    #    If two successive vertices share the same circle, then it should be merged to one.


    def __init__(self, path, position, radius):

        super().__init__(path, position)

        self._bissector = None
        self._direction = None

        self.radius = radius
        if self._radius is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.prev_part, LinearSegment):
                raise ValueError('Previous path segment must be linear')


    def _reset_cache(self):

        self._bulge_angle = None
        self._bulge_center = None
        self._start_bulge_point = None
        self._stop_bulge_point = None


    def points(self):

        if self._radius is not None:
            start_point = self.bulge_stop_point
            start_point = self.start_point

        next_part = self.next_part
        if isinstance(next_part, LinearSegment) and next_part.radius is not None:
            stop_point = next_part.bulge_start_point
            stop_point = self.stop_point

        return start_point, stop_point


    def radius(self):
        return self._radius

    def radius(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            self._radius = float(value)
            self._radius = None


    def direction(self):
        if self._direction is None:
            self._direction = (self.stop_point - self.start_point).normalise()
        return self._direction

    def bissector(self):
        if self._radius is None:
            return None
            if self._bissector is None:
                # self._bissector = (self.prev_part.direction + self.direction).normalise().normal
                self._bissector = (self.direction - self.prev_part.direction).normalise()
            return self._bissector


    def bulge_angle_rad(self):
        if self._bulge_angle is None:
            angle = self.direction.orientation_with(self.prev_part.direction)
            self._bulge_angle = math.radians(angle)
        return self._bulge_angle

    def bulge_angle(self):
        return math.degrees(self.bulge_angle_rad)

    def half_bulge_angle(self):
        return abs(self.bulge_angle_rad / 2)


    def bulge_center(self):
        if self._bulge_center is None:
            offset = self.bissector * self._radius / math.sin(self.half_bulge_angle)
            self._bulge_center = self.start_point + offset
        return self._bulge_center


    def bulge_start_point(self):
        if self._start_bulge_point is None:
            offset = self.prev_part.direction * self._radius / math.tan(self.half_bulge_angle)
            self._start_bulge_point = self.start_point - offset
        return self._start_bulge_point

    def bulge_stop_point(self):
        if self._stop_bulge_point is None:
            offset = self.direction * self._radius / math.tan(self.half_bulge_angle)
            self._stop_bulge_point = self.start_point + offset
        return self._stop_bulge_point


    def bulge_geometry(self):
        # Fixme: check start and stop are within segment
        arc = Circle2D(self.bulge_center, self._radius)
        start_angle, stop_angle = [arc.angle_for_point(point)
                                   for point in (self.bulge_start_point, self.bulge_stop_point)]
        if self.bulge_angle < 0:
            start_angle, stop_angle = stop_angle, start_angle
        arc.domain = AngularDomain(start_angle, stop_angle)
        return arc


class PathSegment(LinearSegment):


    def __init__(self, path, position, point, radius=None, absolute=False):
        super().__init__(path, position, radius)
        self.point = point
        self._absolute = bool(absolute)


    def clone(self, path):
        return self.__class__(path, self._position, self._point, self._radius, self._absolute)


    def apply_transformation(self, transformation):
        self._point = transformation * self._point
        if self._radius is not None:
            self._radius = transformation * self._radius


    def point(self):
        return self._point

    def point(self, value):
        self._point = Vector2D(value) # self._path.__vector_cls__


    def stop_point(self):
        if self._absolute:
            return self._point
            return self._point + self.start_point


    def geometry(self):
        # Fixme: cache ???
        return Segment2D(*self.points)


class DirectionalSegment(LinearSegment):

    __angle__ = None


    def __init__(self, path, position, length, radius=None):
        super().__init__(path, position, radius)
        self.length = length


    def apply_transformation(self, transformation):
        # Since a rotation will change the direction
        # DirectionalSegment must be casted to PathSegment
        raise NotImplementedError


    def clone(self, path):
        return self.__class__(path, self._position, self._length, self._radius)


    def length(self):
        return self._length

    def length(self, value):
        self._length = float(value)


    def offset(self):
        # Fixme: cache ???
        return Vector2D.from_polar(self._length, self.__angle__)

    def stop_point(self):
        # Fixme: cache ???


    def geometry(self):
        # Fixme: cache ???
        return Segment2D(self.start_point, self.stop_point)


    def to_path_segment(self):
        return PathSegment(self._path, self._position, self.offset, self._radius, absolute=False)


class HorizontalSegment(DirectionalSegment):
    __angle__ = 0

class VerticalSegment(DirectionalSegment):
    __angle__ = 90

class NorthSegment(DirectionalSegment):
    __angle__ = 90

class SouthSegment(DirectionalSegment):
    __angle__ = -90

class EastSegment(DirectionalSegment):
    __angle__ = 0

class WestSegment(DirectionalSegment):
    __angle__ = 180

class NorthEastSegment(DirectionalSegment):
    __angle__ = 45

class NorthWestSegment(DirectionalSegment):
    __angle__ = 180 - 45

class SouthEastSegment(DirectionalSegment):
    __angle__ = -45

class SouthWestSegment(DirectionalSegment):
    __angle__ = -180 + 45


class TwoPointsMixin:

    def point1(self):
        return self._point1

    def point1(self, value):
        self._point1 = Vector2D(value) # self._path.__vector_cls__

    def point2(self):
        return self._point2

    def point2(self, value):
        self._point2 = Vector2D(value)

    def apply_transformation(self, transformation):
        self._point1 = transformation * self._point1
        self._point2 = transformation * self._point2


class QuadraticBezierSegment(PathPart, TwoPointsMixin):

    # Fixme: abs / inc


    def __init__(self, path, position, point1, point2):
        PathPart.__init__(self, path, position)
        self.point1 = point1
        self.point2 = point2


    def clone(self, path):
        return self.__class__(path, self._position, self._point1, self._point2)


    def stop_point(self):
        return self._point2

    def points(self):
        return (self.start_point, self._point1, self._point2)


    def geometry(self):
        # Fixme: cache ???
        return QuadraticBezier2D(self.start_point, self._point1, self._point2)


class CubicBezierSegment(PathPart, TwoPointsMixin):


    def __init__(self, path, position, point1, point2, point3):
        PathPart.__init__(self, path, position)
        self.point1 = point1
        self.point2 = point2
        self.point3 = point3


    def clone(self, path):
        return self.__class__(path, self._position, self._point1, self._point2, self._point3)


    def apply_transformation(self, transformation):
        TwoPointsMixin.transform(self, transformation)
        self._point3 = transformation * self._point3


    def point3(self):
        return self._point3

    def point3(self, value):
        self._point3 = Vector2D(value) # self._path.__vector_cls__


    def stop_point(self):
        return self._point3

    def points(self):
        return (self.start_point, self._point1, self._point2, self._point3)


    def geometry(self):
        # Fixme: cache ???
        return CubicBezier2D(self.start_point, self._point1, self._point2, self._point3)


class Path2D(Primitive2DMixin, Primitive1P):

    """Class to implements 2D Path."""


    def __init__(self, start_point):

        Primitive1P.__init__(self, start_point)

        self._parts = []


    def clone(self):

        obj = self.__class__(self._p0)

        # parts must be added sequentially to the path for bulge check
        parts = obj._parts
        for part in self._parts:

        return obj


    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._parts)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._parts)

    def __getitem__(self, position):
        # try:
        #     return self._parts[slice_]
        # except IndexError:
        #     return None
        position = int(position)
        if 0 <= position < len(self._parts):
            return self._parts[position]
            return None


    def _add_part(self, part_cls, *args, **kwargs):
        obj = part_cls(self, len(self._parts), *args, **kwargs)
        return obj


    def apply_transformation(self, transformation):

        self._p0 = transformation * self._p0

        for i, part in enumerate(self._parts):
            if isinstance(part, PathSegment):
            if isinstance(part, DirectionalSegment):
                # Since a rotation will change the direction
                # DirectionalSegment must be casted to PathSegment
                part = part.to_path_segment()
                self._parts[i] = part
    def move_to(self, point):
        self.p0 = point


    def horizontal_to(self, distance, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(HorizontalSegment, distance, radius)
    def vertical_to(self, distance, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(VerticalSegment, distance, radius)
    def north_to(self, distance, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(NorthSegment, distance, radius)
    def south_to(self, distance, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(SouthSegment, distance, radius)
    def west_to(self, distance, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(WestSegment, distance, radius)
    def east_to(self, distance, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(EastSegment, distance, radius)
    def north_east_to(self, distance, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(NorthEastSegment, distance, radius)
    def south_east_to(self, distance, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(SouthEastSegment, distance, radius)
    def north_west_to(self, distance, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(NorthWestSegment, distance, radius)
    def south_west_to(self, distance, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(SouthWestSegment, distance, radius)


    def line_to(self, point, radius=None):
        return self._add_part(PathSegment, point, radius)
    def close(self, radius=None):
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        # Fixme: identify as close for SVG export
        # Fixme: radius must apply to start and stop
        return self._add_part(PathSegment, self._p0, radius, absolute=True)


    def quadratic_to(self, point1, point2):
        return self._add_part(QuadraticBezierSegment, point1, point2)


    def cubic_to(self, point1, point2, point3):
        return self._add_part(CubicBezierSegment, point1, point2, point3)