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table.cpp 8.11 KiB
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#include "simul/table.h"
#include "simul/robot.h"
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950
Position getCase(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
	return Position(450 + i*350, j*350);

Position getCaseCenter(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
	return Position(625 + i*350, 175 + j*350);

b2AABB Table::getWorldAABB()
	b2AABB a;
    a.upperBound.Set(tableWidth, tableHeight);
	return a;

Table::Table(QWidget* parent) :
#ifdef BOX2D_2_0_1
	world(getWorldAABB(),b2Vec2(0.f,0.f), false)
//	world(b2Vec2(0.f,0.f), false)
	QPalette p = palette();

    robots.push_back(new Robot(world));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(900.,550.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1200.,550.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1050.,800.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1350.,800.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(900.,1050.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1200.,1050.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2100.,550.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1800.,550.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1950.,800.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1650.,800.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2100.,1050.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1800.,1050.), Objet::glass, 0, QColor(170, 170, 170)));
	b2BodyDef bodyDef;
	bodyDef.position.Set(0., 0.);
	tableBody = world.CreateBody(&bodyDef);

	b2PolygonDef box;
	b2PolygonDef &fixture = box;
	b2PolygonShape box;
	b2FixtureDef fixture;
	fixture.shape = &box;
	fixture.friction = 0.5;
	fixture.density = 0;

#ifdef BOX2D_2_0_1
#define CreateFixture CreateShape
    box.SetAsBox(30,0, b2Vec2(0,0),0);
    box.SetAsBox(0,20, b2Vec2(0,0),0);
    box.SetAsBox(0,20, b2Vec2(30,0),0);
    box.SetAsBox(30,0, b2Vec2(0,20),0);
    // fin bordures

    // plateaux blancs bords zones départ
    box.SetAsBox(4,1, b2Vec2(0,0),0);
    box.SetAsBox(4,1, b2Vec2(30,0),0);
    box.SetAsBox(4,1, b2Vec2(0,20),0);
    box.SetAsBox(4,1, b2Vec2(30,20),0);
	// gateau
	b2CircleShape circle;
	b2FixtureDef fixtureDef;
	fixtureDef.shape = &circle;
	circle.m_radius = 5.f;
	tableGraphics.addYOffset(-tableHeight); // because we want the (0,0) point to be at the bottom left.

    // création des bougies :
    QColor colors[20];
    colors[0] = QColor(0,0,255);
    colors[1] = QColor(255,0,0);
    colors[2] = QColor(255,0,0);
    colors[3] = QColor(0,0,255);
    colors[4] = QColor(255,255,255);
    colors[5] = QColor(255,255,255);
    colors[6] = QColor(255,255,255);
    colors[7] = QColor(255,255,255);
    colors[8] = QColor(255,0,0);
    colors[9] = QColor(0,0,255);
    colors[10] = QColor(0,0,255);
    colors[11] = QColor(255,0,0);
    colors[12] = QColor(0,0,255);
    colors[13] = QColor(255,0,0);
    colors[14] = QColor(0,0,255);
    colors[15] = QColor(255,0,0);
    colors[16] = QColor(0,0,255);
    colors[17] = QColor(255,0,0);
    colors[18] = QColor(0,0,255);
    colors[19] = QColor(255,0,0);

    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        p_bougies[i] = Bougie(colors[i], QPointF(1500.f-450.f*cos((7.5+15.f*(float)(i))*PI/180.f), -2100.f+450.f*sin((7.5+15.f*(float)(i))*PI/180.f)), 40.f);
    for (int i = 12; i < 20; i++)
        p_bougies[i] = Bougie(colors[i], QPointF(1500.f-350.f*cos((11.25+22.5f*(float)(i-12))*PI/180.f), -2100.f+350.f*sin((11.25+22.5f*(float)(i-12))*PI/180.f)), 40.f);
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        p_balles[i] = Bougie(QColor(255,255,0), QPointF(1500.f-450.f*cos((7.5+15.f*(float)(i))*PI/180.f), -2100.f+450.f*sin((7.5+15.f*(float)(i))*PI/180.f)), 33.f);
    for (int i = 12; i < 20; i++)
        p_balles[i] = Bougie(QColor(255,255,0), QPointF(1500.f-350.f*cos((11.25+22.5f*(float)(i-12))*PI/180.f), -2100.f+350.f*sin((11.25+22.5f*(float)(i-12))*PI/180.f)), 33.f);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<robots.size();i++)
        delete robots[i];
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objets.size();i++)
        delete objets[i];
	for(unsigned int i=0; i < robots.size(); i++)
hilnius's avatar
hilnius committed
    if (dt) {
        QPoint posBougie, posMarteau, tester;
        for (unsigned int i = 12; i < 20; i++) {
            posBougie = p_bougies[i].getPosition();
            posMarteau = robots[0]->getLeftUpperHammerPos();
            tester = QPoint(posBougie - posMarteau );
            if (tester.manhattanLength() < 40)
            posBougie = p_bougies[i].getPosition();
            posMarteau = robots[0]->getRightUpperHammerPos();
            tester = QPoint(posBougie - posMarteau );
            if (tester.manhattanLength() < 40)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
            posBougie = p_bougies[i].getPosition();
            posMarteau = robots[0]->getLeftLowerHammerPos();
            tester = QPoint(posBougie - posMarteau );
            if (tester.manhattanLength() < 40)
            posBougie = p_bougies[i].getPosition();
            posMarteau = robots[0]->getRightLowerHammerPos();
            tester = QPoint(posBougie - posMarteau );
            if (tester.manhattanLength() < 40)
	world.Step((float)dt/1000., 10);
	world.Step((float)dt/1000., 10, 10);
	for(unsigned int i=0; i < objets.size(); i++)

void Table::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* evt)
	QPainter p(this);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < objets.size(); i++)

    for(unsigned int i=0; i < 20; i++)

    for(unsigned int i=0; i < 20; i++)

	for(unsigned int i=0; i < robots.size(); i++)
/*	PositionPlusAngle** path = CommandGoTo::path();
	if (path)
		for(unsigned int i=0; i+1 < PATH_LENGTH; i++)
		p.drawLine(path[i]->position.x, -path[i]->position.y, path[i+1]->position.x, -path[i+1]->position.y);
void Table::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* evt, bool press)
	for(unsigned int i=0; i < robots.size(); i++)
		robots[i]->keyPressEvent(evt, press);
hilnius's avatar
hilnius committed

Position getSideElemCenter(bool right, unsigned int elem)
	return Position(right ? 200 : 2800, 1810 - elem*280);