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<h1><big><font color="#3c34ec"><i>NuttX RTOS</i></font></big></h1>
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<h1>Table of Contents</h1>
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<a href="#overview">Overview</a>.<br>
What is NuttX? Look at all those files and features... How can it be a tiny OS?
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<a href="#group">NuttX Discussion Group</a>.<br>
Do you want to talk about NuttX features? Do you need some help? Problems? Bugs?
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<a href="#downloads">Downloads</a>.<br>
Where can I get NuttX? What is the current development status?
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
<a href="#platforms">Supported Platforms</a>.<br>
What target platforms has NuttX been ported to?
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
<a href="#environments">Development Environments</a>.<br>
What kinds of host cross-development platforms can be used with NuttX?
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
<a href="#footprint">Memory Footprint</a>.<br>
Just how big is it? Do I have enough memory to use NuttX?
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
<a href="#licensing">Licensing</a>.<br>
Are there any licensing restrictions for the use of NuttX? (Almost none)
Will there be problems if I link my proprietary code with NuttX? (No)
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<a href="#history">Release History</a><br>
What has changed in the last release of NuttX?
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<a href="#TODO">Bugs, Issues, <i>Things-To-Do</i></a>.<br>
Software is never finished nor ever tested well enough.
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<a href="#documentation">Other Documentation</a>.<br>
What other NuttX documentation is available?
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
<a href="#trademarks">Trademarks</a>.<br>
Some of the words used in this document belong to other people.
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<a name="overview"><h1>Overview</h1></a>
Nuttx is a real timed embedded operating system (RTOS).
Its goals are:
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<b>Small Footprint</b>
Usable in all but the tightest micro-controller environments,
The focus is on the tiny-to-small, deeply embedded environment.
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<b>Rich Feature OS Set</b>
The goal is to provide implementations of most standard POSIX OS interfaces
to support a rich, multi-threaded development environment for deeply embedded
NON-GOALS: (1) It is not a goal to provide the rich level of OS
features like those provided with Linux.
Small footprint is more important than features.
Standard compliance is more important than small footprint.
(2) There is no MMU-based support for processes.
At present, NuttX assumes a flat address space.
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<b>Highly Scalable</b>
Fully scalable from tiny (8-bit) to moderate embedded (32-bit).
Scalability with rich feature set is accomplished with:
Many tiny source files, link from static libraries, highly configurable, use of
weak symbols when available.
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<b>Standards Compliance</b>
NuttX strives to achieve a high degree of standards compliance.
The primary governing standards are POSIX and ANSI standards.
Additional standard APIs from Unix and other common RTOS's are
adopted for functionality not available under these standards
or for functionality that is not appropriate for the deeply-embedded
RTOS (such as <code>fork()</code>).
Because of this standards conformance, software developed under other
standard OSs (such as Linux) should port easily to NuttX.
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