Summary of ZiLOG analysis: "This is a ZNEO compiler problem. ... [a] workaround
is to replace:
if ( !timerid || (clockid != 0) )
if ((clockid != 0) || !timerid)"
Description: The pascal add-on does not work with the z16f (that is
configuration z16f2800100zcog/pashello). This appears to be
another ZDS-II error: when executing the instruction
SYSIO 0, WRITESTR a large case statement is executed. This
involves a call into the ZiLOG runtime library to __uwcase().
__uwcase is passed a pointer to a structure containing jump
information. The cause of the failure appears to be that
the referenced switch data is bad.
This is submited as ZiLOG support incident 81459.
Summary of ZiLOG analysis: "This is a ZNEO run time library problem.
One workaround is to replace the line 58 in uwcase.asm
ADD R9,#4 ; Skip handler
ADD R9,#2 ; Skip handler
And add uwcase.asm to the project.
If the customer does not want to modify uwcase.asm then the other
workaround is to add a dummy case and make it same as default:
case 0x8000:
This will make sure that uwcase is not called but ulcase is called."
Status: Open. Due to licensing issues, I cannot include the modified
uwcase in the NuttX code base.
Description: Add support to maintain SPOV in context switching. This
improvement will provide protection against stack overflow
and make a safer system solution.
Status: Open
Priority: Low
Description: Add support for prioritized interrupts. Currently logic supports
only nominal interrupt priority.
Status: Open
Priority: Low
Description: Upgrade to the ZDS-II ZNEO 4.11.1 toolchain
Status: Open
Priority: Low
Description: The file drivers/mmcsd/mmcsd_sdio.c generates an internal compiler
error like:
Internal Error(0503) On line 2504 of "MMCSD\MMCSD_SDIO.C"
File <c3>, Args(562,46)
Status: Open. Recommended workaround: remove mmcsd_sdio.c from
drivers/mmcsd/Make.defs. There is no SDIO support for the Z16 anyway
Priority: Low
o mc68hc1x (arch/hc)
Description: There is no script for building in banked mode (more correctly, there
is a script, but logic inside the script has not yet been implemented).
It would be necessary to implement banked mode to able to access more
the 48Kb of FLASH.
Status: Open.