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Commit 50f2fe30 authored by patacongo's avatar patacongo
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Prep for 0.4.13 release

git-svn-id: svn:// 42af7a65-404d-4744-a932-0658087f49c3
parent 63ea6396
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Tags nuttx-4.13
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......@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
LCD driver and NX bringup on the eval board's display and MicroSD support. An SPI
driver was included in the 0.4.12 release, but is not yet tested.
0.4.13 2009-xx-xx Gregory Nutt <>
0.4.13 2009-11-04 Gregory Nutt <>
* include/nuttx/mtd.h. Added a simple interface definition to support some
FLASH, EEPROM, NVRAM, etc. devices.
......@@ -932,10 +932,9 @@
* arch/arm/src/stm32/ - You have to configure CTS/RTS function pins for USART
2 and USART 3 even if you are not using flow control.
* arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_usbdev.c - Added a USB device-side driver for the
NOTE: This STM32 USB driver is not yet fully untested
STM32. NOTE: This is an early release of the USB driver. There is at least
one known issue. The examples/usbserial test only executes correctly under
certain conditions (see the full bug description in the TODO list).
* arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_rcc.c - Fixed an error in clock initialization.
On some boards (none of mine), the HSE (high speed external clock) delay
loop times out if the optimization level is high. The STM32 then falls
......@@ -947,3 +946,4 @@
certain range. Worked fine until you try to use an interrupt in that
0.4.14 2009-xx-xx Gregory Nutt <>
......@@ -732,28 +732,43 @@
This 44<sup>th</sup> release of NuttX was made on October 17, 2009 and is available for download from the
This 45<sup>th</sup> release of NuttX was made on November 4, 2009 and is available for download from the
<a href="">SourceForge</a> website.
The change log associated with the release is available <a href="#currentrelease">here</a>.
Unreleased changes after this release are available in CVS.
These unreleased changes are listed <a href="#pendingchanges">here</a>.
This release adds basic support for the STMicro STM32, Cortex-M3 MCU.
The specific port is to the STMicro STM3210E-EVAL development board based around the STM32F103ZET6 MCU.
Some highlights of this port:
The release extends the support for the STMicro STM32 microcontroller.
Minimul support for the STM3210E-EVAL development board based around the STM32F103ZET6
MCU was released in NuttX-0.4.12.
This release adds:
<li>This basic port includes boot-up logic, interrupt driven serial console, and system timer interrupts.<li>
<li>The port includes a basic STMicro RIDE7 project that can be used to perform basic STM32 board bring-up
(due to RIDE7 size limitations, it cannot be used for the full NuttX testing, unfortunately).<li>
<li>Working, Tested Configurations: the NuttX OS test and the NuttShell (NSH) example.<li>
<li>A simple interface definition to support some FLASH, EEPROM, NVRAM, etc. devices.</li>
<li>Verified SPI operation using driver for SPI based FLASH parts M25P64 and M25P128.</li>
<li>Improved Cortex-M3 context switching.
This should improve context switching performance be 2x in certain cases.</li>
<li>Added a USB device-side driver for the STM32.
This is an early release of a very complex driver; some bugs are expected.</li>
<li>The USB driver has been verified against the USB serial device class driver.
There is at least one known outstanding issue (see the full bug description in
the TODO list).</li>
It is planned to extend this basic STM32 port for the 0.4.13 NuttX release.
Additional functionality needed for complete STM32 support includes:
USB device driver, LCD driver and NX bringup on the development board's display and MicroSD support.
An SPI driver and a DMA support was included in this 0.4.12 release, but is not yet tested.
This release also corrects some important bugs in the early STM32 release:
<li>Fixed several errors the prevented operation of NuttX on an STM32 development
board using USART2 as the serial console.</li>
<li>Fixed and optimization-dependent race condition in the clock initialization.</li>
<li>Fixed a critical bug in the interrupt control logic that could cause interrupt
operations to failed used for interrupts in a certain range.</li>
DMA and external memory support are included in the 0.4.13 release, but is not yet tested.
This basic STM32 port will be further extended in the 0.4.14 NuttX release to include
MicroSD support and verified USB mass storage class support.
<table width ="100%">
......@@ -973,13 +988,14 @@
The basic STM32 port was released in NuttX version 0.4.12. This basic port includes boot-up
The basic STM32 port was released in NuttX version 0.4.12. The basic port includes boot-up
logic, interrupt driven serial console, and system timer interrupts.
Verified configurations are available for NuttX OS test and the NuttShell (NSH) example.
This basic STM32 port will be extended in the 0.4.13 NuttX release. Functionality needed
for complete STM32 support includes: USB device driver, LCD driver and NX bringup on the
development board's display and MicroSD support. An SPI driver and a DMA support was included
in the 0.4.12 release, but is not yet tested.
The 0.4.13 release added support for SPI, serial FLASH, and USB device.
Verified configurations are available for NuttX OS test, the NuttShell (NSH) example,
and a USB serial device class.
DMA and external memory support are included in the 0.4.13 release, but is not yet tested.
This basic STM32 port will be further extended in the 0.4.14 NuttX release to include
MicroSD support and verified USB mass storage class support.
<b>Development Environments:</b>
......@@ -1518,54 +1534,7 @@ Other memory:
0.4.12 2009-10-17 Gregory Nutt <>
* arch/arm/src/stm32 and configs/stm3210e-eval. Added basic support for the
STMicro STM32, Cortex-M3 MCU. The specific port is to the STMicro STM3210E-EVAL
development board based around the STM32F103ZET6 MCU.
* configs/stm3210e-eval/RIDE. Added a basic STMicro RIDE7 project that can be
used to perform basic STM32 board bring-up (due to RIDE7 size limitations, it
cannot be used for the full NuttX bring-up).
* configs/stm3210e-eval/ostest. The STM32 now passes the basic NuttX OS test
at examples/ostest. The rest should be a piece of cake.
* configs/stm3210e-eval/nsh. Added NuttShell (NSH) example.
* configs/stm3210e-eval/src/stm32102e-internal.h. Fix on-board LED GPIO definitions.
* arch/arm/src/stm32/src/stm32/stm32_dma.c. Added DMA channel support for the STM32
* arch/arm/src/stm32/src/stm32/stm32_spi.c. Added a DMA-based SPI driver for the STM32.
* arch/arm/src/stm32/src/stm32/stm32_serial.c. Finished interrupt-drivent,
USART console driver. This makes NSH work perfectly.
* Things left to do for the STM32 deferred to the 0.4.13 release: USB device driver,
LCD driver and NX bringup on the eval board's display and MicroSD support. An SPI
driver was included in the 0.4.12 release, but is not yet tested.
pascal-0.1.2 2008-02-10 Gregory Nutt &lt;;
* Add logic to build and link with the ZDS-II toolchain
use with the z16f.
* Make sure that POFF header structures are aligned
* Standardized POFF file format to big-endian
* Break up large switch statements to lower complexity
and eliminate a compiler bug
* Changes so that runtime compiles with SDCC.
buildroot-0.1.7 2009-06-26 &lt;;
* configs/avr-defconfig-4.3.3: Added support for AVR to support a NuttX
port of the ATmega128.
* toolchain/nxflat: Added logic to build NuttX NXFLAT binding support tools
* toolchain/genromfs: Added support for the genromfs tool
<table width ="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#e4e4e4">
<a name="pendingchanges">Unreleased Changes</a>
nuttx-0.4.13 2009-xx-xx Gregory Nutt &lt;;
nuttx-0.4.13 2009-11-04 Gregory Nutt &lt;;
* include/nuttx/mtd.h. Added a simple interface definition to support some
FLASH, EEPROM, NVRAM, etc. devices.
......@@ -1584,10 +1553,9 @@ nuttx-0.4.13 2009-xx-xx Gregory Nutt &lt;;
* arch/arm/src/stm32/ - You have to configure CTS/RTS function pins for USART
2 and USART 3 even if you are not using flow control.
* arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_usbdev.c - Added a USB device-side driver for the
NOTE: This STM32 USB driver is not yet fully tested
STM32. NOTE: This is an early release of the USB driver. There is at least
one known issue. The examples/usbserial test only executes correctly under
certain conditions (see the full bug description in the TODO list).
* arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_rcc.c - Fixed an error in clock initialization.
On some boards (none of mine), the HSE (high speed external clock) delay
loop times out if the optimization level is high. The STM32 then falls
......@@ -1599,6 +1567,35 @@ nuttx-0.4.13 2009-xx-xx Gregory Nutt &lt;;
certain range. Worked fine until you try to use an interrupt in that
pascal-0.1.2 2008-02-10 Gregory Nutt &lt;;
* Add logic to build and link with the ZDS-II toolchain
use with the z16f.
* Make sure that POFF header structures are aligned
* Standardized POFF file format to big-endian
* Break up large switch statements to lower complexity
and eliminate a compiler bug
* Changes so that runtime compiles with SDCC.
buildroot-0.1.7 2009-06-26 &lt;;
* configs/avr-defconfig-4.3.3: Added support for AVR to support a NuttX
port of the ATmega128.
* toolchain/nxflat: Added logic to build NuttX NXFLAT binding support tools
* toolchain/genromfs: Added support for the genromfs tool
<table width ="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#e4e4e4">
<a name="pendingchanges">Unreleased Changes</a>
nuttx-0.4.14 2009-xx-xx Gregory Nutt &lt;;
pascal-0.1.3 2009-xx-xx Gregory Nutt &lt;;
buildroot-0.1.8 2009-xx-xx &lt;;
......@@ -1003,3 +1003,29 @@ in this 0.4.12 release, but is not yet tested.
This tarball contains a complete CVS snapshot from October 17, 2009
This is the 45th release of NuttX. The release extends the support for the STMicro
STM32 microcontroller. Minimul support for the STM3210E-EVAL development board based
around the STM32F103ZET6 MCU was released in NuttX-0.4.12. This release adds:
* A simple interface definition to support some FLASH, EEPROM, NVRAM, etc. devices.
* Verified SPI operation using driver for SPI based FLASH parts M25P64 and M25P128.
* Improved Cortex-M3 context switching. This should improve context switching
performance be 2x in certain cases.
* Added a USB device-side driver for the STM32. This is an early release of a
very complex driver; some bugs are expected.
* The USB driver has been verified against the USB serial device class driver.
There is at least one known outstanding issue (see the full bug description in
the TODO list).
This release also corrects some important bugs in the early STM32 release:
* Fixed several errors the prevented operation of NuttX on an STM32 development
board using USART2 as the serial console.
* Fixed and optimization-dependent race condition in the clock initialization.
* Fixed a critical bug in the interrupt control logic that could cause interrupt
operations to failed used for interrupts in a certain range.
This tarball contains a complete CVS snapshot from November 4, 2009
NuttX TODO List (Last updated October 20, 2009)
NuttX TODO List (Last updated November 4, 2009)
(5) Task/Scheduler (sched/)
......@@ -657,16 +657,28 @@ o ARM/STM32 (arch/arm/src/stm32/)
Status: Open
Priority: Medium
Description USB device-side driver
Description A USB device-side driver is in place but not well tested. At
present, the examples/usbserial test sometimes fails. The situation
that causes the failure is:
- Host-side of the test started after the target side sends the
first serial message.
The general failure is as follows:
- The target message pends in the endpoint packet memory
- When the host-side of the test is stated, it correctly
reads this pending data.
- an EP correct transfer interrupt occurs and the next
pending outgoing message is setup
- But, the host never receives the next message
If the host-side driver is started before the first target message
is sent, the driver works fine.
Status: Open
Priority: Medium-High
Description: Framebuffer/LCD driver needed (I don't know if it can handle a
framebuffer or not).
Status: Open
Priority: High
Description: FSMC externmal memory support is untested
Description: FSMC external memory support is untested
Status: Opon
Priority: Low
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