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table.cpp 27.8 KiB
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#include "simul/table.h"
#include "simul/robot.h"
#include "strategieV2.h"
Victor Dubois's avatar
Victor Dubois committed
#define COUPE_2016
#ifndef ROBOTHW
#include <QDebug>

#define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950
hilnius's avatar
hilnius committed
//#include "commandGoTo.h"
#include <cmath>

Table* Table::_instance = NULL;

Table* Table::getMainInstance()
    return _instance;

Position getCase(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
    return Position(450 + i*350, j*350);

Position getCaseCenter(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
    return Position(625 + i*350, 175 + j*350);
b2AABB Table::getWorldAABB()
	b2AABB a;
    a.upperBound.Set(tableWidth, tableHeight);
	return a;

Table::Table(MainWindow *mainWi, QWidget* parent, bool isYellow): QWidget(parent),
    #ifdef BOX2D_2_0_1
        world(getWorldAABB(),b2Vec2(0.f,0.f), false))
    mHideTable          = false;
    mDisplayRoute       = false;
    mDisplayStrategy    = true;
    mRemoteMod          = false;
    mTimerAdjust        = 0;

    mainWindow          = mainWi;

Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
    robotRoute = QImage(tableWidth, tableHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32);

Victor Dubois's avatar
Victor Dubois committed
    contactListenerTable = ContactListener();
	QPalette p = palette();

    // ####### création des robots ######
    //Robot à nous
    robots.push_back(new Robot(world, false, isYellow)); // une seule odometrie, il faut donc mettre ce robot en dernier (celui commandé par la strat)
    //Robot adversaire
    robots.push_back(new Robot(world, true, !isYellow));

Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
Victor Dubois's avatar
Victor Dubois committed
    bodyDef.position.Set(0., 0.);
	tableBody = world.CreateBody(&bodyDef);

	b2PolygonDef box;
	b2PolygonDef &fixture = box;
	b2PolygonShape box;
	b2FixtureDef fixture;
	fixture.shape = &box;
	fixture.friction = 0.5;
	fixture.density = 0;

#ifdef BOX2D_2_0_1
#define CreateFixture CreateShape
    box.SetAsBox(30,0, b2Vec2(0,0),0);
    box.SetAsBox(0,20, b2Vec2(0,0),0);
    box.SetAsBox(0,20, b2Vec2(30,0),0);
    box.SetAsBox(30,0, b2Vec2(0,20),0);
Victor Dubois's avatar
Victor Dubois committed
    // load the graphics of the game.
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<robots.size();i++)
        delete robots[i];
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objets.size();i++)
        delete objets[i];
Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
void Table::createObjects()

ZHAO Fei's avatar
ZHAO Fei committed
#ifdef COUPE_2016

    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(928.,2000.), Objet::FILET, 0, QColor(255, 0, 0)));

   objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(592.,842.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(650.,842.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(592.,900.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(650.,900.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));

    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2292.,842.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2350.,842.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2292.,900.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2350.,900.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));

   objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1026.,0.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));

    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1084.,0.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));

    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1026.,58.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));

    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1084.,58.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));

    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1860.,8.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1918.,8.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1860.,58.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1918.,58.), Objet::SANDCUBE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));

  objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(650.,900.), Objet::SANDCYLINDER, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2350.,900.), Objet::SANDCYLINDER, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
   /* objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(884.,58.), Objet::SANDCYLINDER, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2118.,58.), Objet::SANDCYLINDER, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));*/
   objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(650.,900.), Objet::SANDCONE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2350.,900.), Objet::SANDCONE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    /*objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(884.,58.), Objet::SANDCONE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2118.,58.), Objet::SANDCONE, 0, QColor(232, 140, 0)));*/

    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(0.,0.), Objet::PORTE, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2100.,0.), Objet::PORTE, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(0.,0.), Objet::MER, 0, QColor(135,206,250)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(650.,2020.), Objet::POISSON, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2700.,1985.), Objet::POISSON, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));

#define SHELL_2
#ifdef SHELL_1
    //Coquillages neutres
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2800.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2800.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1500.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1500.,1850.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(200.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(200.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));

    //Coquillages verts
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2100.,1450.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1200.,1650.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));

    //Coquillages violets
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1800.,1650.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(900.,1450.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));

#ifdef SHELL_2
    //Coquillages neutres
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2800.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1500.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1500.,1850.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(200.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));

    //Coquillages verts
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2800.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2100.,1450.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1800.,1650.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));

    //Coquillages violets
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(900.,1450.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1200.,1650.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(200.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
#ifdef SHELL_3
    //Coquillages neutres
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2800.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2300.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(700.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(200.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    //Coquillages verts
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2800.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2300.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1800.,1650.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));

    //Coquillages violets
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1200.,1650.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(700.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(200.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));

#ifdef SHELL_4
    //Coquillages neutres
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2300.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1800.,1650.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(1200.,1650.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(700.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));

    //Coquillages verts
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2800.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2800.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2300.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));

    //Coquillages violets
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(700.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(200.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(200.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
#ifdef SHELL_5
    //Coquillages neutres
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2300.,1850.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(700.,1850.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(241, 240, 234)));

    //Coquillages verts
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2800.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2800.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2300.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(700.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(54, 103, 53)));

    //Coquillages violets
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(700.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(200.,1250.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(200.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));
    objets.push_back(new Objet(world, Position(2300.,1550.), Objet::SHELL, 0, QColor(132, 76, 130)));

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Alexandre Manoury committed

void Table::removeAllObjects()
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objets.size();i++)
        delete objets[i];

void Table::hideTable(bool hidden)
    mHideTable = hidden;

void Table::displayRoute(bool display)
    mDisplayRoute = display;

void Table::displayStrategy(bool display)
    mDisplayStrategy = display;

void Table::clearRoute()
    robotRoute = QImage(tableWidth, tableHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32);

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Alexandre Manoury committed
void Table::setRemoteMod(bool remote)
    mRemoteMod = remote;

    if (mRemoteMod)
        if (DebugWindow::getInstance()->getBluetoothWindow()->isConnected())
            KrabiPacket p(KrabiPacket::REMOTE_MOD_SET);

    else if (DebugWindow::getInstance()->getBluetoothWindow()->isConnected())
        KrabiPacket p(KrabiPacket::REMOTE_MOD_RESET);

bool Table::isInRemoteMod()
    return mRemoteMod;

float Table::getCurrentTime()
    return mRemoteMod ? (mTime.elapsed() + mTimerAdjust) / 1000. : StrategieV2::getTimeSpent()/1000.;

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Alexandre Manoury committed
void Table::treat(KrabiPacket &packet)
    case KrabiPacket::LOG_NORMAL:
    case KrabiPacket::LOG_DEBUG:
        DebugWindow::getInstance()->getBluetoothInterface()->log(packet.getString(), true);
    case KrabiPacket::WATCH_VARIABLE:
    case KrabiPacket::ASSERV_RESULT:
        uint32_t time = packet.get<uint32_t>();
        float vitesseLin = packet.get<float>();
        float vitesseLinE = packet.get<float>();
        float linearDuty = packet.get<float>();
        float vitesseAng = packet.get<float>();
        float vitesseAngE = packet.get<float>();
        float angularDuty = packet.get<float>();

        qDebug() << "Krabi Results" << time;

        if (time == 0)
        if (DebugWindow::getInstance()->getAsservWindow()->graphLinear())
            DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(0, "Linear Speed", vitesseLin, time);
            DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(1, "Linear Target", vitesseLinE, time);
        if (DebugWindow::getInstance()->getAsservWindow()->graphAngular())
            DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(2, "Angular Speed", vitesseAng, time);
            DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(3, "Angular Target", vitesseAngE, time);
        if (DebugWindow::getInstance()->getAsservWindow()->graphDuty())
            DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(6, "Linear Duty", linearDuty, time);
            DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(7, "Angular Duty", angularDuty, time);
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Alexandre Manoury committed
    case KrabiPacket::TIME_SYNC:
        int t = packet.get<uint16_t>();
        long diff = t - (mTime.elapsed() + mTimerAdjust);
        if (abs(diff) > 25)
            qDebug() << "Timer sync error" << diff << "ms";
        /*if (diff < -1500)
            qDebug() << "Timer restart";
        mTimerAdjust = t - mTime.elapsed();
        //qDebug() << "Timer" << t << t / 1000 << t % 1000;
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Alexandre Manoury committed
        qDebug() << "Uncaught packet : " << << packet.length();

void Table::watch(KrabiPacket &packet)
    uint16_t type = packet.get<uint16_t>();

    case KrabiPacket::W_POSITION:
        float x = packet.get<float>();
        float y = packet.get<float>();
        float ang = packet.get<float>();

        PositionPlusAngle newPos = PositionPlusAngle(Position(x, y), ang);

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Alexandre Manoury committed
        if (previousPosition)
            DebugWindow::getInstance()->getOdometrieWindow()->addRelative(newPos.position - previousPos.position, newPos.angle - previousPos.angle);
        previousPos = newPos;
        previousPosition = true;
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Alexandre Manoury committed
    case KrabiPacket::W_SPEED:
        float l = packet.get<float>();
        float a = packet.get<float>();
        DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(0, "Linear Speed", l);
        DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(1, "Angular Speed", a * 100.);
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Alexandre Manoury committed
Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
    case KrabiPacket::W_SPEED_TARGET:
        float l = packet.get<float>();
        float a = packet.get<float>();
        DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(2, "Linear Target", l);
        DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(3, "Angular Target", a * 100.);
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Alexandre Manoury committed
    case KrabiPacket::W_PID_ANG:
        float p = packet.get<float>();
        float i = packet.get<float>();
        float d = packet.get<float>();

        DebugWindow::getInstance()->getAsservWindow()->settingsReceivedAngular(p, i, d);
    case KrabiPacket::W_PID_LIN:
        float p = packet.get<float>();
        float i = packet.get<float>();
        float d = packet.get<float>();

        DebugWindow::getInstance()->getAsservWindow()->settingsReceivedLinear(p, i, d);
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Alexandre Manoury committed
    case KrabiPacket::W_ODOMETRIE:
        float wheelsize = packet.get<float>();
        float interaxis = packet.get<float>();

        DebugWindow::getInstance()->getOdometrieWindow()->settingsReceived(wheelsize, interaxis);
    case KrabiPacket::W_WATCHES:
    case KrabiPacket::W_SHARPS:
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Alexandre Manoury committed
Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
        qDebug() << "Uncaught watch : " << type;
void Table::resetTimer()
    mTimerAdjust = -mTime.elapsed();

hilnius's avatar
hilnius committed
	for(unsigned int i=0; i < robots.size(); i++)
Victor Dubois's avatar
Victor Dubois committed
       // robots[i]->interact(elements);
hilnius's avatar
hilnius committed

       // std::cout << Odometrie::odometrie->getPos().getPosition().getX() << " " <<  Odometrie::odometrie->getPos().getPosition().getY() << std::endl;
hilnius's avatar
hilnius committed
        QPoint posBougie, posMarteau, tester;
        for (unsigned int i = 12; i < 20; i++) {
            posBougie = p_bougies[i].getPosition();
            posMarteau = robots[0]->getLeftUpperHammerPos();
            tester = QPoint(posBougie - posMarteau );
            if (tester.manhattanLength() < 40)
            posBougie = p_bougies[i].getPosition();
            posMarteau = robots[0]->getRightUpperHammerPos();
            tester = QPoint(posBougie - posMarteau );
            if (tester.manhattanLength() < 40)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
            posBougie = p_bougies[i].getPosition();
            posMarteau = robots[0]->getLeftLowerHammerPos();
            tester = QPoint(posBougie - posMarteau );
            if (tester.manhattanLength() < 40)
            posBougie = p_bougies[i].getPosition();
            posMarteau = robots[0]->getRightLowerHammerPos();
            tester = QPoint(posBougie - posMarteau );
            if (tester.manhattanLength() < 40)
Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
    QPainter painter(&robotRoute);
    painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::red, 8, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));

    Position posRobot = getMainRobot()->getPos().getPosition();

    painter.drawPoint(posRobot.x, posRobot.y);
    QString sharpsChecked = "";

    for (int i = 0; i < SharpSensor::END_SHARP_NAME; i++)
        if (StrategieV2::getSharpsToCheck()[i])
            sharpsChecked.append((!sharpsChecked.isEmpty() ? QString(", ") : QString()) + QString::number(i));

    debugText += "   x : " + QString::number(getMainRobot()->getPos().position.getX()) + " mm\n";
    debugText += "   y : " + QString::number(getMainRobot()->getPos().position.getY()) + " mm\n";
    debugText += "   angle : " + QString::number(getMainRobot()->getPos().getAngle()*180/M_PI) + " °\n\n";
    debugText += "   lin : " + QString::number(getMainRobot()->getVitesseLineaire()) + " \n";
    debugText += "   ang : " + QString::number(getMainRobot()->getVitesseAngulaire()) + " \n\n";
    debugText += "Time : " + QString::number(mRemoteMod ? (mTime.elapsed() + mTimerAdjust) / 1000. : StrategieV2::getTimeSpent()/1000.) + " s\n\n";
    debugText += "Sharps : \n " + sharpsChecked + "\n\n";

    debugText += "Detected beacons: \n";
    PositionsList l = Tourelle::getSingleton()->getPositionsList();
        for(size_t i=0;i<l.size();++i)
            debugText += ("Distance: " + QString::number(l[i].distance) + "mm Angle: " + QString::number(l[i].angle) + " degs\n");
        debugText += "\n";
        debugText += "None\n\n";

    if (!mRemoteMod)
        DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(0, "Linear Speed", robots[1]->getVitesseLineaire());
        DebugWindow::getInstance()->plot(1, "Angular Speed", robots[1]->getVitesseAngulaire() * 100.);
	world.Step((float)dt/1000., 10);
	world.Step((float)dt/1000., 10, 10);
	for(unsigned int i=0; i < objets.size(); i++)
Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
    if (!mHideTable)
        QFont font;

        p.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, tableWidth, tableHeight), QBrush(Qt::gray));

        // draw a grid
        // 100 mm

        for(int i(100); i < tableWidth; i+=100)
            p.drawLine(QPoint(i, 0), QPoint(i, tableHeight));
        for(int i(100); i < tableHeight; i+=100)
            p.drawLine(QPoint(0, i), QPoint(tableWidth, i));

        // 200 mm

        for(int i(0); i < tableWidth; i+=200)
            p.drawLine(QPoint(i, 0), QPoint(i, tableHeight));
            p.drawText(QPoint(i + 16, 32), QString::number(i));
        for(int i(0); i < tableHeight; i+=200)
            p.drawLine(QPoint(0, i), QPoint(tableWidth, i));
            p.drawText(QPoint(16, i), QString::number(i));

        // 1000 mm
Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
        for(int i(1000); i < tableWidth; i+=1000)
            p.drawLine(QPoint(i, 0), QPoint(i, tableHeight));
        for(int i(1000); i < tableHeight; i+=1000)
            p.drawLine(QPoint(0, i), QPoint(tableWidth, i));
Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
    if (mDisplayRoute)
        p.drawImage(0, 0, robotRoute);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < objets.size(); i++)


    for(unsigned int i=0; i < 20; i++)
	for(unsigned int i=0; i < robots.size(); i++)
   /* PositionPlusAngle** path = CommandGoTo::path();
	if (path)
		for(unsigned int i=0; i+1 < PATH_LENGTH; i++)
		p.drawLine(path[i]->position.x, -path[i]->position.y, path[i+1]->position.x, -path[i+1]->position.y);

    // On dessine le graphe de la strat
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Alexandre Manoury committed

    p.drawText( QPoint(2625,100), "Pos X : ");
    p.drawText( QPoint(2800,100), QString::number(robots[1]->getPos().position.getX()));
    p.drawText( QPoint(2625,200), "Pos Y : ");
    p.drawText( QPoint(2800,200), QString::number(robots[1]->getPos().position.getY()));
    p.drawText( QPoint(2625,300), "Angle : ");
    p.drawText( QPoint(2800,300), QString::number(robots[1]->getPos().getAngle()*180/M_PI));
    p.drawText( QPoint(2625,400), "Timer : ");
    p.drawText( QPoint(2800,400), QString::number(StrategieV2::getTimeSpent()/1000.) + " s");

    p.drawText( QPoint(2625,500), "Check Sharps: ");
    QString sharpsChecked = "";

    for (int i = 0; i < SharpSensor::END_SHARP_NAME; i++)
        if (StrategieV2::getSharpsToCheck()[i])
            sharpsChecked.append((!sharpsChecked.isEmpty() ? QString(", ") : QString()) + QString::number(i));

    p.drawText( QPoint(2625,600), sharpsChecked);*/
void Table::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* evt, bool press)
	for(unsigned int i=0; i < robots.size(); i++)
		robots[i]->keyPressEvent(evt, press);
hilnius's avatar
hilnius committed

void Table::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* evt, bool)
    float x = (evt->x()/900.0) * tableWidth;
    float y = (evt->y()/600.0) * tableHeight;
    qDebug() << "X : " << x << "    -    Y : " << y;
Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
    if (evt->button() == Qt::RightButton && DebugWindow::getInstance()->getAsservWindow()->clickGoto())
Alexandre Manoury's avatar
Alexandre Manoury committed
        qDebug() << "Send the robot !";
        KrabiPacket p(KrabiPacket::RUN_GOTO);
        p.add((float) x);
        p.add((float) y);
        p.add((float) -1.f);

Position getSideElemCenter(bool right, unsigned int elem)
	return Position(right ? 200 : 2800, 1810 - elem*280);
float Table::getDistanceToObject(Position pos)
    float min = 1000000;
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < objets.size(); i++)
        if ((objets[i]->getPosition() - pos).getNorme() < min)
            min = (objets[i]->getPosition() - pos).getNorme();
    return min;

void Table::removeClosestObject(Position pos)
    int minID = -1;
    float min = 1000000;
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < objets.size(); i++)
        if ((objets[i]->getPosition() - pos).getNorme() < min)
            minID = i;
            min = (objets[i]->getPosition() - pos).getNorme();
    if (minID > 0)

Robot* Table::getMainRobot()
    return robots.front();

std::vector<Objet*> Table::findObjectsNear(Position pos, Distance searchRadius, Objet::Type type)
    std::vector<Objet*> r;

    for(std::vector<Objet*>::iterator it = objets.begin(); it != objets.end(); ++it)
        if ((type == Objet::ANY || (*it)->getType() == type) && (*it)->isNear(pos, searchRadius))

    return r;
QList<PositionData> Table::getBeaconsRelativePosition(Robot* refBot)
    refBot = (!refBot)?getMainRobot():refBot;

    Position refPosition = refBot->getPos().getPosition();
    float refAngle       = refBot->getPos().getAngle();
    QList<PositionData> positions;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < robots.size(); ++i)
        if(robots[i] == refBot)

        float x = (refPosition - robots[i]->getPos().getPosition()).x;
        float y = (refPosition - robots[i]->getPos().getPosition()).y;

        PositionData polarPosition;
        polarPosition.distance = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
        polarPosition.angle = static_cast<unsigned long>((atan2(y, x) + refAngle) * 180.f / 3.1415f)%360;


    return positions;